Articles Tagged with aggravated battery

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A Florida man might be permanently disfigured after an encounter with a woman in a 7-Eleven reportedly turned violent and she allegedly hit him in the face with a can of Pringles.

On March 6, a 28-year-old woman was at the checkout counter inside a 7-Eleven in Orlando when a man, who had reportedly been accosted by another man in the parking lot, walked in and approached her. Their interaction reportedly led to an altercation involving the woman allegedly striking him in the face with a Pringles can. She fled from the store, and the man, who was bleeding from a deep wound under one of his eyes, waited for the authorities to arrive.

Deputies from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office went to the location to investigate, and collected a statement about the incident from the alleged victim. He told them he was waiting in line to pay for his item, and when the woman moved aside, he asked her if she was acquainted with the man who approached him in the parking lot. She allegedly responded by whacking him above his eye with the potato chip can before she ran off. The deputy noted the man’s injuries. A store clerk was questioned, and their account of the events was similar. Since the suspect was no longer in the store, the deputy left. Shortly after, she was found nearby.

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A Florida man was allegedly attacked by a woman with a garden hoe when he canceled the plans they made, and she reportedly became upset.

Early in the morning on February 11, a man in Frostproof was reportedly involved in a violent encounter with a woman he identified as a friend with benefits. It was reported that the pair made plans to spend time together, but the man informed the woman that he needed to cancel. She reportedly did not handle his retraction well and suspected he might have ditched her to hang out with another woman.

According to reports, the woman went to his house and entered the man’s property by climbing over his fence. He reportedly told her she had to leave, but she allegedly entered his residence while he tried to block her from doing so. The man continued trying to get her out of the home, but she reportedly wanted to see if another woman was there. Additionally, she asked him to give her the money back from a crossbow she bought for him. The argument intensified, and the woman allegedly grabbed a garden hoe and used it to strike the man on the arm. The wound was bleeding, and another woman took him to the hospital.

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A lawyer in Florida is facing charges after purportedly trying to enforce proper etiquette at a wedding buffet table by allegedly using his plate to assault a man who allowed his daughters to cut in front of him.

On January 18, the Boca Lago Country Club in Boca Raton hosted a wedding reception that featured a meat carving station with prime rib as part of the meal offerings. Several guests were waiting their turn, and a line formed. One of the people waiting in line was identified as a 52-year-old local attorney who represents clients in bankruptcy, commercial litigation, business disputes, and collections cases. Two young girls approached the man standing in front of him. The man invited them to enter the line and stand with him, causing them to cut in front of the lawyer. He reportedly became upset and began arguing with him for allowing it, and when he turned away from him, he allegedly broke a plate over the man’s head.

The authorities were notified, and the suspect was taken into custody. He is facing a preliminary charge of felony aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. It was reported that while he initially chose not to talk to the authorities without an attorney present, he later discussed the incident. He reportedly said he was hungry and had a verbal dispute with the alleged victim when the girls cut. He said he shoved the man but did not admit to hitting him with a plate. He was released after posting bond.

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A woman is facing charges after she was accused of stealing from a Dollar General store in northeastern Florida and battering the pregnant employee who tried to intervene.

Late in the morning on January 2, a woman rode a bicycle to a Dollar General in Palm Coast so she could pick up a lighter. The patron, who was described as wearing a blonde wig, a hat, and a scarf, was allegedly seen approaching the checkout counter near the shelf where the lighters are kept. When she learned they cost $2.00 each, the woman reportedly told the cashier that she did not have enough to pay for one. She allegedly grabbed the lighter anyway and headed towards the door. The cashier, who was 8 months pregnant at the time, tried to stand in the way so she could not leave the building, but the woman allegedly shoved her and walked out.

The authorities were notified, but before they arrived, the suspect had already ridden away on her bike. They talked to the cashier and a witness and set out to locate the woman. They collected a picture of the suspect from a surveillance camera and posted it on social media, and someone who saw it provided the woman’s whereabouts to the sheriff’s office.

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A Louisiana man allegedly made racist comments to a group of Black individuals in a parking lot in Monroe, causing one of them to punch him in the face before the man was arrested. 

Late in the evening on January 5, officers from the Monroe Police Department went to the local Shoe Show parking lot in response to an altercation between two men. When they arrived, they saw that a white man and one of the Black men at the scene were wounded. When the police talked to the black man, whose foot was hurt, he said that he and his friends were sitting in a car in the lot, and a vehicle parked next to them. He said the driver, identified as a 51-year-old white male from Monroe, began yelling derogatory remarks at them and he stepped out of his car. According to the police report, one of the things he shouted was “I hate n*ggers!” Afterward, he tried to pull away, and the black man’s foot was run over when he attempted to stop him by standing in his path. The police were told that the white man sustained his injuries after the man whose foot he ran over started punching him.

It was reported that the suspect was taken into custody and transported to a local hospital. After he was treated and released, he was booked into the Ouachita County Correctional Facility. He is facing preliminary charges of one felony count of aggravated battery, a misdemeanor count for hate crimes, and a misdemeanor count of resisting an officer. According to jail records, at the time this was written, the man was still in custody in lieu of a $50,000 bond.

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A Florida man was arrested after allegedly dumping two glasses of water on his brother during a dispute over pie, and he could face up to 30 years in prison if he is found guilty. 

Early in the evening on February 22, a 64-year-old man and his older brother were at their home in Lee County, Florida.  

The older brother reportedly had been saving a piece of key lime pie in the refrigerator for a few days.  

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A Florida Man is facing charges after allegedly assaulting a pregnant woman and biting one of the officers that helped to detain him. 

On January 21, around 5:30 PM, a woman who is 5 weeks pregnant notified the police about her 36-year-old boyfriend after he allegedly physically assaulted her. She reported that he violently threw her around, and then left the residence. 

The authorities looked for the suspect, but they were unable to find him until the following afternoon when they spotted the man while he was at an Express Grocery Store. 

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A New Mexico man was accused of violently attacking and raping his girlfriend before dumping gasoline and bleach all over the room where the incident took place. 

At approximately 2:00 am on September 15, a woman, her boyfriend, and an infant whose relationship to the pair has not been disclosed were in a Northeast Albuquerque apartment together. 

According to reports, the 33-year-old man and his girlfriend began to have sex, but the woman decided she wanted to stop. 

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A Florida man and his son were arrested for allegedly brutally attacking someone at a wedding and leaving them unconscious. 

On September 3, a wedding was celebrated at the Granville Farms venue in Lake Helen, Florida. 

Two of the people in attendance were a 38-year-old man and his 21-year-old son who have each been charged with violent crimes on various occasions. 

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A woman who reportedly blamed her neighbors for the leaves on her lawn allegedly approached them and got into a physical altercation, during which two of them were stabbed. 

66-year-old Kyong Moulton resides in Palm Bay. She lives across the street from an 87-year-old woman.

Moulton was away from her residence in the afternoon on January 6.

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