Articles Tagged with false

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A woman who reported someone for showing up at her residence and making threats to harm her was arrested when the police determined she falsified the claims against the man, who they believed she had never met before.

Just after midnight on June 16, 911 Emergency Assistance received a call from a woman in Iowa City who said she needed help from the police. She told them that she was pregnant with the child of a man she was no longer dating, and he was outside sending text messages that indicated he was going to harm her. She added that the man had a history of violent behavior.

Officers went to the residence and noticed a man walking away from the building. They started talking to him, and according to the police report, he said he never met the woman in person. He informed them that they began talking approximately a week ago on Snapchat. He said he had also been sending SMS messages and showed them his message history. The officers believed the content confirmed his statement regarding the situation.

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The father of a 5-year-old girl in Northwest Arkansas is facing several charges after he allegedly hid his daughter in a tight space behind the wall to try to keep DCF from taking her.

On November 1, a 40-year-old man who is out of bail for a drug charge was at his parents’ Tontitown residence with his daughter.

According to reports, the Department of Human Services was sent to take the 5-year-old from the home, and they had law enforcement accompany them when they went to the residence.

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An off-duty New Jersey police officer suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol may face charges after he allegedly got into a single-vehicle accident and drove away without reporting the incident. 

Late in the evening on September 2, someone driving a Chevy Avalanche crashed into a pole in a residential neighborhood. The person allegedly drove away after the accident. 

According to reports, the authorities investigated the accident and believed the driver was a police officer that has worked for the Saddle Brook Police Department for approximately five years. 

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After allegations that they participated in a voter fraud scheme, nine people are being accused of enticing homeless people with goods in order to get them to falsify signatures.

When suspicions regarding fraudulent signature collection on petitions containing ballot measures and voter registration cards during the 2016 and 2018 elections from people on Skid Row in Los Angeles came to light, an investigation was started earlier this year.

The Los Angeles Police Department used video surveillance and undercover agents and learned that people collecting signatures for ballots and voter registration were using money, food, and cigarettes to convince inhabitants of skid row to sign names that they were instructed to write on the official forms. The names were allegedly downloaded and collected off of the internet by the suspects.

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A woman in West Palm Beach who was being apprehended for shoplifting accused a deputy of raping her during her transport for booking, and she is now facing charges due to the belief that she lied about the sexual assault.

In January, Marley Barberian was accused of shoplifting nearly $70 in merchandise from a Target store.

After two deputies responded, and as Barberian was being removed from the premised, she reportedly slapped the male deputy and he placed her on the ground to affix handcuffs so she could be taken to the county jail.

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A woman from Colorado is facing several felony charges for allegations that she fraudulently accepted unemployment benefits while earning unreported money from jobs at the same time.

36-year-old Meadoe R. Croker began a claim for unemployment benefits beginning in January 2015 and started receiving checks shortly thereafter. She additionally renewed her claims in January 2016 and 2017.

Random audits are performed through the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and a company in Grand Junction that Croker allegedly worked for was chosen to have their accounts examined. It was discovered that Croker was purportedly an employee of the business while she was still accepting her unemployment checks, and an investigation was opened.

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A police officer for the New York Police Department was fired for a positive drug test result showing methamphetamines in his system, but the cop has denied the allegations and stated the results were compromised by his apparel.

Nearly 20 years ago the NYPD began implementing drug testing through collection of hair instead of the previously used urine tests. This method was chosen as the best way to ensure officers were not under the influence of narcotics due to the fact that testing the hair is reportedly more reliable, can detect substances in the system for a much longer period, and are less costly than urine sample tests.

33-year-old NYPD officer Brian Quire served on the Manhattan warrant squad and held a position with the police department for 12 years. Quire earned the nickname “Legs” by his colleagues due to his regular choice of shorts for his attire.

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A Moundville, Alabama man has been charged with domestic violence for accusations that he became physically aggressive with his roommate.

On Friday, 52-year-old Duane Barry Smith allegedly became upset when he ate a bowl of Cap’n Crunch cereal and learned that it was stale. He assumed that his roommate did not close the package properly after he had used it himself, and he called the man out on his supposed action.

Smith told the man that since he is lacking a full set of teeth it is painful to eat the cereal when it is not fresh. He reportedly then became angry and tried to force his roommate to remove his false teeth and chew some of the hardened product so that he could feel the discomfort for himself.

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