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A Florida man was arrested after reportedly misidentifying and shooting at a Walmart delivery drone because he allegedly believed it was a surveillance drone.

On the afternoon of June 26, a Walmart store in Clermont was testing a new drone delivery system in a local residential neighborhood. Agents from the company “DroneUp,” who provide the drones to Walmart, were promoting the company by showing what they can do, and they sent it out on some fake deliveries to demonstrate.

During the event, a man spotted the drone as it flew over his home and reportedly became suspicious of it. He allegedly decided to respond to the purported infringement on his personal space by shooting the device with a handgun. The DroneUp staff immediately left when they heard the bang.

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Oklahoma State Cowboys star running back Ollie Gordon II was accused of driving under the influence of alcohol last weekend when the police found two open containers in his vehicle during a traffic stop.

20-year-old Ollie Gordon II began his trek to fame in 2020 when he was dubbed Male High School Athlete of the Year by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. In 2022, he decided to take his career to Oklahoma State, where he remains as the team’s running back.

Early in the morning on June 30, Gordon was driving his Cadillac on the Interstate. A trooper from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol noticed the vehicle as it allegedly sped by at 82 MPH when the posted speed limit was 65. The trooper noted that the car swerved over the lines of the designated lane twice, and they decided to pull over the driver.

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The authorities reported that a 14-year-old boy may face charges after allegedly driving under the influence and leading them on a chase which ended when he hid inside of an outdoor freezer.

On June 28, an officer from the Kent Police Department was patrolling when they reportedly saw a vehicle that was driven through the intersection without stopping at the posted road sign. It was also asserted that the car was being operated erratically, and the officer decided to perform a traffic stop. The driver reportedly ignored it, and when he came to a red light he allegedly failed to stop. The officer trailed behind the vehicle and watched the driver hit a curb and allegedly run another red light. According to reports, the driver kept going despite one of the tires falling off the car, but he slammed into a second curb and could not continue.

The driver immediately got out and ran away from the police, and officers pursued him on foot. The King County Sheriff’s Office also assisted by air with a helicopter, and they were able to keep an eye on the suspect as he headed through the yards of nearby properties. He spotted a freezer that opened from the top, and the authorities reported that he climbed inside.

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An Indiana man was arrested and jailed on over a dozen charges after allegedly robbing a fast-food restaurant at gunpoint, stealing a vehicle from the parking lot, leading the police on a chase, and illegally firing a gun.

Early in the morning on June 30, employees at a Taco Bell located in Fishers experienced a scare when a car with three people in it rolled up to the drive-thru window. According to reports, when the trio interacted with the staff, they allegedly ordered them to hand over cash while holding handguns. Before leaving the premises with the money, one of the people in the vehicle reportedly made off with an employee’s Dodge Challenger parked in the lot.

The authorities were notified, and officers from the Fishers Police Department followed up on the report. They searched nearby for the allegedly stolen car, and when they located it, they pulled over the driver. The man stopped the vehicle but reportedly ran off.

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A man and woman from Indiana were arrested on several charges after the police allegedly found large amounts of drugs, paraphernalia, and cash in the home where they had a two-and-a-half-year-old child.

On June 26, someone called the authorities to report that they thought there were illegal drug-related activities going on in a residence in Seymour. Officers from the Seymour Police Department went to the address to check out the claim.

When they got there, the residents were home, and they began discussing the report with them. According to reports, while they were there, they allegedly noticed the scent of marijuana and believed it was coming from the home. They also saw a youngster inside playing with toys. They believed there was cause to inspect the residence, and they were granted a search warrant.

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A Missouri woman is being held without bond after being accused of trying to poison her husband by putting Roundup weed killer in his bottles of Mountain Dew.

A couple of months ago, a woman had a 50th birthday party for her spouse with the hope that he would become elated by her efforts. It was reported that she did not believe the man showed as much gratitude as she would have liked, so she became upset with him. The woman reportedly felt that she should have filed for a divorce, but instead, she allegedly decided to tamper with his preferred beverage.

It was reported that the man regularly drinks Mt. Dew, and the couple keep 2-liter bottles of the soda stocked in their basement. His wife allegedly took Roundup weed killer and mixed an unknown amount of it with the contents of the bottles. When the man first drank some of the soda he believed it tasted off, but he didn’t think much of it. He started to think something was going on after he began experiencing gastrointestinal problems after a few weeks. He also reportedly noticed that the Mt. Dew he consumed outside the house tasted different.

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One of the candidates running for the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners spent last weekend in jail after being accused of assaulting a woman by throwing a live tarantula at her during a disagreement.

30-year-old Marisa Christina Simonetti is a conservative running for Hennepin County Commissioner District 6. On her campaign website she says, “I believe a safe home and family are the foundation of a community’s growth, safety, and long term success,” but on June 21, alleged unsafety in the home where she currently resides resulted in her facing potential criminal charges.

Simonetti was reportedly living with another woman who was temporarily renting out a different part of the house through Airbnb while she was studying for the California Bar exam. The short-term resident sent messages to Simonetti to complain about problems with the internet, in addition to what she believed was a spider infestation. The pair reportedly butted heads, and though Simonetti does not own the home, she allegedly tried to evict the other woman from the premises.

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A man with a two-year-old in his vehicle reportedly hit double digits when leading the police on a high-speed chase before he ditched his car and took off on foot with the toddler.

Just after midnight on June 14, a 21-year-old man from Lawrenceville, Georgia, was driving a BMW down Interstate 85 with a toddler passenger. Officers from the Gwinnett Police Department were working at a security checkpoint watching for reckless drivers and people driving under the influence when they spotted the BMW. They reported that the driver was traveling over 100 MPH, and when they tried to perform a traffic stop, he did not pull over.

The driver reportedly increased his speed and eventually turned off his headlights in an alleged attempt to dodge the pursuing police. An aviation unit was sent to assist, and they were able to find the vehicle. The man soon pulled over and reportedly decided to continue his attempt to slip away from the authorities. When he got out of the car, he was seen carrying something as he ran away.

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A man from New Jersey is facing serious charges after reportedly traveling to Florida with the alleged purpose of confronting and harming a person he dislikes who plays the same MMORPG.

ArcheAge is one of many popular massively multiplayer online role-playing games. A few of the game’s many features that players can enjoy is the ability to create unique characters that quest, fight, master skills, and craft and sell items. Players can also communicate with each other, which often leads to personality clashes and arguments in the competitive setting.

Recently, two men, one from New Jersey and the other from Florida got into a squabble while in the game. The 20-year-old New Jerseyan reportedly reacted strongly to the situation and allegedly decided to handle it in person. According to reports, on the evening of June 20, he took a flight from Newark to Jacksonville and checked into the Ocean Coast Hotel when he arrived. Afterward, he allegedly headed to a local hardware store and picked up a hammer and a flashlight.

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A Michigan man was arrested after allegedly touching and tickling children he did not know while they were playing ball at a summer event in the park.

On June 21, the advent of the fourth annual “Food Truck Fridays” was held at Town Square Park in Pinckney. The president of the local Chamber of Commerce talked about some of the features at the weekly event and said, “We have 16 food trucks. We have our famous ‘foam party,’ which is the kids go play in the foam at 1:45p, 4:45p and 6:45p. The fire department will have a display and they’re going to be spraying the kids down.”

The activities typically draw a large crowd including many families with children. Some of the youngsters were playing catch with a football, and an unknown man reportedly walked up and got in between their game. The police were later told that he was touching and tickling the kids, who were reportedly uncomfortable with him. It was reported that the man told the kids he knew their parents. One of the youngsters said he felt worried that the man was trying to kidnap him.

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