Articles Tagged with bleach

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Early last week, the mother of a 10-year-old was arrested after allegedly abusing and injuring her child, in addition to trying to drown him in the bathtub.

According to reports, between April 15 and April 21, the woman took out her aggression on her son after reportedly becoming upset when he told her he would rather live with his father. In response, she allegedly grabbed a bottle of bleach and doused her son with the liquid.

The boy went to the bathroom and got in the tub to wash off, and his mother reportedly entered and held him under the water in an alleged attempt to drown him. It was reported that the youngster pretended to be dead so she would stop. When she realized he was faking, the woman allegedly locked her son in a closet.

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A Florida woman is facing charges after her boyfriend accused her of serving him a glass of tea with a bleach tablet added in place of sugar.

On the afternoon of February 23, a woman and her boyfriend were at the home they have shared for approximately three years. He was reportedly preparing a meal when he stepped away to take a business call from his boss. He walked outside to take the call and his food was left unattended in the house.

When he finished talking to his employer, the man returned to his tortilla and glass of tea. His girlfriend was in the room, and when he offered her a bite of his food, she told him it was too spicy for her taste. He reportedly tried to offer her some tea to see if it would help the burning feeling in her mouth, but she was reportedly unwilling to drink the beverage.

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A custodian at a southern New Jersey elementary school is facing felony charges after allegedly uploading images to an online texting app showing him tainting the cafeteria food and kitchen items with bleach, feces, and bodily fluids.

On October 30, someone was in a group thread on the online texting app called Telegram, and they reportedly began posting pictures. The images reportedly showed someone masturbating with items from a school kitchen. The man also allegedly urinated in objects used to cook and serve the students. He used bread to wipe his privates and he placed it back into the bag, in addition to spraying vegetables with bleach. The vegetables were served to the students.

One of the people who saw the images notified the authorities and told them they saved them so they could show them to the police. On the same day, the school received several calls from people who reported the online content.

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The Arizona wife of a man in the Air Force was arrested and charged for allegedly trying to poison her husband by putting bleach in his coffee in a purported scam to collect his life insurance.

According to reports, a woman and her then-husband, an airman, temporarily moved to Germany when he got stationed there.

Last March, the man reported that something was amiss with the taste of his coffee, which his wife reportedly prepared the night before so it would be easy for him to brew in the morning. After tolerating the foul flavor for a few weeks, he decided to try to discover the cause.

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A Florida man who works as a janitor at a Dollar General store is facing charges after allegedly poisoning his coworker’s beverage. 

On October 24, two workers who had reportedly recently gotten into an argument while working a shift together at the Dollar General store in DeLand, Florida, had their allegedly hostile connection come to a head. 

The reportedly irritated party arrived at work, and he realized that the person he disliked was scheduled for a shift as well.  

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A Texas mother and her boyfriend were arrested after the woman’s twins escaped their home and alerted a neighbor that they were being subjected to horrific abuse. 

Around 5:30 AM on October 18, a woman at home in a residential neighborhood in Houston heard a loud knocking at her door. 

When the woman went to see who it was, she spotted a set of teenage twins. The boy and the girl, age 16, had handcuffs on their wrists and they were wearing very little clothing. 

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A New Mexico man was accused of violently attacking and raping his girlfriend before dumping gasoline and bleach all over the room where the incident took place. 

At approximately 2:00 am on September 15, a woman, her boyfriend, and an infant whose relationship to the pair has not been disclosed were in a Northeast Albuquerque apartment together. 

According to reports, the 33-year-old man and his girlfriend began to have sex, but the woman decided she wanted to stop. 

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A Florida woman with two roommates reportedly went shopping at Publix after trying to murder them with a kitchen knife because she was asked to move out of the residence, 

According to reports, a few months ago, the 30-year-old was told that her room was needed so that a relative of one of the other residents could live in the home. 

The woman reportedly became enraged when she was informed that she would need to acquire new housing. She allegedly began plotting her revenge. 

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A woman who was the alleged long-time victim of sex trafficking has additionally accused her abuser of forcing her to clean herself with bleach after the sexual encounters took place.

On Saturday night in Cantonment, Florida, Escambia County sheriffs went to a home to check on a situation involving a possible domestic violence incident.

When they arrived at the home, the deputies met with a woman who confirmed that she lived there. The woman was reported as visibly upset and crying.

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A man who was recorded as homeless was recently apprehended when he was suspected of dumping bleach on top of consumable items for sale at Southern California grocery stores.

In a time period spanning from December 14 through January 20, in four separate incidents, grocery stores in Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, Westwood, and West Hollywood reportedly discovered that there was bleach spilled on top of some of the consumable frozen products intended for public purchase. The main items that were found to be affected were reported as ice and frozen shrimp.

The stores were equipped with CCTV, and when the federal authorities reviewed the captured material recorded during the periods of time that the incidents were reported they saw what appeared to be a man taking bleach bottles off of the shelves at each of the stores. The man was then shown on the video as he allegedly went to the frozen sections and appeared to dump the contents of the bleach bottles over the ice in coolers in some cases, and frozen shrimp in others.

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