Articles Tagged with delinquency

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After investigating an attack that was recorded on video inside of a skate park, the authorities have located and arrested two of the three people that they believe were the main suspects involved in the allegedly heinous act.

On Sunday evening, people visiting the Moreno Valley Skate Park around 8:15 pm were reportedly spectators of a violent crime in action.

A video that was recorded by an onlooker, in addition to a surveillance camera in the skate park, depicted several people hanging out at the picnic tables in the new park when three men appeared to rush up to the area.

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An Ohio mom gave her son consent to receive a tattoo and she is facing charges based on a video that was recorded during the procedure that allegedly depicted an unlicensed teenager doing the work in an unclean space.

34-year-old Nikki Dickinson and her son Skylar live in Bellefontaine, Ohio, and Skylar turned 10-years-old in mid-September.

According to Dickinson, her son had been hounding her for quite some time about wanting to get a tattoo. When she said she became tired of him asking she gave him consent for the work to take place a week after his birthday.

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The father of a teen boy is facing charges after driving his son and an underage girl to the park where the teenagers reportedly engaged in sexual activity.

On Sunday night around 11:40 pm, an officer noticed a Toyota in a parking space at McChesney Park. When he went up to the man sitting in the driver’s seat to find out why he was at the location after hours the man reportedly said that he had given his 15-year-old son and a 15-year-old girl a ride to the park.

The officer reported that he asked why the man, identified as 53-year-old Laurence Mitchell, would take his son and the girl to a park in the middle of the night. Mitchell allegedly said that he believed they were just being teenagers and doing “what kids do,” and that they were not causing any trouble.

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Two women are facing legal consequences for allegations that they allowed and encouraged three young children to participate in smoking what is believed was marijuana after a video was released of the reported incident and generated much attention while circulating the internet.

21-year-old Michaela Pearson and 18-year-old Candice Little from Winston-Salem were identified as the two women allegedly depicted in a video while in the company of three toddlers between the ages of 4 and 6.

The recording, which was uploaded to Snapchat and made its rounds throughout social media sites, showed two women who have been reported as having the physical appearances of Pearson and Little. The women were seated with three young children as an item with the appearance of a cigar was passed amongst them.

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At a Georgia Walmart on the 4th of July, a minivan carrying a man, a woman, and four female children was seen on surveillance as the children allegedly helped the adults illegally take car batteries from the business and put them into the vehicle.

After the discovery that the store appeared to be missing several car batteries, and while investigating the cause of the loss on their security video footage, a minivan with six individuals was seen parked near one of the inventory storage areas located on the outside of the building.

Four little girls, the youngest suspected as being 5 or 6-years-old, were reportedly shown removing the batteries from the secured storage place after the adult woman accompanying them allegedly smashed the lock off using what was appeared to be a hammer. Both of the adults also purportedly took part in packing the batteries into the vehicle.

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A mother who hosted a party at her house on Friday for her son’s graduation has been charged after an underage girl reported that she had been the victim of a sexual assault. The woman had additionally allegedly bought liquor for the guests and allowed marijuana use at the celebration.

Dana Fowler, the mother of a son who just graduated high school, threw a party at her house to commemorate the special occasion. Of the people in attendance, several of them were reportedly under the age of 21.

41-year-old Fowler allegedly purchased alcohol for the party, and she was said to allow the attendees to smoke marijuana.

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A North Carolina woman who went to a Target store has been accused of using two juveniles to help guard her against getting caught while she allegedly stole several video games.

Jacksonville resident 29-year-old Ashley Nicole Reed was frequenting a Target store in Raleigh accompanied by two young siblings, ages 6 and 10.

While she was in the store, Reed, who is said to have made the plans with a member of her family, allegedly staged two different attempts to steal dozens of Nintendo Switch video games. She reportedly used one child at a time to watch out for possible approaching employees in each of the incidents so that she would not get caught.

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A mother who had left her three children unattended at home for a time is facing charges after the authorities discovered the kids outdoors and allegedly very intoxicated.

On Monday, April 30, three young children from Gastonia, NC, were allegedly left at home alone while their mother went out. During their time without a responsible adult in charge, the juveniles reportedly discovered a bottle of Grey Goose vodka and decided to help themselves to the contents.

After allegedly consuming enough of the alcohol to result in what authorities reported as a “heavily intoxicated” state, the children left the home and wandered outside. While outdoors the eldest child, a 7-year-old girl, had defecated and then proceeded to pretend she was engaging in sexual behavior with one of her younger brothers. She additionally was said to have made an attempt to get into a laundry room and smashed the protective glass encasing a fire extinguisher in order to obtain the device.

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A video that made the rounds on Facebook depicting a toddler smoking what is assumed to be marijuana has resulted in her mother facing felony charges.

In a video reportedly recorded sometime between December 1 and January 31, a 1-year-old little girl is seen giggling and then what looks as if she has a small brown cigar held to her lips by an adult-sized hand. Smoke is then shown surrounding the baby’s head. The video was then uploaded to the popular social network Facebook.

The recording gained millions of views after it began circulating online, and police reported that many people notified them reporting what they had seen which prompted them to begin an investigation.

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