Articles Tagged with contraband

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An Idaho man is facing multiple charges after the authorities reportedly caught him trying to bring methamphetamine and paraphernalia into the jail after he was arrested for driving under the influence.

On the evening of March 16, a 33-year-old man was driving in Bonneville County and allegedly driving over the posted speed limit. A deputy from the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office spotted the vehicle, along with a second vehicle that was also reportedly speeding. The deputy believed the drivers were racing, and the 33-year-old was pulled over.

According to reports, when the deputy interacted with the man, he appeared to be displaying indicators of intoxication. He participated in a roadside sobriety test, and when asked if he had been drinking, he allegedly told the deputy he had consumed alcohol earlier in the evening. When his vehicle was searched, several containers of alcohol, some of which were reportedly open, were allegedly discovered. The police took the driver into custody. He was taken to Idaho Falls Community Hospital so he could have his blood drawn to find out his BAC.

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A Florida man being arrested on a warrant was reportedly found with methamphetamine inside an Advil container in his underwear and denied knowing how it ended up there.

Early in the evening on November 27, deputies with the Indian River Sheriff’s Department served a 46-year-old man with an arrest warrant for allegedly failing to show up for court on a DUI charge.

The man was taken into custody and booked into the Indian River County Jail. While he was changing into his jail clothing, the authorities reportedly discovered a round container with an Advil label on it in his underwear underneath his genitalia. When they looked inside, they reportedly found there was a small bag holding a substance they alleged was methamphetamine.

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When a man accused of taking a 17-day vacation on another person’s dime by allegedly paying with a stolen credit card was being processed into jail, the authorities reportedly located a live round underneath his testicles.

A man who is a resident of the Bahamas that is recorded as currently living without permanent housing is staying in Miami, Florida. He recently reportedly took a vacation to Indian Rocks Beach for 17 days and paid to stay in a rental residence while on his trip.

It came to light that the man might have used a stolen credit card to pay for his excursion, and the authorities were made aware of the suspicions.

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A Tennessee woman with prior legal troubles is facing multiple charges after she was allegedly caught with contraband while she was being booked into jail for suspicion of driving under the influence. 

During an interaction with the police on the morning of November 9, a woman in Newbern was accused of driving under the influence.  

She was placed under arrest for DUI, and they transported her to the county detention center for processing. 

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An employee at a correctional facility in Louisiana was arrested and fired after it was discovered that he was allegedly bringing narcotics into the jail and selling them to inmates. 

According to reports, the police suspected that someone was bringing drugs into the St. Tammany County Parish Correctional Center and selling the narcotics to some of the inmates. 

The authorities began to investigate the situation, and they suspected that one of the officers employed at the facility was bringing the drugs in. 

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A South Carolina women’s prison guard was accused of trying to distribute narcotics to inmates by hiding them inside Rice Krispies Treats to sneak them into the facility.

43-year-old Marcy Shaffer lives in Columbia. She was employed by the South Carolina Department of Corrections as a women’s state prison guard at the Camille Graham Correctional Institution.

On July 1, Shaffer was entering the facility, and she was reportedly carrying a plastic bag filled with Rice Krispies Treats.

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When a Florida man was being booked into the county jail for an unrelated offense, he was allegedly found with methamphetamine hidden in his foreskin.

30-year-old Shaft Bang Adams resides in Orlando, Florida.

According to reports, the man has an extensive list of priors with more than 20 convictions for drug-related and other offenses.

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A Florida man was busted after allegedly telling the police that the substances in his backpack that reportedly tested positive for illegal drugs were baking supplies.

Just after 3:00 am on December 31, 30-year-old Jethro Geneus from Fort Pierce was a passenger in Honda that was pulled over by the police.

When the authorities were interacting with the driver and Geneus, they reported that Geneus shifted his legs and appeared to move something on the floor of the vehicle.

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Though a woman allegedly tried several antics to avoid a Christmas Eve arrest, she was ultimately unsuccessful and taken into custody.

34-year-old Renee Whiddon resides in West Monroe, Louisiana.

On December 24, Whiddon was reportedly driving her vehicle through town around 4:30 am.

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A corrections officer who worked at a South Carolina prison has lost her job and is facing many charges after she was accused of attempting to bring several illicit substances into the maximum-security men’s prison.

33-year-old Ashley Nickole Williams was recently employed as a guard at the McCormick Correctional Institution for men in McCormick.

The woman, who lives about 25-miles away in Greenwood, reportedly showed up at the prison on October 30 while carrying personal items.

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