Articles Tagged with abusive

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A high school football coach in South Carolina who was arrested for a DUI in the Spring is facing new legal troubles after being taken into custody for an alleged domestic violence incident involving his fiancée. 

On May 4, a man who has been a head football coach at Midland Valley High School in the Aiken County Public Schools District was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence with a BAC under .10%. This week, he was arrested again after he was accused of being abusive during a situation that occurred when he and his fiancée went out to dinner.

The couple, who share a local residence, went to a restaurant on the evening of July 6. While there, they had a disagreement, leading to the woman hailing an Uber to take her home. When her fiancé arrived, the situation reportedly intensified. The man allegedly ordered her to leave the home, reportedly shoved her to the ground, and took her driver’s license and debit card. When she started to call the police, the man allegedly tried to grab her phone.

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After a man asked his wife for a divorce, she and their daughter were arrested for allegedly attacking him with a frying pan and a knife while he slept.

According to reports, on the morning of January 27, a man ran out of his Ashland City, Tennessee, home and went to his neighbor’s house. He was reportedly covered in blood and his head was bleeding and wounded. The authorities were notified, and the Cheatham County Sheriff’s Office deputies went to the scene to investigate.

The deputies saw the man sitting outside with blood all over him from head injuries. They asked him what happened, and the man said he told his wife he wanted a divorce, and it did not go well and caused a huge fight between them.

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A woman has been accused of placing over 11,000 calls to the local and county emergency communications centers and harassing the staff when they answered.  

51-year-old Carla Jefferson lives in St. Petersburg, Florida, and according to an arrest report, she is currently unemployed. She has a lengthy criminal record in Pinellas County. She also served a two-year sentence for a prior conviction. 

The authorities reported that since the beginning of 2022, they have received over 11,000 calls from a woman they identified as Jefferson. The caller contacted the emergency communications centers for the St. Petersburg Police Department and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office. The calls reportedly came from two different phone numbers registered to Jefferson. 

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Oregon police arrested actor Zachery Ty Bryan after allegations that he tried to strangle his girlfriend during an argument.

A couple of weeks ago, Bryan notified the public via social media about his upcoming divorce from his wife of 14-years with whom he shares 4 children.

On October 16, 39-year-old Bryan, who currently resides in North Eugene with his girlfriend, got into a spat.

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Drake Bell’s ex-girlfriend alleged that the actor was abusive to her in more than one fashion during their live-in relationship when she was a teenager, and Bell is contesting the accusation.

Jared Drake Bell has worked in the entertainment industry since 1991 and has a long resume of television and film credits including starring in the Nickelodeon show “Drake and Josh” in 2003.

Between 2006 and 2009, Bell reportedly had a romantic relationship with Melissa Lingafelt, now known as Jimi Ono, when she was 16-years-old, and the couple lived together for some of the time that they dated.

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A man who was seated near a woman on board a Southwest Airlines flight on Sunday has been accused of inappropriately touching her in a sexual manner, and he reportedly cited words from the President as a rationalization for his alleged behavior.

49-year-old Bruce Alexander, a resident of Tampa, Florida, was taking a flight to Albuquerque, NM, and he was reportedly sitting behind a woman who had fallen asleep.

The woman said that a short time into the flight she arose from her nap when she thought she felt something touching her around her bra area and believed it was another person, but she dismissed it as an accident. She went back to sleep and nearly a half an hour later she allegedly woke to a hand touching her arm and then grabbing her on the side of her body.

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A young woman who worked at a daycare center located in Bryant, Arkansas, has been brought up on charges after a video was captured allegedly depicting her administering abusive behavior toward two young children.

19-year-old McKenzie Howell had worked with youngsters at the Kid’s Academy Daycare in Bryant for over a year when another employee, who is also the mother of a 2-year-old boy enrolled at the center, had concerns that her son was being mistreated when he was in Howell’s care. Upon reviewing a security video recorded at the facility showing a woman that is believed to be Howell acting in a manner that alarmed her, she notified the Child Abuse Hotline and the authorities.

The police watched the video footage and saw a woman that they suspect is Howell being forceful with the way she handled a little boy and little girl who were said to be about two-years-old. After viewing what one of the officers described as content that was difficult to watch, a warrant for Howell’s arrest was issued for the allegations.

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A man who provided services as a Lyft driver was in an altercation with two passengers early Sunday morning leading to allegations that he threatened the pair and wielded a metal pipe with intent to assault them.

A Boston man and his girlfriend were given a ride by a Lyft driver and arrived at their destination just before 1:00am on Sunday. After they paid the driver and he had departed the woman noticed that she left her cell phone inside of the car. The man called the driver back explaining the situation and requested he return the phone to them at the location he had dropped them off. The couple offered the driver $30 for his trouble.

The Lyft driver, identified as Jesse Colon, agreed to bring the phone back to the couple for the agreed upon fee. According to police, when Colon arrived to return the phone and collect his payment the three engaged in a disagreement concerning payment.

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A New Jersey judge was scolded by his peers for ruling that an Essex County mom was guilty of child abuse and neglect because she occasionally smoked marijuana.

On Thursday the Essex County mother was cleared of her charges almost three years after the birth of her son, who was born with some marijuana in his system because the mom smoked occasionally during her pregnancy to help with her appetite and anxiety.

After giving birth, the hospital notified Child Protection. As a result of the report, the agency was supervising her parenting of the children and required that she attend drug counseling.

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