Articles Tagged with harm

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A woman who reported someone for showing up at her residence and making threats to harm her was arrested when the police determined she falsified the claims against the man, who they believed she had never met before.

Just after midnight on June 16, 911 Emergency Assistance received a call from a woman in Iowa City who said she needed help from the police. She told them that she was pregnant with the child of a man she was no longer dating, and he was outside sending text messages that indicated he was going to harm her. She added that the man had a history of violent behavior.

Officers went to the residence and noticed a man walking away from the building. They started talking to him, and according to the police report, he said he never met the woman in person. He informed them that they began talking approximately a week ago on Snapchat. He said he had also been sending SMS messages and showed them his message history. The officers believed the content confirmed his statement regarding the situation.

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A Florida man reportedly posted over 200 tweets expressing his intention to harm Disney executives and his disdain for Activision.

31-year-old Steven James Jordan reportedly has a habit of verbalizing his discontent through criminal behavior.

In August 2019, Jordan became disgruntled and reached out to a local Masonic lodge by telephone. He placed many calls to the center. When speaking with someone at the location, Jordan said he was going to shoot up the building.

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A couple was jailed after a newborn was allegedly found hidden in what the authorities described as a “deplorable” environment, and lacking prenatal and postnatal care.

David Fisher Jr. and Nina Gebhart live in a mobile home in Gunstown, Georgia, and Gebhart recently gave birth to a child.

Beginning on November 3, the Lee County Sheriff’s Department reported that they received reports from more than one person who expressed concern that there was a newborn in Fisher Jr. and Gebhart’s residence. The callers said that they were worried the infant might need medical care.

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An aspiring rap recording artist allegedly made a video and posted it to social media in a purported attempt to encourage viewers to take violent action toward law enforcement agents in retaliation of the death of George Floyd.

20-year-old Cale Groff has an internet following of more than 7,000 people on Instagram, and he uses the performing name “Ace $wift” on the audio distribution service SoundCloud to share his rap music with over 300 people who subscribe to his page.

On June 1, Groff allegedly released a video on Instagram asking viewers to use whatever they could get their hands on to violently harm any police officers they came in contact with.

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During the time that a couple was house sitting for a man, they have alleged that he recorded them while they were engaging in sexual intercourse, but that they had no knowledge of the presence of the filming equipment.

51-year-old Bryan Kent Neal is a retired officer that worked for the Vacaville Police Department for 22 years and left his position in 2016.

When Neal reportedly asked a woman and her partner to house sit for him while he was on vacation they became frisky while watching over the residence and had sex in his home.

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When a man allegedly entered a home uninvited and was suspected of planning to sexually assault the woman inhabitant in her sleep her 15-year-old son grabbed the burglar and held onto him until the authorities responded.

On Thursday, around 11:30 pm, a woman with three children was asleep in her room when someone allegedly entered her home through a door that was not locked. The man reportedly went into the woman’s bedroom and when she woke up he was said to be on top of her and holding her down so she was unable to get away.

The woman’s 15-year-old son went into his mother’s bedroom and saw the man allegedly pinning his mother down. The teen grabbed the uninvited guest forcing him away from his mom and was able to physically contain the man while her other two children called the police and waited outside for assistance.

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On Sunday night a woman reportedly drove 19 miles reaching high speeds with her ex-boyfriend hanging onto the hood of the vehicle. She is facing charges for the allegations.

Around 10:00 p.m. on June 24, 24-year-old Patresha Isidore, and her ex-boyfriend, Junior Francis, who share a residence and a child was in the middle of an argument when Isidore decided that she wanted to leave and pick up their 5-year-old daughter from a family member with whom the child was visiting.

In an attempt to prevent Isidore from backing out of the driveway and departing in the blue Mercedes that she and Francis also co-own, he mounted the hood of the vehicle. Though Francis still had his body atop the front of the vehicle Isidore is accused of pulling out and driving off while knowing that Francis was still holding on.

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