Articles Tagged with imprisonment

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A factory worker in Kentucky was hospitalized after her coworker allegedly locked her in a room with scalding steam and harsh chemicals.

On March 5, a woman who works at the Land-O-Frost factory in Madisonville was with a male employee inside the room where the racks are machine washed and sanitized. When her 23-year-old coworker walked out, the woman found the door, which only opens from the outside, was locked. There was a second door, but pallets were in front of it blocking its access. She could not get out before the rack washing machine was turned on, and 200-degree steam, and chemicals, filled the space and scalded her. She soon passed out, but she hit the emergency shut-off switch before she fell on the ground. The woman, who had injuries on her face, in addition to her head, was taken to a local hospital. It was reported that she was still being treated for a concussion the day after the incident occurred.

The authorities were notified, and officers from the Madisonville Police Department met with the alleged victim to talk to her about the event. According to reports, she told them while she and the man were together in the rack washing room, he said they could trap each other inside. She told the police she heard him lock her in when he left, and she believed he purposely turned on the machine.

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The father of a 5-year-old girl in Northwest Arkansas is facing several charges after he allegedly hid his daughter in a tight space behind the wall to try to keep DCF from taking her.

On November 1, a 40-year-old man who is out of bail for a drug charge was at his parents’ Tontitown residence with his daughter.

According to reports, the Department of Human Services was sent to take the 5-year-old from the home, and they had law enforcement accompany them when they went to the residence.

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A Florida Man was arrested for domestic violence offenses after allegedly throwing a Christmas tree at his wife in response to her request for his help with cooking dinner. 

On the evening of December 12, a husband, his wife, and their friend were in their Fruitland residence, and the woman was preparing dinner. 

It was reported that the woman asked her husband for help with the meal, and he allegedly became enraged by her request. 

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A man who was pulled over by the police allegedly used his baby as a human shield in a purported attempt to hold off the officers.

Last Monday, the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office reported that officers were pursuing a suspect on Interstate 10 that they believed was involved in a situation relating to “a child custody/Baker Act issue.”

When law enforcement officers succeeded in getting the driver of the vehicle, identified as 31-year-old Zachary Taylor McKinney from Defuniak Springs, to obey their command to stop and interact with them they spotted an infant in the car with the man.

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A teenage waitress working at a wedding has alleged that during the reception the groom propositioned her and tried to have sex with her more than once.

31-year-old Matthew Aimers and his bride chose the Northampton Valley Country Club in Richboro, PA, as the venue for their wedding reception on November 24.

During the celebration, a teenage girl who was working the event reported that over the course of the night the groom tried to make gratuitous sexual moves on her that caused her to believe that the newlywed was trying to pursue an extramarital affair.

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The mother and father of an 18-year-old girl are facing charges after allegations that they locked their daughter inside of a cage in an unsanitary environment.

Richmond residents Tito and Shannon Felix are the parents of an 18-year-old daughter who suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which is a life-long condition with a variety of symptoms linked to babies being exposed to alcohol in the womb. There is no way to reverse it due to damage to the brain and nervous system.

One of the symptoms that Tito and Shannon’s daughter displays is that she tends to get up in the night and roam around.

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On Friday afternoon, a woman who had allegedly been physically abused and was being held at gunpoint covertly handed a note to employees at her veterinarian’s office during a visit for her dog and asked them to notify the authorities.

Carolyn Reichle, and her boyfriend, 39-year-old Jeremy Floyd, share a home together in Volusia County. On Wednesday evening the couple was arguing over a fidelity accusation and Floyd reportedly assaulted Reichle throughout the night and used a loaded handgun to stop her from leaving the house. He allegedly held her under threat for two days while she recovered in bed from the beating.

28-year-old Reichle reasoned with Floyd on Friday, telling him that their dog was not well and needed to be taken to the veterinarian’s office for treatment, and he eventually gave in to her requests.

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A Newport Beach man has been charged with felony offenses after he reportedly held his wife against her will while torturing and abusing her using several methods, including waterboarding.

36-year-old Richard David Schlosser and his 65-year-old wife of two months share a home in Newport Beach.

On January 6 around 10:15 a.m. someone notified the authorities and told them that they feared something was wrong with the woman inside the couple’s home. Police dispatched to the location and reported that they had “reason to believe a crime had occurred.”

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A 60-year-old man who resides in Perris, California, is suspected of sexually assaulting a young girl that he allegedly snatched off the street and held captive during the incident.

On Saturday, March 31, a young girl was reportedly unexpectedly grabbed by Graylin Dennis Williams and taken to an isolated location where he allegedly proceeded to rape her.

The Perris Police Department received an alert about a sexual assault that had taken place and officers dispatched to the location to look into the claims. While investigating the situation the police decided that Williams was the suspected perpetrator of the attack.

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