Articles Tagged with violent

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An Illinois college student was arrested on several charges after reportedly bringing a fellow student to his dorm room and allegedly spending hours attacking her and assaulting her with a deadly weapon.

On the morning of February 26, a woman who attends Lake Forest College met up with a 22-year-old acquaintance who works at the college as a tutor. According to reports, the pair eventually ended up in the man’s dorm room. While there, things reportedly took a violent turn when he allegedly attacked the woman and held her at knifepoint. When the alleged victim spoke out about the incident, she reported “The blade was against my throat. If I moved, if I breathed a little bit too heavy, my throat would’ve been sliced.” Hours later, the woman was able to leave the room, and the authorities were notified.

The man was taken into custody by the Lake Forest Police Department on suspicion of felony aggravated battery, aggravated assault and two counts of battery. In Illinois, as of September 18, 2023, “judges are no longer allowed to order someone charged with a crime to pay money as a condition of their pretrial release” due to the SAFE-T Act amendment. As such, the suspect was released with the conditions that he is not permitted to leave the state, and he must stay away from the alleged victim. Additionally, it was reported that he is no longer allowed on the Lake Forest College campus.

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A woman is facing legal consequences after reportedly threatening to burn down a daycare center if her child, who is currently in foster care, was not given back to her.

Last August, a woman was involved in an incident after she showed up at a man’s residence and allegedly became violent and destroyed his personal belongings. She had her 2-year-old in her arms during the alleged tirade, and she reportedly held the child in a way that could have caused serious harm. When the police arrived, she was booked into the Broward County jail on suspicion of child abuse, child neglect, criminal mischief, and resisting arrest. The woman was released after posting a bond, and the child was placed in foster care.

According to reports, she showed up at KinderCare in Boynton Beach on multiple occasions in a purported attempt to see her daughter. The first incident occurred on December 31, when the woman showed up at the daycare center at a time when she knew the child would be there. When the girl’s foster parent spotted her, she told the mother she had to leave. She reportedly returned to the daycare on January 23, and someone stopped her when they believed she was trying to take the toddler. A week later, the woman, who was reportedly carrying a butane lighter and fire extinguisher, went back to the daycare and confronted her daughter’s foster parent. A security guard intervened, and the woman left. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department reported that the woman’s identification card, in addition to flammable items, were discovered inside two backpacks near the premises. It was also reported that a voice message was received by the foster parent, and the sender reportedly said they would burn down the daycare if they did not give back the child. The authorities believed the voice in the message matched the youngster’s mother’s voice.

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An Arkansas man was arrested after he allegedly became physically violent during an incident with his family members.

Late in the morning on January 11, a man in Paragould became engaged in a dispute with his partner, who was reportedly upset because she believed he was sleeping with someone else. The man allegedly held her down on a bed and began choking her. Youngsters were in the home during the incident, and one of them reportedly grabbed a stick and struck the man with it before running out the door. The authorities were notified, and officers with the Paragould Police Department headed to the address to investigate.

They talked to the woman about the situation and noted that she had a cut on her leg. She told them the man was throwing things at her and something cut her. The officers also reported that the juvenile who hit the man with a stick had marks on his wrists, which he said he got when the man struck him with a paddle. Two underage girls said they heard the ruckus but did not see anything. One of them gave the officers 4 Clonazepam pills and said they belonged to the man.

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A Florida man and his teenage stepson are facing multiple charges after allegedly becoming violent and shooting at people assisting a woman who crashed on a motorcycle.

Early in the morning on New Year’s Day, a woman was in a minor accident while riding a motorcycle close to her residence. Her friends were nearby when the incident occurred, and they ran over to help her. A 56-year-old man and his stepson were in a nearby home, and they heard the crash. According to reports, instead of joining those assisting the woman, they went outside and became confrontational and violent.

After approaching and yelling at the group, the man allegedly slapped a woman across the face with a flip flop, punched a second woman, and hit a man in the mouth. The teen reportedly had a handgun and allegedly began shooting in the direction of the same man when his stepfather reportedly told him to do so. None of the bullets hit the individuals, who immediately ran away.

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A Florida mom is facing multiple charges after reportedly fighting with the police during her arrest when they learned that she allegedly left four youngsters unattended in her vehicle while she hung out at a bar.

On the evening of December 16, a woman and her 8-year-old child entered the Apple Lounge & Grill. An employee spotted the boy and informed his mom that children were not allowed in the bar. After purportedly leaving the youngster with his father, the woman returned for food and drinks. The bartender reported that they went outside and looked around the parking lot and saw four kids alone in a vehicle. The employee notified the authorities.

Deputies from the Polk County Sheriff’s Department went to the location to investigate, and they reported that the children, who were ages 10 months, 3, 5, and 8 years old, were still in the car. When their mother came outside, the deputies believed she showed several signs of being intoxicated. They interacted with the woman, and she allegedly became violent and kicked one of them.

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A married couple in southeast Virginia was arrested on multiple charges after allegedly becoming violent and stabbing a restaurant employee several times because of a “botched order.”

On the afternoon of November 17, a woman, 45, placed a pick-up order at a MOD Pizza restaurant in Norfolk. When the 24-year-old employee handed her the food, she inspected it and determined that it was not made to her specifications. The woman reportedly engaged in a verbal argument with the man, and it was reported that she was left unsatisfied.

A little while after the incident, the woman called her husband and told him about what transpired when she went to get the food. She reportedly suggested he come to the establishment to “handle the situation.” The man headed to the restaurant and went inside. He reportedly approached the employee that his wife said she fought with, and he allegedly stabbed the man in the back and sliced open his stomach. Afterward, the couple reportedly left before the police arrived.

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A Minnesota man is facing multiple charges for reacting violently to his girlfriend ending their relationship by allegedly crashing her car and shooting at the police.

On the evening of September 21, a 23-year-old man was riding as a passenger while his girlfriend was driving. During the ride, the woman told the man she did not want to date him anymore. He reportedly did not take the news well and allegedly yanked on the steering wheel which caused the vehicle to crash.

Minnesota State Police troopers went to the scene, and when they arrived, the man allegedly had a gun and started shooting at the law enforcement officers. One of the police vehicles was hit with a bullet, but the trooper was not physically injured. When backup police arrived, the suspect allegedly fired more shots in their direction.

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On the evening of August 31, a woman and her 26-year-old boyfriend were at their residence in Beach Park when they began arguing. Things intensified, and the man allegedly became physically violent by striking her and putting his hands around her throat.

The alleged victim was able to get out of the house, and the authorities were notified. Deputies from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office were sent to the couple’s manufactured home to investigate the situation.

When the woman discussed the situation, she said her boyfriend hit and choked her during the altercation. The man was still inside the house, and deputies quickly surrounded the site.

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A woman who was reportedly upset that her fiancé asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement allegedly became physically violent towards him and his brother during the dispute.

According to reports, an engaged couple who live together in St. Petersburg planned their wedding for July 27. On July 21, while other people were present, things between the couple turned sour. The woman reportedly became angry over a prenup that her betrothed expected her to sign prior to the ceremony. The fight reportedly turned physical when she allegedly started to hit her significant other while holding him by the head.

Her future mate’s brother was one of the individuals who reportedly saw the argument as it unfolded, and he decided to try to calm things down when he saw his sibling unsuccessful in his attempts to disengage. When he stepped in, the woman allegedly began biting the man.

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A California man is facing charges after he allegedly assaulted a woman and held a shotgun to her face.

Early in the afternoon on November 30, a 60-year-old man was at the Litchfield home of a woman he knew, and a violent incident allegedly occurred between them. According to reports, the man harmed the woman physically, in addition to holding the barrel of a shotgun against her face.

Around 1:30 PM, the woman notified the authorities, and deputies with the Lassen County Sheriff’s Office went to her residence to investigate. The alleged victim told them what reportedly transpired and said the suspect left before they arrived. She let them know she believed he was at a nearby location and gave the deputies a description of the car he was driving.

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