Articles Tagged with paraphernalia

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When deputies in the Florida Keys pulled over a vehicle because they suspected that the driver was under the influence of alcohol they allegedly discovered drugs and paraphernalia leading them to believe that he was stoned instead of drunk.

On Saturday in the late afternoon, it was reported that several people called 911 in order to notify the authorities about the driver of a vehicle that they believed was operating his car erratically, and they were worried that he was going to cause an accident.

A police sergeant was working in the area that the callers had seen the Mustang GT allegedly being operated in an alarming manner and he was able to get the driver to come to a stop.

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After the police were notified by a property owner about an abandoned vehicle on their land they discovered that the people allegedly responsible for leaving it there were suspected as being the same people who had escaped the authorities during a vehicle pursuit a few days prior.

When the owner of a piece of property saw an unfamiliar car hidden in an obscure place on the land late in the afternoon on July 13, they called the authorities to report the vehicle.

When officers arrived they saw that the vehicle appeared to be intentionally concealed, and upon identifying it they believed that it was the same car that had been pursued by law enforcement two days earlier in Adams County.

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A Florida woman arrived at the local courthouse to fulfill her jury duty obligations when she was allegedly found carrying drugs and paraphernalia in her pocket leading to her arrest.

39-year-old Kristine Victoria Mittler was summoned to the West Pasco Judicial Center early in the afternoon on Monday to find out if she would be selected as a juror for an upcoming trial.

An x-ray machine that is viewed by security guards stands at the entrances of the courthouse building requiring that people going inside pass through the device for a safety screening. As Mittler walked through the archway of the metal detector the alarm activated due to two foil packets that were inside of her pocket.

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Early in the morning on April 23 a Washington man who hit the back of the car in front of him in a fast food restaurant drive-thru was arrested after authorities alleged that he was in possession of illegal drugs.

46-year-old Russell Reubin Stewart of Southport was visiting a McDonald’s and attempting to use the drive-thru just prior to 2:00 a.m. when his Nissan Altima collided with the back end of the car in front of him in the lane. Stewart then reportedly tried to drive away.

A Washington County sheriff’s deputy happened to be behind Stewart’s vehicle at the time and he saw the alleged event take place. The deputy began to pursue Stewart in order to pull him over before he was able to leave the parking lot.

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A mother is facing several charges after a police investigation led authorities to suspect that she was giving drugs to her 2-year-old and encouraging the child to use the substances.

In mid-January, authorities received a tip from a person reporting that they allegedly knew of a woman who was exposing her baby to methamphetamines and marijuana. It was also reported that the woman, identified as 20-year-old Kaitlyn Ecker, was permitting the child to partake in use of the illicit substances.

The Wakulla County Sheriff’s Department’s Persons Crimes Unit of the Criminal Investigations Division began looking into the claim and spoke with people who had been in contact and proximity of Ecker. During their statements, several of them confirmed that Ecker allegedly gave the child drugs and that she was even known to joke that the toddler was able to “roll joints.”

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A man who volunteers as a leader for the Boy Scouts in Staten Island, NY, was taken into custody for accusations that he was selling heroin out of the basement at his uncles New Brighton home. His uncle is accused of the criminal activity as well.

Kevin Saunders has worked with the Boy Scouts of America as a volunteer for nearly a year. He began taking a significant interest in working with the children when one of his cousins, the son of his uncle Adam Soler, became a member of the organization, according to a statement from Saunders’ younger brother who is 22-years-old.

When the Staten Island Narcotics Heroin Overdose Task Force was investigating the origin of the illegal narcotics in one of the recent local fatal heroin overdoses, they believed the drugs had been obtained from Saunders, and they began to look into his activities. Their efforts led them to Soler’s home, and they suspected the heroin was being distributed from that location. On Friday they obtained a search warrant to inspect the premises.

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On Wednesday morning a Sioux City man allegedly locked himself inside of the front porch at a stranger’s home, and began sexually pleasuring himself while simultaneously smoking methamphetamine.

The woman occupant of a house containing a front porch noticed an unfamiliar man in the enclosure on January 10 around 8:20 AM.

30-year-old Leland Purgett arrived at the home and allegedly entered the structure. He was able to locate the keys to the house, and he secured himself inside the porch area. With the female occupant of the home in view Purgett reportedly began masturbating in front of her while he was concurrently smoking methamphetamine.

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A high school teacher in Indiana has been accused of using drugs on school grounds inside of her classroom after students witnessed her snorting powder and one of them video recorded her on a cell phone.

Samantha Cox, an English teacher at Lake Central High School, had been inside of her empty classroom on Wednesday when she allegedly went into a corner where she believed she would not be seen in order to snort an illicit substance.

Students began to arrive outside of the classroom and they spotted Cox trying to be inconspicuous in the far corner. When they became aware of what she was doing one of them pulled out a cell phone and began documenting her drug use. The video was then uploaded to social media, but it has yet to be officially authenticated.

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A Pompton Lakes man who volunteers as a Santa Claus impersonator was pulled over while driving on Monday and arrested for alleged drug charges.

Charles R. Smith, a retired New Jersey Transit worker, currently does volunteer work dressing as Santa Claus for the Toys for Tots Foundation. He had been driving down Route 46 around 2:00 in the morning on Monday when South Hackensack police pulled him over for a routine traffic stop. Smith stated that he was on his way to a nearby motel at the time. One of the officers spotted a crack pipe next to Smith’s Santa suit which was hanging in the vehicle, and a search of the car allegedly uncovered empty plastic bags containing crack cocaine and heroin residue. A hypodermic needle was also said to be amongst the contraband items.

66-year-old Smith was taken into custody and faces two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia. He was released shortly after his detainment and awaits a court hearing. It is unknown whether Smith has legal representation at this time.

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32-year-old Jerilee Hughes was arrested after the Northwest Narcotics Task Force searched her home and found glass jars with psilocybin mushroom spores and growing supplies, as well as a small bag of useable mushrooms. Police also procured small amounts of marijuana and methamphetamine as well as residue-coated paraphernalia.

Hughes faces two felony and five misdemeanor drug related charges. During her bond hearing, the prosecuting attorney accused Hughes of cultivating enough mushrooms to consider her a danger to the community. She is being held on $10,000 bond.

Due to financial hardship, Hughes, who alleges she has never before been implicated in legal issues, asked for a lower bond. She willingly offered to participate if a stipulation was added where she take part in regular drug testing.

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