An Idaho man is facing multiple charges after the authorities reportedly caught him trying to bring methamphetamine and paraphernalia into the jail after he was arrested for driving under the influence.
On the evening of March 16, a 33-year-old man was driving in Bonneville County and allegedly driving over the posted speed limit. A deputy from the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office spotted the vehicle, along with a second vehicle that was also reportedly speeding. The deputy believed the drivers were racing, and the 33-year-old was pulled over.
According to reports, when the deputy interacted with the man, he appeared to be displaying indicators of intoxication. He participated in a roadside sobriety test, and when asked if he had been drinking, he allegedly told the deputy he had consumed alcohol earlier in the evening. When his vehicle was searched, several containers of alcohol, some of which were reportedly open, were allegedly discovered. The police took the driver into custody. He was taken to Idaho Falls Community Hospital so he could have his blood drawn to find out his BAC.