Articles Tagged with obstruction

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A 40-year-old man from Joliet found himself facing several charges after reportedly resisting arrest and trying to kick police officers during a routine traffic stop last week.

According to reports, officers from the Joliet Police Department spotted the driver of a van that reportedly failed to use his turn signal. A traffic stop was initiated, and the driver pulled over without incident. After he stopped the van, instead of staying inside the vehicle, the man allegedly got out and started walking away. The officers verbally tried to get him to stop, but he reportedly completely ignored them.

Before long, the man sat down on the sidewalk and the police were able to approach him. The officers suspected that the man was under the influence of an intoxicant, and they wanted to make sure he settled down. When they tried to grab him the man pulled away and stood up.

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The authorities reported that a 14-year-old boy may face charges after allegedly driving under the influence and leading them on a chase which ended when he hid inside of an outdoor freezer.

On June 28, an officer from the Kent Police Department was patrolling when they reportedly saw a vehicle that was driven through the intersection without stopping at the posted road sign. It was also asserted that the car was being operated erratically, and the officer decided to perform a traffic stop. The driver reportedly ignored it, and when he came to a red light he allegedly failed to stop. The officer trailed behind the vehicle and watched the driver hit a curb and allegedly run another red light. According to reports, the driver kept going despite one of the tires falling off the car, but he slammed into a second curb and could not continue.

The driver immediately got out and ran away from the police, and officers pursued him on foot. The King County Sheriff’s Office also assisted by air with a helicopter, and they were able to keep an eye on the suspect as he headed through the yards of nearby properties. He spotted a freezer that opened from the top, and the authorities reported that he climbed inside.

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A woman in Virginia is facing several charges after she was arrested for driving under the influence and allegedly assaulted two police officers who were trying to bring her into the jail.

Early in the morning on July 18, a woman from Charlotte who allegedly had a blood-alcohol content over the legal limit was driving in Albemarle County. Two officers from the Albemarle County Police Department spotted her vehicle, and a traffic stop was performed.

When they interacted with the driver, identified as a 38-year-old local, the officers believed she displayed indicators of being under the influence. She was asked to take a breath test, but she would not give her consent.

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A man in Pinellas County pleaded guilty to a pair of misdemeanor charges after quarreling with police officers over his rights when he was found naked and sitting in a sidewalk garbage can.

Just before midnight on April 6, a 35-year-old man without permanent housing was hanging out in the downtown section of St. Petersburg. It was reported that even though he was arrested for similar behavior in the summer of 2011, he was quite intoxicated, and began to remove his clothing in view of the public.

In addition to shedding his garments, the man called attention to himself when he climbed inside a garbage can that was sitting on the sidewalk. Officers from the St. Petersburg Police Department learned about the situation, and they approached the man.

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An Alabama teenager on vacation in Florida reportedly got drunk and harassed people playing tennis and spit on the face of a deputy who was arresting him for the alleged inappropriate behavior.

On the evening of March 25, a 17-year-old from Mountain Brook who was on vacation in Florida was hanging out at Santa Rosa Beach. The young man walked over to an area with tennis courts, and he allegedly started bothering the people who were playing. What reportedly began with the teen launching a verbal assault soon escalated into the physical realm.

The young man was asked to depart the premises, but he allegedly pushed a man so hard that he fell. When he regained his footing, the man grabbed the teen and held him down until the authorities arrived.

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A Nebraska woman was arrested after allegedly driving under the influence with two children in her vehicle and leading the police on a chase when they tried to interact with her.

At approximately 1:00 AM on January 1, a 27-year-old woman was driving in Sydney with two children in the vehicle. According to reports, the youngsters were in the back seat, and they were not wearing seat belts.

About an hour later, a trooper from the Nebraska State Patrol was nearby, and the woman allegedly hit the back end of their vehicle. The law enforcement officer believed it was done intentionally, and they performed a traffic stop.

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A Michigan woman is facing charges for allegedly shoving a child off a pool toy and calling him names last weekend at a water park.

On the afternoon of July 27, a woman visiting the Cedar Point Shores Waterpark in Sandusky was near the kids’ pool when she reportedly had a negative interaction with a child in front of other guests.

According to reports, the woman knocked a child off a pool toy and spoke inappropriately to the boy by calling him “fat ass” and “a brat.” When his mother became aware of the incident, she got angry and told the woman she owed her son an apology.

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A Jeanette, Pennsylvania woman is facing charges after reportedly faking her own disappearance.

At around 10:30 PM on May 1, a 23-year-old woman who works at Sonic left at the end of her work shift and drove home one of her coworkers in her Volkswagen Beetle.

According to reports, when the woman was on her way to her home, she sent a text message to her boyfriend telling him that she was being pulled over by the police. She mentioned that she was unsure about why it was happening.

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A Florida man was accused of using 911 without having a legitimate emergency when he reportedly called the number because his girlfriend wanted to eat Sour Patch Kids candy. 

37-year-old Joshua Larson lives in Madeira Beach, Florida. 

Just before midnight on July 16, Larson was at his home with his girlfriend. It was reported that the woman told Larson that she wanted to eat Sour Patch Kids candy. 

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 A woman accused of driving under the influence allegedly asked the authorities if she could give them $60 to forget about the situation and take her home instead of arresting her. 

33-year-old Tabatha Mae Jack resides in Harrison, Pennsylvania. 

Around 9:00 am on April 17, Jack reportedly got into a single-vehicle accident. 

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