
Articles Posted in office


Child Porn Weighing Over a Ton Found in Florida Home 

A Florida septuagenarian is facing multiple charges after the authorities reportedly found a huge stash (weighing more than one ton) of printed child sexual abuse photos in his residence.   In Ocala, Florida, a 72-year-old man who resides with housemates has reportedly regularly enforced a strict rule disallowing any of them…


Principal Stole Nearly $1000 from Disabled Child

A 9-year-old child went to school with more than $2000 in his possession and when his mom arrived to pick up the cash almost half of it was allegedly missing. A mentally handicapped boy reportedly showed up for school for the day and he was allegedly holding $2100 in cash…


Office Employee Accused of Putting Semen in Manager’s Water

A man who worked in a dermatology office in Florida has been accused of battery after allegedly sneaking into the manager’s office and adding semen to her drinking water on two different days. 62-year-old Robert Tyson was employed as an office worker at the Welby Way dermatology clinic in Tallahassee.…


Juvenile Jail Guard Accused of Raping Teenage Inmate

A teenage girl serving time at a juvenile jail in Orlando, Florida, has accused one of the facility guards of raping her and said that he warned her against reporting the incident by issuing threats to her. 26-year-old Marcus Leon James has been employed as a corrections officer at the…


Man Charged for Ejaculating in Co-workers Food and Workspace

A man working in an office in La Palma has been accused of tainting a female co-worker’s water bottles, honey jar and computer hardware with his ejaculate. He allegedly continued this behavior over a span of nearly two months. The victim unknowingly ingested the honey on several occasions. Stevens Millancastro…

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