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Suspected Thief used Slim Jims as a Weapon 

A woman from central Florida may face charges after allegedly trying to steal from a convenience store and striking an employee with Slim Jim meat sticks when they tried to stop her. 

Around 3:00 PM on January 23, a woman walked into the convenience store attached to a Citgo Gas Station in Pinellas Park. 

According to the police report, as soon as the potential patron entered the building, she began to verbally harass one of the store employees.  

After the alleged confrontation, the woman walked around the establishment to find the items she wanted. 

An employee saw her walking toward the door to leave, and they believed that the woman was trying to sneak food out of the store without paying for it. The worker rushed over before she was able to walk out. 

When the employee attempted to stop her, the woman reportedly shoved them out of her way so she could clear a path to leave the store. 

It was reported that the worker continued to pursue her, and she allegedly produced two Slim Jim meat sticks that she was purportedly trying to steal. The woman reportedly hit the employee with the Slim Jims. 

The authorities were notified, and they identified the suspected thief as a 40-year-old who stays in St. Petersburg but is currently without permanent housing. 

The arrest affidavit shows that the police believed the woman was under the influence of narcotics. 

After she was read her rights, the woman reportedly talked to the officers about the incident. She allegedly told them that she did hit the worker. 

The suspect was taken into custody and booked into the Pinellas County Jail. She is facing preliminary charges of battery, theft, and resisting a merchant. 

She is being held on a $2650 bond. 

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now. 

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