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Woman Made False 911 Report to Back Out of Blind Date

A woman who reported someone for showing up at her residence and making threats to harm her was arrested when the police determined she falsified the claims against the man, who they believed she had never met before.

Just after midnight on June 16, 911 Emergency Assistance received a call from a woman in Iowa City who said she needed help from the police. She told them that she was pregnant with the child of a man she was no longer dating, and he was outside sending text messages that indicated he was going to harm her. She added that the man had a history of violent behavior.

Officers went to the residence and noticed a man walking away from the building. They started talking to him, and according to the police report, he said he never met the woman in person. He informed them that they began talking approximately a week ago on Snapchat. He said he had also been sending SMS messages and showed them his message history. The officers believed the content confirmed his statement regarding the situation.

When they talked to the woman, the officers reported that she gave them a similar story about her connection to the man outside. She said they planned to meet but she changed her mind at the last minute. She wanted to call the police for help, but she reportedly said she made up the scenario because she did not think the authorities would take her seriously otherwise.

She was taken into custody and booked into the Johnson County Jail on suspicion of misdemeanor placing a false 911 call, and misdemeanor making a fake report of an indictable offense. According to records, she is no longer being held.

If you or someone you love is suspected of a criminal offense, contact Orange County criminal defense lawyer Staycie R. Sena at (949) 477-8088 for a consultation now.

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