Articles Tagged with grab

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A Florida woman is facing charges after she was accused of punching a youngster in the face for doing their homework incorrectly.

On September 10, a child and her siblings were at the residence of a 35-year-old woman. While her relationship to the youngsters has not currently been disclosed, it was reported that she works in occupational care. The kids were working on their homework, and the woman and a female child reportedly had an incident occur between them that resulted in the youngster being physically harmed.

According to reports, the woman noticed that the girl was not doing her homework properly and she allegedly became very upset with the child. She reportedly lashed out physically by grabbing her and striking her in the face several times with a closed fist.

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A man in Florida is facing a felony charge for allegedly knocking down his 75-year-old wife by pelting her with a package of Oreo cookies during an argument about the coffee maker.

On the morning of November 18, a 70-year-old man and his wife, 75, were in their home in Sorrento, Florida, when an argument broke out between the couple. The coffee machine did not have any water in it, and the man allegedly began to yell at his wife. During the verbal battle, the man allegedly picked up a package of Oreo cookies and threw it. The package reportedly struck his wife in the chest, and she fell on the ground.

The following morning, the woman told her daughter about the incident, and her daughter told her to call the police since the man has reportedly been violent before. The woman went to her daughter’s house and notified the authorities.

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A man in Walmart was accused of grabbing a female shopper twice by the backside as his alleged preferred way of interacting with women with whom he is trying to become acquainted.

30-year-old Juan Antonio Velez, who is listed as being a resident of Lebanon, Tennessee, was reportedly in a Walmart located in Largo, Florida around noon on April 20.

While he was walking around the store Velez reportedly saw a 29-year-old woman who caught his attention, and he allegedly decided he would try to interact with her.

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A man at the Universal Studios theme park in Orlando has been accused of trying to kidnap a little girl while she was separated from her mother for a short period of time.

A mom and her 9-year-old daughter were recently visiting Universal Studios in Florida when they got disconnected from each other for what was reported as only minutes.

The parent and child were at the part of the park dedicated to Harry Potter when they became disjoined, and the little girl made her way into the locker room where people store their belongings when visiting attractions and going on rides.

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A man who was seated near a woman on board a Southwest Airlines flight on Sunday has been accused of inappropriately touching her in a sexual manner, and he reportedly cited words from the President as a rationalization for his alleged behavior.

49-year-old Bruce Alexander, a resident of Tampa, Florida, was taking a flight to Albuquerque, NM, and he was reportedly sitting behind a woman who had fallen asleep.

The woman said that a short time into the flight she arose from her nap when she thought she felt something touching her around her bra area and believed it was another person, but she dismissed it as an accident. She went back to sleep and nearly a half an hour later she allegedly woke to a hand touching her arm and then grabbing her on the side of her body.

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