Articles Tagged with downtown

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A man in Pinellas County pleaded guilty to a pair of misdemeanor charges after quarreling with police officers over his rights when he was found naked and sitting in a sidewalk garbage can.

Just before midnight on April 6, a 35-year-old man without permanent housing was hanging out in the downtown section of St. Petersburg. It was reported that even though he was arrested for similar behavior in the summer of 2011, he was quite intoxicated, and began to remove his clothing in view of the public.

In addition to shedding his garments, the man called attention to himself when he climbed inside a garbage can that was sitting on the sidewalk. Officers from the St. Petersburg Police Department learned about the situation, and they approached the man.

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The Chief of Staff of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center was arrested after he allegedly sent his wife text messages while intoxicated and threatened to harm her and her family. 

According to reports, on December 11, the man who is Vanderbilt’s Regional Director of Emergency Medicine and the Chief of Staff for one of their hospitals attended the company Christmas party with his wife. 

It was reported that the man was intoxicated from drinking at the party. 

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Jeremy Durham, the former Tennessee state Representative for District 65 who was expelled in 2016 for 22 sexual misconduct allegations, is facing charges connected to accusations that he was driving under the influence of alcohol. 

Late in the evening on September 22, Jeremy Durham was driving in Downtown Nashville. 

Just after 11:00 PM, Durham was in a car crash. 

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The owner of a store in Seattle is facing charges after allegedly taking part in a theft scheme involving more than $10,000 in stolen LEGO sets.

Last July, the authorities were alerted about a string of thefts taking place at a store in downtown Seattle. The suspect reportedly stole pricey LEGO sets each time they came into the establishment.

Most of the sets were from the Star Wars “Mandalorian” collection. The store estimated the value of the allegedly stolen goods at over $10,000.

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After a brick was found lodged in the broken glass of Senator Mark Warner’s office building door the authorities apprehended the man that they believe is responsible for the damage and he is facing felony charges.

On Monday morning before business hours, someone broke the glass on the front door to the Roanoke, Virginia, office of United States Senator Mark Warner. None of the employees had arrived yet when the incident occurred, and upon its discovery, the vandalism was reported to the police.

Before they were told of the brick that had smashed the senator’s door, the police had received notification around 7:30 am alerting them of a man that had been seen walking around in the downtown area carrying bricks, but they were not able to find the person right away when they searched for him.

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