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Injured Victim of Hit-and-Run Stuck on Car Roof for Two Miles

A man who is facing charges for DUI and felony hit-and-run after an alleged accident involving injury to the victim will learn if the charges against him will result in a trial after a settlement conference takes place in December.

39-year-old Randy Lee Miller from Cathedral City was reportedly driving his Volkswagen through Palm Springs early in the morning on September 11.

Miller, who was on his way home, allegedly hit a man identified as Jared Wright with his vehicle and did not stop traveling. Wright, who was reportedly on the roof of Miller’s car remained there for the next two miles as Miller made his way back to his house.

When first responders arrived at the scene they reported that Wright had likely sustained quite a few injuries. Miller’s car was seen with a broken windshield, and the top of the vehicle displayed marring and blood spots that they believed was a result of the alleged impact with Wright.

It was reported that when Miller spoke with the authorities, he said that he heard a noise and saw that the windshield was cracked but he didn’t stop until he got to his house and he was not carrying his cell phone.

Miller was taken into custody and held in lieu of $25,000 bail for which he made a payment and was released the next day.

On October 24, Miller entered a plea of not guilty to the hit-and-run charge, and to the DUI charge which was issued based on the belief that he was under the influence of sedatives at the time of the accident.

On December 6, a felony settlement conference has been scheduled to discuss the details of Miller’s charges. The conference offers a chance for the prosecution and defense attorneys to meet with the judge and figure out the next step in the case, such as if there should be a trial with jurors, or if a deal will be offered so that a trial may not take place.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a hit-and-run, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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