Articles Tagged with help

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An alleged burglar assisted the police by running up to them and asking them to help him when he was being chased by someone who reportedly caught him trying to break into their home.

On April 29, someone was at their residence in South Creek, Florida, when they caught someone trying to break into the house. The person purported to be the perpetrator began to flee, and the resident chased after them.

A few moments later, the person being chased approached a Coconut Creek Police Department squad car that was stopped at a traffic light. It did not take long for the police to realize the man was being chased by someone who claimed he tried to burglarize their home.

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The long-distance boyfriend of a woman in Texas reportedly stabbed her with a pair of scissors and forced her to write a suicide note before allegedly attempting to take her to Mexico against her will.

On March 29, a 21-year-old man who had been engaging in a long-distance relationship with a woman from College Station for over a year allegedly went to her residence without an invitation. The woman allowed him to come inside, and while he was there, he allegedly stabbed a pair of scissors into her neck. What was assumed to be a suicide note was reportedly left in her apartment, and the man allegedly made her leave with him in his vehicle. He reportedly planned to take her to Mexico.

According to reports, the alleged victim sent text messages to her father and told him she needed him to call the police. The authorities were notified, and the College Station Police Department began to investigate the situation. They used the woman’s cell phone signal to get a location, and officers found the pair at a local CVS store.

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A Florida Man was arrested for domestic violence offenses after allegedly throwing a Christmas tree at his wife in response to her request for his help with cooking dinner. 

On the evening of December 12, a husband, his wife, and their friend were in their Fruitland residence, and the woman was preparing dinner. 

It was reported that the woman asked her husband for help with the meal, and he allegedly became enraged by her request. 

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After a restaurant worker used a creative way to confirm that a child needed help, the authorities were notified leading to the arrests of the boy’s alleged abusers.

Florida resident Kristen Swann has an 11-year-old son.

On January 1, Swann’s child was with a man later identified as 34-year-old Timothy Wilson II.

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The mother of a 2-year-old child woke up and found that a stranger had allegedly broken into her home and placed her toddler in the bathtub after entering the residence without permission.

Areica Hill has a 2-year-old son and they reside in Colombus, Ohio.

Early on Wednesday morning, Hill woke up when she heard her dog barking in her home. The woman climbed out of bed and peered out of her bedroom to find out what was causing the commotion.

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A man walked into a police department and told a sergeant to place him under arrest because he had pornographic images of young girls on his cell phone.

An officer working at the desk in the Pensacola Police Department on Friday afternoon was approached by a man who had walked in to report himself for a crime.

The man, 24-year-old Cory Hinsch, reportedly showed the cop his cell phone and the screen allegedly displayed an image of a female child. The officer assessed the girl, who was sans clothing, and it appeared as if she was behaving in a sexual manner. It was determined that she looked as if she was likely around 8-years-old.

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