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A man who was previously arrested for allegedly barreling into the crowd at the Bakersfield Christmas Parade with over triple the legal BAC was arrested again last week for reportedly driving under the influence.

On December 7, a 72-year-old man from Bakersfield was parked near the path of the Christmas Parade. It was going to start soon, and crowds were gathering to watch the event when the man reportedly got behind the wheel of his truck and backed up. The vehicle reportedly entered the area where they were standing and struck one of the people, who was seriously injured in the accident.

The police reported that a test revealed his BAC was 0.28, and the man was arrested for four counts of assault with a deadly weapon, two DUI counts, and one count of obstructing or resisting a peace officer.

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A man in Texas who worked as a cook in a restaurant was allegedly caught sticking his genitals in food items, which reportedly led to the police finding his stash of child pornography.

At the beginning of April, the manager at Kulture Restaurant in Houston notified the authorities about one of their employees tainting the food. They reported that they had video of it, and a deputy from the Harris County Sheriff’s Department went to the location to investigate.

The manager presented the deputy with the video, and the deputy reportedly confirmed that it appeared as if the cook put his penis in the food. According to reports, when he was asked about it, the man said he used the jelly to satisfy his sexual urges. He also reportedly said he believes he needs help. The restaurant closed, and all the food was thrown in the garbage.

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According to the police, a man driving a truck on the Pennsylvania Turnpike was allegedly found with 25,000 bags of heroin when they searched the vehicle during a traffic stop.

Last Halloween, a trooper from the Pennsylvania State Police was posted on the Interstate using radar on the passing vehicles, when he saw a man driving a blue Ford Explorer go by. According to the affidavit, the trooper noted the truck was “3 to 4 car lengths” behind the person in front of them, but he still “did not feel the Ford Explorer’s following distance was reasonable.”

The trooper began following the Explorer, which was traveling in the left/passing lane. After reportedly not passing any vehicles for approximately one mile, the trooper performed a traffic stop.

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A couple in Miami is facing charges after allegedly staging a bodybuilding photo shoot that included pointing a loaded high-powered assault rifle in several directions in a parking lot containing a daycare center.

Late in the afternoon on April 22, the mother of a child enrolled at the Miami-Dade childcare center “Devon Aire Kiddy College” arrived at the Crystal Plaza Shopping Center strip mall where the business is located. She reportedly spotted a man and woman taking a firearm out of a vehicle. She reportedly watched as the man posed while pointing the rifle in different directions, one of which was allegedly toward the door of the daycare. The woman called the authorities to report the situation.

Officers from the Miami-Dade Police went to the location, and when they arrived, they reported that the man was still posing with the weapon. The woman was reportedly taking pictures of him.

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A man at a beach celebration was accused of kidnapping and sexual offenses after driving away with a young girl who was talking to him about his dog when she allegedly got into his car.

On April 15, visitors of Memorial Beach on Websters Lake in Webster, Massachusetts, were taking part in a celebration in honor of Patriots’ Day. There is a park on the beach, and a girl under the age of 14 was hanging out in the area. It was reported that while she was there, she began talking to a man about the dog he had with him.

The girl reportedly accompanied the 68-year-old man and his dog to his car and got into the passenger seat. The man reportedly drove off with the youngster and allegedly told her he needed to make a stop so he could drop off his pet. They reportedly went to a few different places before the man dropped her off at home and told her he would be back at the beach the next day.

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A mother in Arizona who is on probation for an assault conviction was caught on camera as she allegedly attacked her daughter’s school bus driver while youngsters were still on the bus.

On the afternoon of April 11, a 64-year-old woman was filling in for an absent bus driver and dropping off children along the regular route. When she pulled over at one of the stops, she reportedly became entangled in an encounter with the angry mother of a girl who rides the bus.

The incident, which was recorded on a camera inside the bus, reportedly started when the mom believed the bus driver said something about her child. She boarded the bus and confronted the driver, and the driver denied the accusation before telling the woman to get out of the vehicle.

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A Delaware man without a valid driver’s license was arrested on several charges after reportedly passing out behind the wheel and causing a single-vehicle accident while allegedly driving under the influence of narcotics.

Just after midnight on April 17, a man from Smyrna was driving locally in a 2019 Volkswagen. According to reports, he did not have a valid license to be behind the wheel. During his travels, the man was the victim of an unfortunate accident when his vehicle struck a tree on the side of the road near the Dover Scrap Yard.

Emergency medical technicians were the first on the scene, and state troopers arrived shortly after. It was believed that the man suffered an overdose, causing him to pass out and lose control of the vehicle. He was given Narcan, and the man regained consciousness before he was transported to a nearby hospital.

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An Alabama woman, and her husband who worked as a warden in a correctional facility, were arrested and accused of multiple drug offenses including manufacturing and possession.

According to reports, the Limestone County Correctional Facility warden has worked for the Alabama Department of Corrections for more than two decades. Prior to his current post, the 45-year-old man was the warden at the Birmingham Community Based Facility for women.  He and his 55-year-old wife share a home in the local area, and court records indicate that since September 2022, they have been under investigation for the manufacturing of psilocybin (psychedelic) mushrooms in the residence.

On the morning of April 19, the Alabama Department of Corrections Law Enforcement Services Division, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s SWAT team, and the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office went to the address with warrants to search the premises, in addition to the man’s business office. They also had arrest warrants for him and his wife.

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An armed South Carolina man was arrested after reportedly holding a woman, two children, and an infant hostage during a standoff with the authorities lasting several hours.

On the evening of April 17, a man, woman, infant, and two children were together in a Gaffney home when a domestic incident reportedly occurred. During the unrest, the woman reportedly became fearful and dialed 911 on her cell phone without the man knowing she called. She said she needed help and then put the phone down. The dispatcher reported that they were able to hear some of what they believed was going on in the home.

Officers from the Gaffney Police Department headed to the address while staying informed about what was heard on the other end of the phone. According to reports, they found out the man in the house was holding the baby while also holding a firearm.

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When his wife refused to allow him to drive, a Florida man allegedly caused her to bleed by hitting her repeatedly in the head and face.

April 12, a married couple from Largo were reportedly at odds over the man, age 78, should be allowed to drive their vehicle. According to his wife, also age 78, his driving privileges were previously suspended, and she was trying to keep him safe. They began to argue, and when the woman held her stance, the domestic unrest reportedly intensified.

According to reports, the woman’s husband became so upset that he allegedly began hitting her in the face and head. Her nose and one of her eyes started bleeding, purportedly because of the alleged battery. The man’s wife of over half a century called 911 to report the situation and request police intervention. While she was on the phone, the man allegedly told her to shut up.

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