Articles Posted in thc


Mom Unknowingly Shared Laced Brownies at Community Center 

A woman’s son is facing charges after she brought brownies he reportedly baked that she didn’t know contained THC to a card game at the community center, and several seniors who consumed them felt the effects.  46-year-old Michael Koranda is an elementary school teacher for the Bon Homme County School…


500 Pounds of Marijuana Candy Found in Man’s Car

A New Jersey man was allegedly found with 500 pounds of THC candy stashed in his vehicle when he was pulled over for reportedly speeding and other illegal traffic maneuvers. Around 11:00 am on October 5, 35-year-old Angelo Padilla Jr. was reportedly driving down the Indiana Toll Road. Padilla was…


Mom Asphyxiated Son by Kneeling on His Neck

The mother of a teenage boy allegedly kneeled on his throat until he was unable to breathe as she reportedly threatened to end his life in the same manner as George Floyd’s. 37-year-old Keriann C. Smith lives in a Genoa City, Wisconsin apartment with her 14-year-old son, and a daughter…


Police Made Unexpected Discovery During Domestic Dispute Visit

When the police went to a residence the day after a domestic violence event was reported they had their attention turned to an alleged stash of illegal items inside of the home. Kennett County Police Department officers arrived at the residence of 23-year-old Taja Rena Welton on Thursday afternoon regarding…


Teen Faces Possible Life in Prison for Selling Pot Brownies

A 19-year old teenager from Texas is facing anywhere between 5 years to life in prison for baking and selling pot brownies. Authorities arrested the teen on April 15 after a search of his apartment revealed six bags of cookies, nine bags of brownies, a pound of marijuana and $1675…

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