Articles Tagged with criminal-defense

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A man who was legally ordered quarantined after being exposed to the measles reportedly snuck past officers posted at his home so that he could hit the gym for a workout.

Brookfield, Wisconsin, resident Jeffrey Murawski, age 57, was the guest of a hotel last April, and it was discovered that a family who was also staying there had the measles.

When the health department was alerted about the incident, they ordered that Murawski, who was unable to provide proof that he had been vaccinated, to remain inside of his home for a period of 21 days so that the disease would not be spread if he had contracted it.

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A woman wearing clothing that gave the authorities the impression that she was a nun was apprehended for allegedly carrying several pounds of fentanyl.

On March 4, 53-year-old Esther Gomez De Aguilar and her husband were driving in an area approximately an hour outside of Tucson, AZ, when an on-duty deputy performed a traffic stop due to an alleged traffic violation.

When the deputy and his K-9 arrived at the vehicle he noted that Gomez De Aguilar was in the passenger seat wearing a long, black dress with a veil affixed to her head, and a bible in her lap.

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An investigation into claims that a man used a machine at a drugstore to print pornographic pictures of children has led to the arrest of a suspect.

On January 18, an employee at a CVS pharmacy was hailed down by a customer who was having trouble operating the machine inside the store that allows one to print hard copies off of digital storage devices.

The patron reportedly said he was struggling to access the images that he had saved on his phone’s memory, which inhibited the process of turning them into photographs.

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An ex-actor who co-starred in a Jack Black movie when he was a teenager was recently accused of four incidents where musical instruments were taken from stores and pawned for cash.

At the end of January, a North Florida music store called in to report the theft of an $800 Les Paul electric guitar and issued a description of the suspect and the serial number of the instrument to the authorities.

In February, the police department was furnished information from the County Sheriff’s Office informing them that about 90 minutes after the alleged theft a pawn shop had purchased a guitar with the same serial number as the Les Paul that was reported stolen.

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A 17-year-old boy may be facing a sentence of over a decade-and-a-half after being accused of putting drugs in energy drinks that caused his stepfather to fall ill after consumption.

A Beloit, Wisconsin, dairy farmer visited a local hospital at the end of January 2018 where he reported that he was feeling ill and experiencing several ailments including a drooping face, and loss or impairment to some of his basic motor skills.

The man’s test results caused the medical professionals to conclude that he needed to control his stress level, get some rest, and cut back on the energy drinks.

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Моst реорlе hоре never to be charged with a criminal offense in their lifetime, but thousands of Orange County residents are so charged every year. Fоrtunаtеlу, оur јudісіаl brаnсh hаs а рrеsumрtіоn оf іnnосеnсе untіl рrоvеn guіltу, аnd thіs mеаns thаt аnуоnе сhаrgеd wіth а сrіmе, whеthеr іt bе DUІ оr mаnslаughtеr, hаs thе rіght tо а strоng dеfеnsе. Fоr thе bеst dеfеnsе, thоugh, іt’s nесеssаrу tо fіnd а gооd experienced criminal defense аttоrnеу. When choosing a criminal defense lawyer, be sure to look for the following:

  1. Еduсаtіоn: Тhеrе аrе оvеr 200 lаw sсhооls іn Аmеrіса аррrоvеd bу thе Аmеrісаn Ваr Аssосіаtіоn, but thеу’rе dеfіnіtеlу nоt аll еquаl. In California and Orange County even, there are countless unaccredited law schools. Іnquіrіng аbоut аn аttоrnеу’s еduсаtіоn іsn’t аn аffrоnt tо а lаwуеr. Staycie R. Sena went to Stanford Law School, which is uniformly considered the best law school in California and often ties in ranking for the best law school in the world.

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