Articles Tagged with teacher

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A married high school teacher in Mississippi was arrested after allegedly having an affair with a student that he reportedly planned to take out of state so they could be wed.

According to reports, last Spring, a 38-year-old physics teacher at Ocean Springs High School and a 17-year-old female student allegedly engaged in a relationship involving sex. Occasionally, the man allegedly took the teen to his Fort Bayou Estates home, and at other times they reportedly parked in a Walmart parking lot to engage in sexual relations.

The pair reportedly decided to leave the state and go to Louisiana so they could get married, even though the man has a wife and a young child.

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A woman who used to be a teacher may face life in prison after being accused of having sexual relations with a teenage boy, in addition to giving him marijuana and alcohol before he drove an automobile.

On November 6, a 36-year-old woman who worked at South Fremont High School earlier this year reportedly picked up a teenager, reported as being age 16 or 17 years old, from his residence and drove him to her home. While he was there, the teen allegedly smoked pot and drank alcohol. The pair also allegedly had sex.

It was reported that when the boy was going to go home, the woman believed she was too drunk to drive. She reportedly allowed him to borrow her vehicle to drive himself back to his house.

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A fourth-grade teacher in Covington, Tennessee, was arrested last week after allegations that she raped a 12-year-old boy who used to be her student in his residence.

On August 24, the Tennessee Department of Children Services informed the Criminal Investigation Division at the Covington Police Department that they had received a report about the alleged rape of a youngster. They reported that the alleged sexual abuse happened between a teacher and a 12-year-old boy who used to be her student, and they believed it happened at the boy’s home. The authorities began to investigate the claims.

According to reports, the woman, who initially taught fifth grade at Crestview Elementary School and took a new position this year teaching fourth grade English/Language arts at Charger Academy, was suspended without pay by the school district because of the accusations.

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A former substitute teacher who is the wife of a police chief in Oklahoma is facing felony charges for allegedly taking part in a sexual relationship with one of her teenage students.

Last October, a woman who was working as a substitute teacher for the Wellston Public School district was teaching at Wellston High School.

The woman, who is married to the chief of police, reportedly sent a text message to a 15-year-old student about a school assignment.

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A special needs elementary school substitute teacher was accused of child abuse when she allegedly struck one of the children in her class with a book as a disciplinary measure. 

About a month ago, a 25-year-old woman began working as a substitute teacher in a special needs classroom at the Champion Elementary School in Daytona Beach. Two other teachers worked with her in the class since the students often required extra attention. 

According to a witness who also works at the school, the sub was engaging with students when they saw the woman hit a young boy with a book. 

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A teacher in New Jersey is facing multiple charges after allegedly overdosing on Fentanyl in front of the students in his middle school class.

At the beginning of the school day on November 29, a 57-year-old art teacher at Roosevelt Intermediate School in Westfield, New Jersey, was in his middle school classroom with his students.

Around 9:00 AM, the students saw the man fall onto the floor.

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A Texas preschool teacher is facing charges and lost her job after four 1-year-olds became ill after allegedly consuming marijuana edibles on Halloween. 

On Halloween, children enrolled at the Primrose School of Prosper were left in the care of their usual 35-year-old preschool teacher. 

During the afternoon, four of the 1-year-old children in the woman’s class started to feel sick, and employees at the school called 911 to report the situation. 

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A high school social studies teacher in New Jersey is facing sex charges after he reportedly rented a hotel room to have intimate relations with an underage former student.

According to reports, a man from Absecon, New Jersey, who has been a public employee for approximately thirteen years is employed as a social studies teacher at Atlantic City High School.

It was reported that the instructor had been spending time with a 17-year-old student both outside of school and inside the classroom.

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A special education elementary school teacher was arrested after three families accused her of physically and verbally assaulting their children. 

Last May, two teacher’s assistants reported that a special education teacher at Grassfield Elementary School in Chesapeake, Virginia, was treating some of her students abusively. The assistants said they saw the teacher hurting the children in her class. 

One of the three students the teacher is accused of harming is 11 years old and non-verbal. The child’s mother said her daughter had a recent behavior change, and she believed it was due to the alleged mistreatment of the girl. 

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A man who worked as a high school substitute teacher and track coach was arrested for several crimes after he allegedly bought alcohol for students and filmed them while they were engaging in sexual behavior. 

20-year-old Peyton William Harris lives in Mifflintown, Pennsylvania. Starting in 2021, Harris was a substitute teacher and assistant track coach at Juniata High School. He also worked as a substitute teacher at Newport High School. 

This April, the authorities were informed that Harris allegedly had sexual contact with a high school student.  

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