Articles Tagged with intoxicated

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Herbert Granados Calderon, 26, pleaded guilty this week to causing a fatal collision between three cars while intoxicated. An 18-year-old was killed and five others were injured in this crash. The crash occurred in Santa Ana, when Calderon was speeding on Bristol and ran a red light. He broadsided a Honda Civic thereby killing the person in the back seat.

Calderon pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for the 2014 collision.

He was charged with murder because he pleaded guilty in 2013 to another DUI, Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs. In 2013 he was read a Watson Warning. The Watson Warning simply states that drunk driving is dangerous to human life and if the defendant continues drive drunk and someone dies, they can be charged with second degree murder. The warning is usually part of any DUI plea.

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