Articles Tagged with mistreatment

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The Oregon mother of a 13-year-old girl with cancer is struggling to fight the state for charges against her, and for placing her daughter in the foster system, for deciding to treat the disease homeopathically after she believed traditional medical treatment nearly killed the teen.

Kylee Dixon is the now 13-year-old daughter of Christina Dixon.

In February 2018, Kylee, who was then 11, complained of horrible stomach pain and she was taken to the emergency room for assessment.

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A woman who made the headlines after she was rescued from many years of torture and abuse as a young child has been accused of engaging in sexual encounters with a teenage girl.

The now-25-year-old Lauren Kavanaugh became known to many as “The Girl in the Closet” nearly two decades ago after it was discovered that she was living under a staircase and enduring several types of abuse at the hands of her parents, who were both sentenced to life in prison for the 6 years of mistreatment of the child.

Kavanaugh started a Facebook page to try to lend support to other people who had been through similar experiences and she reportedly made the acquaintance of a teenage girl through the page.

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