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An armed South Carolina man was arrested after reportedly holding a woman, two children, and an infant hostage during a standoff with the authorities lasting several hours.

On the evening of April 17, a man, woman, infant, and two children were together in a Gaffney home when a domestic incident reportedly occurred. During the unrest, the woman reportedly became fearful and dialed 911 on her cell phone without the man knowing she called. She said she needed help and then put the phone down. The dispatcher reported that they were able to hear some of what they believed was going on in the home.

Officers from the Gaffney Police Department headed to the address while staying informed about what was heard on the other end of the phone. According to reports, they found out the man in the house was holding the baby while also holding a firearm.

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When his wife refused to allow him to drive, a Florida man allegedly caused her to bleed by hitting her repeatedly in the head and face.

April 12, a married couple from Largo were reportedly at odds over the man, age 78, should be allowed to drive their vehicle. According to his wife, also age 78, his driving privileges were previously suspended, and she was trying to keep him safe. They began to argue, and when the woman held her stance, the domestic unrest reportedly intensified.

According to reports, the woman’s husband became so upset that he allegedly began hitting her in the face and head. Her nose and one of her eyes started bleeding, purportedly because of the alleged battery. The man’s wife of over half a century called 911 to report the situation and request police intervention. While she was on the phone, the man allegedly told her to shut up.

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A defense attorney from North Carolina was arrested after allegedly faking a seizure during her arrest for reportedly striking a woman in the face several times during an argument.

On April 15, a defense attorney was at her law office in Charlotte. According to reports, she was speaking to a woman she suspected was having an affair with one of the firm’s clients who had been to the office earlier in the day. The situation intensified when the attorney allegedly began to yell and use profanity, and then reportedly hit the woman in the face five times. She also allegedly scratched her and caused her to bleed.

The authorities were notified, and officers from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department went to the business to assist. They assessed the situation, and when they reportedly saw blood under the attorney’s nails, the police assumed it was from the cuts on the alleged victim’s face.

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A Florida man was arrested after allegedly striking his roommate in the head with a piece of raw pizza dough because he reportedly thought he was intentionally trying to irritate him.

On the evening of April 11, a 32-year-old man was at the St. Petersburg residence where he lives with his 62-year-old roommate. According to reports, he was in the kitchen working on making a homemade pizza and heard voices in his head that were instructing him about how to prepare the pie.

In the background, his roommate was reportedly making a coughing sound. The man became agitated by the noise and reportedly angrily threw some of the dough on the floor. Afterward, he allegedly picked it up and threw it toward his roommate. The flying unbaked crust reportedly hit the man in the head.

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A North Carolina man was arrested on several charges after the police finally caught him for allegedly having sexual relations with a woman’s vehicle for the past three years.

Mechanophilia, also known as mechaphilia, is defined as having a sexual attraction to machinery, such as vehicles, bicycles, aircraft, and other mechanical objects. While it is an uncommon fetish, over the last three years, an 82-year-old woman’s vehicle has been the object of attraction for a man who reportedly practices mechanophilia.

According to reports, the man, who had no familiarity with the car’s owner, had been visiting her property and performing lewd acts on the automobile. The man allegedly sexually relieved himself on the vehicle many times over the years, in addition to urinating on it. When the woman spotted the wet remnants the first few times, she believed it was due to a mechanical malfunction and brought the car to the shop.

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An Arkansas woman is facing a felony charge after allegedly attacking and injuring a law enforcement officer who went to her apartment complex after neighbors called in complaints about her behavior.

On the afternoon of April 8, the tenants in an apartment complex in Hot Springs reportedly experienced a disturbance caused by one of the residents. The 45-year-old woman was allegedly angry and making a lot of noise outside of her apartment. They decided to call the police to report the situation.

An officer from the Hot Springs Police Department went to the address to see what was going on. When he saw the woman, who was believed to be highly intoxicated, the officer said her arms were cut with the blood dripping down to her hands. When he tried to inspect the cuts, the woman reportedly resisted and hit him in the face.

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A Florida woman reportedly driving a golf cart with four times the legal BAC was arrested for her fifth DUI after allegedly scratching a car that belonged to a man that she was arguing with in a supermarket parking lot.

In the middle of the afternoon on Easter Sunday, a 45-year-old woman from The Villages visited a Winn-Dixie store at La Plaza Grande. She was operating a golf cart, and when she came to a stop sign a man walked across the street to get to the store entrance. The woman reportedly became angry and started yelling at him as he walked inside.

According to reports, she approached the driver’s side of the vehicle where his mother was sitting and left a noticeable scratch by dragging a key across the silver door. The man’s mom notified the authorities, and officers from the Lady Lake Police Department responded.

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A septuagenarian in Florida may face legal action after allegedly threatening a child on a bicycle with a knife when he reportedly became upset that the youngster was riding on the sidewalk.

Just after noon on April 8, a 73-year-old man donning a sunhat and dark sunglasses was walking down the sidewalk parallel to a main street in Winter Springs. According to reports, a boy on a bicycle riding down the same sidewalk tried to ride past him. The man allegedly became upset that the youngster was not riding in the designated bike lane, and he pulled a military-style blade out of his pocket. He reportedly pointed it at the child while scolding him. The boy reportedly immediately went home after telling the man that he was sorry, and the authorities were notified about the situation.

Officers from the Winter Springs Police Department went to talk to the child, who told them he was afraid his life was in danger when the man was allegedly wielding the knife. The police set out to locate the alleged perpetrator, and they saw the person they believed was responsible. When the child was asked if the man looked like the person with the knife, he positively identified him as the suspect.

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After a man in Missouri’s ex got a restraining order against him for allegedly stalking, harassing, and threatening them, he reportedly violated it by continuing to try to interact with them several times a day.

According to reports, a couple from central Missouri ended their relationship at the end of last year and became entangled in a domestic dispute resulting in several visits from the police, and a restraining order.

On March 1, a man went to his ex’s home with the reported intention of talking about their failed relationship. His ex did not invite him, and his presence reportedly made them uncomfortable. When he was asked to leave the property, the man allegedly hit the alleged victim’s vehicle, threatened to break the home’s windows, and became verbally abusive as he departed. The authorities were notified, and sheriffs went to the address in response.

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