Articles Tagged with transporting

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Oklahoma State Cowboys star running back Ollie Gordon II was accused of driving under the influence of alcohol last weekend when the police found two open containers in his vehicle during a traffic stop.

20-year-old Ollie Gordon II began his trek to fame in 2020 when he was dubbed Male High School Athlete of the Year by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. In 2022, he decided to take his career to Oklahoma State, where he remains as the team’s running back.

Early in the morning on June 30, Gordon was driving his Cadillac on the Interstate. A trooper from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol noticed the vehicle as it allegedly sped by at 82 MPH when the posted speed limit was 65. The trooper noted that the car swerved over the lines of the designated lane twice, and they decided to pull over the driver.

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In the process of retrieving it, a man allegedly set fire to his automobile when he reportedly began to throw several Molotov cocktails at it while it was locked inside of a lot after being impounded.

Last weekend at the Almake Auto Shop in Orange County, Florida, the owner of a vehicle that was in impound had paid the owner of the lot nearly $300.00 in order to re-obtain possession of it.

After setting up a plan to meet at the impound yard in a half an hour, the owner showed up and reported that the client, 27-year-old Ayub Mule Abdulrahman, was nowhere to be seen so he left.

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The father of an infant is facing charges after he was pulled over and police found his daughter on the floor of the car and placed on top of a gun.

The authorities received a report from someone that was concerned because they said they believed that a man was in the midst of taking a drive with a baby on his lap.

Police responded and pulled over a vehicle matching what was described by the caller after they located it driving down a highway.

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On Monday, a Baltimore man went to take the driving portion of the testing required to get his driver’s license, but before performing the exam he was taken into custody on several charges after marijuana and a loaded handgun were found in the vehicle he was operating.

When 22-year-old Reginald Wooding Jr. was sitting in a car waiting for his turn to take a road test to get his driver’s license one of the employees of the Motor Vehicle Administration allegedly detected the scent of marijuana. She reported it to a trooper who was on site and Wooding was approached regarding the odor.

After Wooding allegedly willingly gave the trooper a small package containing marijuana that he had it was believed that there was enough justification to warrant searching the automobile.

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A man suspected of assisting in transporting illegal aliens into the United States for profit and without regard for their safety entered a plea of guilty at his arraignment on Monday.

As stated in court records, on July 23, 2017, San Antonio Police investigated a call leading them to a tractor-trailer parked behind a Walmart. Several illegal aliens were discovered standing while others were lying near the back of the trailer, and 61-year-old James Matthew Bradley Jr. was in the driver’s seat.

Among the 39 people found by police four of them were unaccompanied minors between the ages of 14 and 17. Eight of the aliens were found deceased in the trailer and two died later in the hospital. The illegals interviewed claimed the trailer carried up to 200 people during the course of the transit, and cited varying amounts Bradley had charged for the transportation services. Bradley affirmed that these allegations were true. He is being held pending sentencing on January 22, 2018 and faces a penalty as high as life in prison.

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