Articles Tagged with punched

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A man is facing multiple charges after allegedly attacking two women in a Catholic school parking lot during a dispute over a handicapped parking spot.

On September 25, a physically disabled woman and her 22-year-old daughter went to the school at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Orlando to pick up her 5-year-old granddaughter. The woman parked in a handicapped spot near the front of the school, and her daughter went inside to retrieve the child. When the family was getting ready to pull away, an individual in a truck drove up and blocked their path.

It was reported that a 65-year-old man was driving the truck, and he allegedly began yelling at the women for parking in the handicapped spot. He reportedly showed them his parking sticker and accused them of wrongfully taking the space. The disabled woman held up her placard to try to ensure the man she had the permit. He allegedly accused them of trying to use it for a different vehicle than the one it was assigned to and said they had to stay until security handled the issue.

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A Florida man and his teenage stepson are facing multiple charges after allegedly becoming violent and shooting at people assisting a woman who crashed on a motorcycle.

Early in the morning on New Year’s Day, a woman was in a minor accident while riding a motorcycle close to her residence. Her friends were nearby when the incident occurred, and they ran over to help her. A 56-year-old man and his stepson were in a nearby home, and they heard the crash. According to reports, instead of joining those assisting the woman, they went outside and became confrontational and violent.

After approaching and yelling at the group, the man allegedly slapped a woman across the face with a flip flop, punched a second woman, and hit a man in the mouth. The teen reportedly had a handgun and allegedly began shooting in the direction of the same man when his stepfather reportedly told him to do so. None of the bullets hit the individuals, who immediately ran away.

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After an angry passenger allegedly punched a New York bus driver, the driver reportedly responded by stabbing the man in the leg and head.

Early in the afternoon on December 13, a man was riding on an MTA bus in Queens, when he approached the driver and said he realized he was on the wrong bus. He made a request to be dropped off at a spot on the side of the road, but it was not a marked bus stop. It was reported that the driver was trying to find a safe place to allow the man to deboard, but the 33-year-old rider was allegedly unsatisfied and threatened to physically harm him. The passenger then reportedly struck the driver in the face and started spitting on him.

When the 58-year-old bus driver got up to confront him, the man allegedly punched him multiple times. The operator had a sharp object believed to be a knife, and he reportedly stabbed the passenger in his head and his leg.

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A man in Central Florida was arrested after allegedly attacking a delivery driver who he believed was driving too fast.

Last week, an Amazon driver was delivering packages in a neighborhood in Ocala, Florida. At the same time, a 37-year-old man was in the area riding on his motorcycle with his son as a passenger. The dad believed the driver was driving too fast and causing potential danger to himself and his child, and he yelled and waved his arms to try to get him to slow down. When the delivery driver continued at the speed he was going and stopped to drop off a package, the situation intensified.

According to reports, the man stood in the street directly in front of the delivery van and forced the driver to stop. The reportedly angry dad approached the vehicle and allegedly grabbed the driver by his shirt. The driver, who tried to accelerate as the man held onto the side of the van, began punching him and the man reportedly scratched him on the arms and legs.

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A man in Washington accused of vehicle burglary reportedly struggled during his arrest which allegedly caused the deputy to break his leg.

On November 6, a man in Yakima County, Washington, saw an unknown male trying to force their way into his parked vehicle. He watched as the suspect, who was unsuccessful in the purported car burglary, took off in the direction of a nearby orchard. The alleged victim notified the authorities to report the situation, and deputies with the Yakima County Sheriff’s Office set out to investigate.

When they arrived, the deputies talked to the man who made the report. He informed them that there were portable toilets close by, and he believed the suspect was hiding near them. After arriving at the spot with the Porta-johns, a deputy saw a man come out of the structure. It was believed that he was the person the caller reported. Law enforcement decided to arrest him, and when a deputy tried to handcuff him, the man reportedly started to put up a fight.

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A Pennsylvania man is facing serious criminal charges after an alleged vicious attack on his neighbor, reportedly driven by the belief that the other man had been involved in a sexual relationship with his mother.

Late in the evening on August 18 in Addison Township, a man went over to his neighbor’s house, allegedly convinced that the man had slept with his mother. When he got there, he found the neighbor’s 2004 Corvette parked in the driveway. He reportedly started to damage the car, and the neighbor stepped outside when he heard the commotion.

When they began to interact, the man reportedly began physically assaulting his neighbor after accusing him of having a sexual relationship with his mom. It was reported that he punched him many times, knocking out several of the alleged victim’s teeth. He also reportedly chomped on three of the man’s fingers in what was perceived as an attempt to bite them off.

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A 25-year-old California man is facing charges for allegedly assaulting two elderly people within three weeks, in addition to kicking a police officer during his booking.

According to reports, on May 4 and May 24, a man from Campbell reportedly attacked two elderly men. The first incident allegedly occurred when he walked past an elderly gentleman and reportedly struck him in the stomach with a closed fist. He started to flee on foot, but turned around and faced the alleged victim. The man took a picture of the alleged assailant, and it looked like he struck a pose for the shot before running off.

The authorities were notified, and the alleged victim asserted that the man in the photo was the person who hit him. The police circulated the image to see if anyone in the area recognized him.

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A mother in Arizona who is on probation for an assault conviction was caught on camera as she allegedly attacked her daughter’s school bus driver while youngsters were still on the bus.

On the afternoon of April 11, a 64-year-old woman was filling in for an absent bus driver and dropping off children along the regular route. When she pulled over at one of the stops, she reportedly became entangled in an encounter with the angry mother of a girl who rides the bus.

The incident, which was recorded on a camera inside the bus, reportedly started when the mom believed the bus driver said something about her child. She boarded the bus and confronted the driver, and the driver denied the accusation before telling the woman to get out of the vehicle.

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A corrections officer in Florida is facing career-ending domestic violence charges after allegedly beating his wife when they got into a dispute over their child.

On the afternoon of February 25, a 36-year-old man who works as a Miami-Dade corrections corporal was reportedly involved in a savage encounter with his wife. According to reports, the incident started when the couple became embroiled in a disagreement about their son.

The argument intensified, and the woman punched the bedroom door, reportedly causing her husband to become angry. The man allegedly responded by getting physically violent with his spouse and yanking the wig off her head before punching her in the face. He allegedly slammed her head into the wall, spit on her, and struck her with a candle holder hard enough to break it. He also allegedly strangled her from behind with his hands while she tried to get away. His wife reported that she was unable to breathe.

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A Las Vegas man is facing several charges after threatening law enforcement and urinating on an officer’s leg when he was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol.

Just after 2:00 AM on February 19, the authorities in Southeast Las Vegas were notified by a woman who said she saw her ex-husband get drunk at a bar. She informed them that he was drunk when he got behind the wheel of his vehicle, and before he drove away, she tried to convince him to stay at her nearby residence for the night.

Officers from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department located the vehicle when the driver was entering the onramp for the highway, and they initiated a traffic stop. The driver reportedly stopped the car in the middle of the road.

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