
Articles Posted in vagina


Smuggled Loaded Gun Went Unnoticed in Jail for 17 Days

A woman arrested in February allegedly smuggled a firearm into the jail using her genitalia, and it remained with her in the facility for 17 days before the authorities located it. On Valentine’s Day, 39-year-old Missouri resident Amy Natasha Wilhite was taken into custody for an assortment of allegations, including…


Maggots Found in Neglected Elderly Woman’s Urine

A woman in the care of her daughter and granddaughter was reportedly discovered in a health-compromising state of neglect, and the authorities have charged the caregiving family members for the allegations. 47-year-old Shannon Tipton lives with and cares for her 74-year-old mother, of whom she has financial power of attorney,…


Mom Snorted Drugs Stashed in Her Vagina on Way to Jail

While a woman was in the back of a police car en route to jail and in handcuffs, she allegedly removed a bag of white powder from her vagina and snorted some of the contents off the seat next to her. On Friday night, 28-year-old Kathryn Ahlers, her 17-month-old son,…


Suspect Stashed Four Designer Watches in Private Parts

A woman accused of stealing a man’s high-end watches reportedly tried to conceal them inside of her body before she was apprehended by the authorities. A pair who met and spent time together inside of a nightclub in Miami Beach allegedly decided to leave the establishment and have a nightcap…

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