Articles Tagged with balcony

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A man in Oregon is facing charges after allegedly stabbing his daughter’s boyfriend because he believed the man mistreated her.

On February 15, the 49-year-old father of a Lane County woman took a trip to visit his daughter in Springfield. The woman, who reportedly went through a domestic violence-related incident with her boyfriend a couple of weeks ago, gave her dad the key to her residence so he could hang out while she was at work. When she arrived at her apartment, her partner was there with her father.

According to reports, she saw the pair outside on the balcony, and their encounter appeared to be hostile. Her dad was presumably upset about the alleged incident that took place between the 27-year-old man and his daughter. Things reportedly escalated and turned violent, and the woman’s boyfriend was allegedly stabbed by her father. She reported that he lost so much blood that her apartment looked like a murder scene, and he was taken to McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center for medical treatment. It was reported that in addition to the stab wound, he had cuts on his face and arms, and two of his teeth were broken.

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A Florida man was arrested after people reported him to the police when they allegedly saw him dropping a child head-first from a second-story balcony to scare him.

According to its website, the Sandalwood Beach Resort offers guests a “tropical paradise of flowers, palm trees, pelicans, parrots, dolphins, and spectacular sunsets” on North Redington Beach. Last weekend, the property was visited by the authorities after a youngster was reportedly physically injured by an adult.

On July 6, a mother and her 4-year-old son were hanging out at the pool. The woman began socializing with a 31-year-old man, and they reportedly had drinks together while they relaxed. After a while, they headed to the second floor where both of their rooms were located, and the woman left her son with the man while she took a shower.

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A man from Oklahoma is facing charges after allegedly throwing a reportedly unresponsive woman who was wrapped in a blanket off a fourth-floor balcony. 

Early in the morning on March 18, the authorities were alerted by someone who reported that someone was thrown on the ground from a balcony on a high floor of an apartment complex. 

Officers with the Tulsa Police Department and firefighters went to the address reported, and they discovered a woman on the ground. She appeared to be badly injured. She was wrapped in a blanket, and upon initial investigation, it was suspected that someone had thrown her from the fourth floor. 

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The police accused a Florida man of swiping watches from Walmart because he was wearing the same Ron Gronkowski jersey that the suspect reportedly had on.

On September 25, a Walmart in Largo, Florida reported that a shoplifter visited their store and stole watches.

The authorities were notified, and officers from the Largo Police Department went to the store to investigate the situation.

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A college student was arrested in a bar last weekend when two females alleged that the man urinated on them from a balcony while they were sitting on the ground level.

Jack DeBrabander is a 20-year-old engineering major at Michigan State University.

Last Saturday, DeBrabander was reportedly visiting the Yard of Ale bar in St. Petersburg, Florida.

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A former culinary arts school teacher, Nichole Noel Thiel, was accused by her former student of having sex with him when he was 16 years old at her condominium in Idaho for a period lasting over two years. Thiel was 46 years old when the incidents allegedly took place.

The teen said it all started when he came across the teacher crying and upset and he gave her a hug. He said that she kissed him on the cheek and later he claimed she picked him up from his father’s home to take him back to her Coeur d’Alene home to have sex. He wouldn’t report the incident to his school counselor until the following year.

Thiel maintained her innocence throughout the investigation and trial. Due to the time that had passed, investigators were not able to find any physical evidence of the crime, so prosecutors were forced to rely almost entirely upon the testimony of witnesses. Throughout the trial, Thiel relied upon the support of her friends, colleagues, and family. From others, opinions of Thiel were harsh. Allegations of adults having sex with minors creates a sense of disgust, hysteria, and drives a “guilty-until-proven-innocent” rush to judgement from many in the community. Simply being arrested for a crime is often enough to convince people of guilt. Throughout the trial, criminal defense attorney Michael G. Palmer fought for Thiel’s innocence and realized she was faced with a teen who said that the sex happened and the only way to be acquitted was to somehow prove it didn’t.

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