Articles Posted in Domestic Violence

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A couple from southeast Nebraska who owns a nutrition store were arrested for allegedly raising children in extreme filth in their home.

According to reports, the conditions were so bad that their children allegedly lived among dead animals. Police were notified by the state’s child welfare agency, which reported that the children had to eat in the bathroom since it was the only clean area. When officers arrived, they allegedly found the home filled with animal feces, trash, and urine. The father was found sleeping in his car, and they purported he was doing so to avoid the mess inside.

Inside the house, officers noticed feces and urine everywhere, along with piles of trash. Flypaper was hanging from the ceiling, covered in dead insects. One child’s room reportedly had a small section of the bed for sleeping, with the rest filled with trash that reached the ceiling. The room also had a rabbit hutch overflowing with waste.

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A man in New Jersey was arrested after a dispute with his girlfriend allegedly led to him setting her family’s home on fire.

Just before 3:00 AM on September 3, a 50-year-old man went to the house where his girlfriend lives with her family. Her mother and father, who own the home, were there when he arrived.

According to reports, while the couple was talking, they had a disagreement, and someone else in the home overheard the conflict. They decided that they would ask the man to leave, but he reportedly refused. The family called the police, who had already come to their house a few hours earlier because of a noise complaint and asked for their help with making the man go.

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On the evening of August 31, a woman and her 26-year-old boyfriend were at their residence in Beach Park when they began arguing. Things intensified, and the man allegedly became physically violent by striking her and putting his hands around her throat.

The alleged victim was able to get out of the house, and the authorities were notified. Deputies from the Lake County Sheriff’s Office were sent to the couple’s manufactured home to investigate the situation.

When the woman discussed the situation, she said her boyfriend hit and choked her during the altercation. The man was still inside the house, and deputies quickly surrounded the site.

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A woman from Kentucky is facing legal troubles after allegedly trying to steal a vehicle with a youngster inside because she reportedly believed Kanye West “telegraphically” told her to do so.

According to reports, a woman from Louisville, Kentucky recently took a road trip with the intended destination of Evansville, Indiana. She reportedly encountered troubles along the way when she struck a tree on the side of the Interstate causing her vehicle to become undriveable. Since she did not have another way to continue her journey, she decided she would hitchhike the rest of the way.

On the morning of August 27, a woman in Evansville was bringing her child to school. She decided to stop by a local store and leave the youngster in the car when she went inside. As she walked towards the entrance, she noticed someone trying to get into her vehicle. She rushed back to the car, and she saw a woman had gotten inside by the time she got there. She dragged her out and then notified the authorities about the alleged attempted theft.

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A woman in Illinois was arrested after a traffic stop revealed that she was reportedly driving under the influence of alcohol with two minors in the vehicle.

Just after midnight on June 12, a woman from Rockford was driving in Chicago Heights with two young passengers, ages 12 and 15. An officer was in the area and reported that they saw the Chevrolet being driven well above the posted speed limit without taillights. They also noted that the driver was not using turn signals when changing lanes. The officer began to pursue the vehicle, and when the woman pulled into a nearby Shell Gas Station they initiated a traffic stop.

According to reports, when they were talking about why she was pulled over, the officer noted that they could smell alcohol, and they believed the origin was the woman’s breath. They also asserted that she was displaying several indicators of intoxication. When she was asked if she had anything to drink, the woman allegedly said she drank half of a pint-sized bottle of Hennessey.

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A woman from Illinois was arrested after allegedly stabbing the man she lived with during an argument about his inability to repay money he borrowed from her.

On June 6, a woman came home to the Park Forest residence she shares with a man whose relationship with her has not currently been disclosed.  It was reported that she had loaned the man money, but she had been having recent financial problems since she was fired from her job. When she asked him to pay back the money in full the man was unable to do so, and it resulted in a dispute between the pair.

According to reports, the woman began carrying his stuff out of the house, and things got physical. She reported that while she was in the hallway, the man wrapped his hands around her neck and restricted her breathing while he choked her. In return, she reportedly got ahold of a pair of scissors and stabbed him.

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A Florida elementary school teacher is facing charges after allegedly mistreating a student with disabilities at an elementary school in Palm Bay.

According to reports, on August 22, a 41-year-old teacher at Sunrise Elementary School in Palm Bay attempted to move a student, who was described as low-functioning and only slightly verbal. When the child did not want to cooperate, the teacher allegedly pushed her. The girl threw herself on the floor and the teacher allegedly grabbed the youngster and pinned her arms down while straddling her. Afterward, she reportedly dragged the student by her wrists across the classroom toward a bathroom and held the door shut so the child was unable to get out.

After the authorities were notified, officers from the City of Palm Bay Police Department went to the school to investigate. They reported that several people talked to them and said they witnessed the incident, and that they had concerns about how the teacher treated the students. They also told the officers that the woman put other children in the bathroom to punish them.

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Actress Nathalie Fay was arrested after allegedly hitting her boyfriend in the face during an argument regarding his whereabouts.

Nathalie Tordion, whose professional name is Nathalie Fay, is a 36-year-old actress who was born in Canada. Currently, she resides in South Miami, Florida. Fay has been in several movies and a couple of television shows, and she is well known for her role in the 2009 comedy film “The Hangover.”

On August 17, Fay had plans to see the Miami Dolphins go up against the Washington Commanders in a preseason game at the Hard Rock Stadium, and she made plans to see the game with a man with whom she has a romantic relationship. As soon as she climbed into his vehicle to go to the game, the couple began arguing. Fay reportedly had a map on her phone showing where he had been, and she believed that the man lied to her about where he had gone before he arrived at her house. Shortly after sharing the map with the man, the argument reportedly intensified. Fay allegedly struck him in the face with a closed fist, and the man decided to get out of the car to try to give them some space and calm things down.

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The parents of a 3-year-old in Kentucky are facing charges after they were accused of not feeding their daughter solid foods her entire life, which reportedly caused severe malnutrition and tooth decay.

According to reports, on July 12, the toddler was brought to the Hopkins County Health Department for a WIC appointment. When they checked the youngster, staff believed she was in poor health. They said that she should be taken to a pediatrician right away, and from there she was transported to the hospital.

While she was at the hospital, the medical staff learned the child had a rapid heart rate and signs of chronic illness and malnutrition. They decided she would need to be given a blood transfusion. The youngster also had a dental checkup, and she was diagnosed with severe tooth decay. The medical professionals reported that the condition of the girl’s teeth would cause her to be in serious pain if she tried to chew solid foods.

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According to reports, two men flagged down a Lyft driver near a nightclub in Oklahoma City early Sunday morning. Instead of requesting a ride using the app, they offered to pay cash, which the driver agreed to if they were going somewhere close by. After getting into the car with a bag of beer, the back seat passenger reportedly handed a handgun to the front passenger, who allegedly pressed it to the driver’s head and threatened him.

The passengers allegedly demanded to be taken to Durant, which was about 150 miles away, and the driver refused. They reportedly made the man continue driving while allegedly threatening him and attempting to access his phone. Eventually, they decided to have him drop them off at another club in Oklahoma City, where they reportedly demanded the driver’s cellphone and $20 in cash before they got out of the car.

The driver reported that he was terrified by the alleged threats they made to harm his family if he reported them, but he called the police from a local 7-Eleven. The authorities quickly found the suspects nearby.

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