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A Florida Department of Children and Families family care manager was arrested after being accused of getting rough and aggressive with a foster child in his care.

According to reports, the 44-year-old man works for Kids Central, a non-profit agency that specializes in working with abused children and aids DCF. On April 24, he was watching an 11-year-old girl who had not yet been assigned to a full-time foster family. She was initially working with a female case manager, and the woman asked her colleague if he would sit with the girl while she used the restroom.

The woman came back and reportedly saw the youngster crying on a sofa. She alleged that she heard her coworker say something like “You’re not going to pull that (expletive),” and she assumed he was speaking to the girl.

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A man from Rhode Island is facing charges after police purported that he was driving under the influence of alcohol when he rolled his vehicle and crashed into a telephone pole.

Just after midnight on May 4, a 44-year-old man from Lincoln, Rhode Island, was driving a Mercedes on Old River Road. When he was across from the Lincoln Police Department in the Town Hall, he was in a single-vehicle accident. His car rolled over, remained upside down, and smashed into a telephone pole. The pole was “severed from the ground,” causing 911 emergency to be inaccessible for a while.

Officers went to the scene of the crash, and the driver was injured but was conscious and responsive when they started to talk to him. Without accounting for the fact that he had just been in a wreck, the officers noted that the man’s speech did not seem right, and his eyes were bloodshot. They believed this showed indications of him being under the influence of alcohol. According to reports, they wanted him to take roadside sobriety tests, but the man would not give his consent.

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An alleged burglar assisted the police by running up to them and asking them to help him when he was being chased by someone who reportedly caught him trying to break into their home.

On April 29, someone was at their residence in South Creek, Florida, when they caught someone trying to break into the house. The person purported to be the perpetrator began to flee, and the resident chased after them.

A few moments later, the person being chased approached a Coconut Creek Police Department squad car that was stopped at a traffic light. It did not take long for the police to realize the man was being chased by someone who claimed he tried to burglarize their home.

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A Florida lawyer who serves as the president of a homeowners association is facing charges after allegedly pulling a shotgun on children who were fishing at a lake in the housing community.

On April 14, three children, ages 7, 10, and 15, went to a lake in the Stillwater Lakes subdivision, where they had gone fishing on several prior occasions. They brought their poles and gear with the intention of doing so again.

A 56-year-old man, later revealed to be the president of the subdivision’s homeowners association, reportedly angrily approached the youngsters while carrying a shotgun and told them to leave. He allegedly told them the property belonged to him. According to reports, he also threw their belongings in the forest and took a cell phone away from one of the children.

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A man in Florida was arrested at Leesburg Bikefest after allegedly driving a three-wheeler while under the influence of alcohol.

Last Friday, just before midnight, a 64-year-old man was driving a Slingshot “autocycle” in the vicinity of the Leesburg Bikefest. Two officers were walking in the area and saw the vehicle as the man was turning a corner. He allegedly struck the curb and then stopped in the street, and the police asserted that he took the turn too widely.

According to reports, they walked up to talk to the driver, who had a passenger with him, and they learned he was staying in The Villages. He reportedly said he was lost and momentarily lost control of the vehicle. While he was talking to them, the police believed he displayed signs of intoxication.

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When a man went to visit a woman he met online, she allegedly tried to force him to give her money at gunpoint before shooting at him as he ran away after escaping from the residence.

On April 24, a man and woman who met on Facebook and formed a connection decided to meet and spend time together in person. The 28-year-old woman reportedly invited the man to her home.

When he arrived and went inside, the woman, whose two children were home, allegedly acted flirtatiously. The man reportedly responded to her alleged seductiveness, and she allegedly produced a 9mm and insisted he give her cash. She also reportedly tried to stop him from leaving the house. When he got outside and began to drive off, the woman allegedly fired the gun at his vehicle.

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A man in Illinois with several prior DUIs was accused again of driving under the influence after he smashed his vehicle into four parked cars and allegedly tried to run from the scene afterward.

On the evening of April 28, a man from Springfield was driving a Tahoe in an area where cars were parked on the side of the road.  It was reported that he had his travels interrupted when he crashed into four of the parked automobiles. The man, who was arrested on April 22 for allegedly driving under the influence, does not have a valid driver’s license.

According to reports, several people saw the accident as it happened. When the man stepped out of the vehicle, he allegedly tried to flee on foot. The bystanders began chasing him while the police made their way to the scene of the crash.

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A woman from northeastern New Jersey was arrested on multiple charges after allegedly taking her child without permission while driving a vehicle that had previously been reported as stolen.

On April 24, a 28-year-old mother from Jersey City who reportedly does not have custody of her daughter took off in an automobile that was allegedly stolen. According to reports, she drove to an address in Bogota where her daughter was staying. She allegedly knew she was not supposed to take the child, but she reportedly left with her in the vehicle.

The authorities were notified, and it was reported that the child was found at a residence in Lodi with her mother.

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Early last week, the mother of a 10-year-old was arrested after allegedly abusing and injuring her child, in addition to trying to drown him in the bathtub.

According to reports, between April 15 and April 21, the woman took out her aggression on her son after reportedly becoming upset when he told her he would rather live with his father. In response, she allegedly grabbed a bottle of bleach and doused her son with the liquid.

The boy went to the bathroom and got in the tub to wash off, and his mother reportedly entered and held him under the water in an alleged attempt to drown him. It was reported that the youngster pretended to be dead so she would stop. When she realized he was faking, the woman allegedly locked her son in a closet.

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A man who was previously arrested for allegedly barreling into the crowd at the Bakersfield Christmas Parade with over triple the legal BAC was arrested again last week for reportedly driving under the influence.

On December 7, a 72-year-old man from Bakersfield was parked near the path of the Christmas Parade. It was going to start soon, and crowds were gathering to watch the event when the man reportedly got behind the wheel of his truck and backed up. The vehicle reportedly entered the area where they were standing and struck one of the people, who was seriously injured in the accident.

The police reported that a test revealed his BAC was 0.28, and the man was arrested for four counts of assault with a deadly weapon, two DUI counts, and one count of obstructing or resisting a peace officer.

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