Articles Tagged with bruises

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An Arkansas man was arrested after he allegedly kicked his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach during a domestic dispute.

According to reports, last month, a pregnant woman who lives in Gassville with her boyfriend and their children let one of her friends borrow a car. The vehicle belongs to her boyfriend, and the couple got into an argument about the amount of gas that was used. Shortly after the fight began, the man reportedly made an offensive comment about their children. After asking him to stop saying such things, the man allegedly became physically aggressive and pushed his girlfriend. When the woman lost her balance, he reportedly kicked her in the stomach.

The authorities were notified, and officers from the Mountain Home Police Department, in addition to first responders in an ambulance arrived at the scene. The woman, who had bruises on her stomach believed to have come from the incident, was taken to Baxter Health for medical assessment and care. According to reports, she was told that everything should be okay since her pregnancy is not that far along.

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A high school football coach in South Carolina who was arrested for a DUI in the Spring is facing new legal troubles after being taken into custody for an alleged domestic violence incident involving his fiancée. 

On May 4, a man who has been a head football coach at Midland Valley High School in the Aiken County Public Schools District was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence with a BAC under .10%. This week, he was arrested again after he was accused of being abusive during a situation that occurred when he and his fiancée went out to dinner.

The couple, who share a local residence, went to a restaurant on the evening of July 6. While there, they had a disagreement, leading to the woman hailing an Uber to take her home. When her fiancé arrived, the situation reportedly intensified. The man allegedly ordered her to leave the home, reportedly shoved her to the ground, and took her driver’s license and debit card. When she started to call the police, the man allegedly tried to grab her phone.

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A police officer in Wisconsin could spend years in prison if he is found guilty of abusing a 7-year-old girl so badly that she ended up in the hospital.

According to reports, on January 17, a 30-year-old Milwaukee police officer was at a home with a woman, a 4-year-old boy, and a 7-year-old girl. The children were told it was time to take a nap, but the girl did not fall asleep, and the man reportedly became angry. He allegedly grabbed a belt and struck her with it several times.

It was reported that the youngster was taken to the Children’s Hospital, but the exact reason for her visit was not made public at this time. While she was there, it was suspected that she was the victim of child abuse, and the authorities were notified.

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A man in Nevada accused of torturing and sexually assaulting a woman he allegedly kidnapped reportedly told the police he is not a criminal when he was arrested for the allegations.

On November 16, a woman was rushed to the University Medical Center’s trauma unit in Las Vegas after the Clark County Fire Department found her outside and severely injured.

After she was seen by medical personnel, they reported that she had bruises all over her body, her knees forearm, leg, and a finger were fractured, and she had what appeared to be puncture marks on her legs. Some of her hair was missing, and the doctors believed that it had been burned off.

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A deputy chief of police in Arapahoe County was arrested, charged, and dismissed from his duties after allegedly striking his wife during an argument.

On September 3, the Empire Police Department’s now-former deputy chief of police and his wife went to a gathering. When they returned home, the man allegedly expressed anger about her interacting with one of the other partygoers, and they began to argue.

The situation escalated, and the man allegedly punched his wife in the head hard enough to render her unconscious for a few moments. He also allegedly constricted her breathing by placing his arm across her throat.

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A North Carolina woman was arrested and charged after she allegedly abused her 5-year-old stepson and left the child with third-degree burns, in addition to reportedly trying to castrate him.

On July 29, a 33-year-old stepmother brought her adopted 5-year-old stepson to the emergency room at the Wilson Medical Center because he had sustained severe burns.

The burns were diagnosed as third-degree, and it was suspected that they were caused by abuse. The child also had bruises and injuries on his head, face, arms, legs, back, and genitals.

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A Las Vegas mother and her boyfriend have been accused of abusing her 2-year-old child after he went into cardiac arrest and serious injuries were found on the boy. 

33-year-old Dominque Richard has a 2-year-old son, and she is currently pregnant. The woman has a 32-year-old boyfriend. 

At the end of April, Richard watched as her son’s body suddenly dropped to the floor and he struck his head.  

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A Florida woman was arrested after she allegedly put the child she was babysitting inside of a clothes dryer and turned the machine on, causing the boy to get injured. 

It is reported that 35-year-old Amber Christine Chapman babysits for a 4-year-old boy on a regular basis. 

On February 2, after Chapman reportedly provided childcare for the toddler, he was eating dinner with his mom when he told her that he was feeling pain. 

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A man is facing many charges after he was accused of imprisoning his girlfriend and torturing her for a month until she was able to free herself. 

29-year-old Saul Ortega resides in Modesto, California. He recently reportedly started a relationship with a 25-year-old woman that also lives in Modesto. 

Last Saturday, the woman notified the authorities and said that she had been kidnapped by Ortega and held for about a month. She reported that she was able to escape. 

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A Missouri woman is facing murder charges after an 8-month-old she was sitting for died while in her care.

44-year-old Jennifer Anne Johnson lives in Fayette, Missouri.

On April 17, Johnson reportedly took responsibility for babysitting an 8-month-old and her three siblings while their parents were away overnight.

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