Articles Posted in Domestic Violence

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A woman from Voss, Texas, has been arrested in Tarrant County on allegations of abusing her 7-year-old granddaughter, whom she had been caring for since the girl was an infant.

According to reports, the child was hospitalized at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth in August 2023. She was reportedly suffering from severe dehydration, vomiting, and diarrhea. When she was checked, medical staff found ulcers in her gastrointestinal tract in addition to damage to her intestines and colon. They were unable to diagnose a specific medical condition based on the youngster’s symptoms. As part of her treatment, doctors used a gastric feeding tube to give her medication.

During the medical interventions, the child’s condition got better and then worsened, but the doctors could not find a reason. In January 2024, family members became concerned and suspected the grandmother could be harming the child. They reported their concerns, and the grandmother was told she could no longer stay at the hospital because she was not the youngster’s legal guardian. According to the doctors, the child’s health improved significantly after her grandmother left. It was reported that the authorities believe the child’s grandmother may have been poisoning her by putting Mean Green Degreaser cleaner in her feeding tube.

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A well-known YouTuber from Houston reportedly left the country after he was accused of kidnapping two women and threatening them with a gun before allegedly leaving them on the side of the road on I-10.

On November 23, a famous YouTuber reportedly made plans to spend time with two women. According to reports, after the trio went on an excursion to ride ATV’s, they visited a bowling alley where they hung out and met some of his friends. While there, the man allegedly began acting strange and told the women it was because he noticed that individuals from a rival gang were there. He left without them, but one of his friends gave the women a ride to get their belongings out of the man’s vehicle.

When they arrived, the man offered the women a ride home, but when they got in the car, he allegedly started traveling in the opposite direction on I-10. Instead of taking them home, the man reportedly left them on the side of the road. A passerby spotted them and called the authorities, and the women were found by deputies with the Waller County Sheriff’s Office.

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A school bus driver in southern Florida is facing charges after allegedly yanking the hair of a 6-year-old and encouraging students to bully the child.

According to reports, a youngster in Miami was having a tough time while riding the school bus. The driver allegedly added to his struggle by telling the other students they were allowed to torment him. Afterward, he was reportedly involved in a few incidents. It was reported that in one instance he was struck by a student, and in another, he hit his head when he was shoved onto the floor of the bus. His 10-year-old sister, who is also a passenger, was allegedly told by the driver that she should stay quiet about the incidents.

On the afternoon of November 20, an event reportedly happened involving the child and the driver’s 6-year-old daughter. When his sister noticed the situation, she intervened to create a barrier between him and the girl. The bus driver allegedly responded by yanking the boy’s hair and telling him “never to touch his daughter.” The youngster told his parents what occurred, and the following day they notified the authorities.

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A barking dog was credited with helping to prevent a Florida man from allegedly trying to abduct a 3-year-old boy who was playing in the backyard of his foster family’s residence.

On the afternoon of December 27, a 3-year-old boy was playing in his backyard while his foster mother was inside the house. According to reports, a man who was walking past the St. Petersburg home opened the gate and approached the child. The stranger allegedly grabbed the toddler and tried to pick him up. The family dog began barking loudly, and the youngster’s foster mother went outside to see what caused it. She reportedly spotted the alleged intruder, and she was able to chase him away.

The authorities found out about the incident, and officers from the St. Petersburg Police Department located a man nearby that they believed was the suspect. He was identified as a 36-year-old local who is currently without permanent housing, and it was reported that he has been arrested multiple times since 2007. The police collected and reviewed surveillance video that reportedly showed the same individual going into the backyard where the youngster was playing. When talking to the authorities about the situation, the man allegedly told them that he was the person who went into the yard.

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A Pennsylvania man is facing multiple charges after allegedly shooting his brother in the groin during a dispute on Christmas Eve.

On December 24, a 22-year-old man was hanging out with his family at a home in Butler County. The environment was reportedly tense between himself and his 27-year-old brother, and after becoming upset, the man decided to leave. His brother began driving around looking for him, and his family called and asked the Butler County Crisis Service to help with the situation.

Shortly after he began searching, the man’s brother saw him sitting in his parked vehicle in a nearby residential area. According to reports, as he walked up to the car, his brother allegedly loaded a handgun and shot the man in the groin area causing the alleged victim to fall onto the ground.  Neighbors reported that they heard what they thought were gunshots, and they became concerned and called the authorities.

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A pizza delivery driver in central Florida was arrested after she was accused of stabbing a customer multiple times because she reportedly believed she was given too small of a tip.

At approximately 10:00 PM on December 22, a Marco’s Pizza driver delivered an order to a family at the Riviera Motel in Kissimmee. When she arrived, a woman answered the door and gave the employee a $50 bill to pay the $33 check. The driver started walking away, but the customer stopped her and told her she would like the change. She was informed that the drivers do not provide change, so the woman paid for the order with smaller bills and gave the driver a $2 tip.

Approximately 90 minutes later, two individuals wearing face masks reportedly showed up at the hotel room where the customer, her boyfriend, and their 5-year-old daughter were staying. The pair knocked on the door, and when the woman answered, they allegedly pushed their way into the room. The male intruder reportedly forced the woman’s boyfriend into the bathroom at gunpoint, and the female intruder went through the family’s belongings before allegedly pulling out a pocketknife. While the woman was trying to protect her daughter, she was stabbed several times.

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A woman is on house arrest after a viral video of what appeared to show her abusing her infant daughter was brought to the attention of the authorities.

According to reports, early last week, many internet users viewed a video that caused them to believe a baby was being abused by a woman later identified as her mother. The footage reportedly showed the infant being spit on and shoved by the head, in addition to having liquid that appeared to be dishwashing detergent squirted in her mouth. Many people who had seen the content were calling for the mother’s arrest, and when the authorities found out about the situation, an investigation was opened.

Child Protective Services worked alongside the Loveland Police Department when looking into the details of the situation. They reportedly learned that the mother of the infant, who is just over one year old, recorded a video while allegedly mistreating the baby. They also found out that the infant’s dad had a copy of the video, and it was reported that the woman sent it to him after she made it.

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A Florida mom is facing multiple charges after reportedly fighting with the police during her arrest when they learned that she allegedly left four youngsters unattended in her vehicle while she hung out at a bar.

On the evening of December 16, a woman and her 8-year-old child entered the Apple Lounge & Grill. An employee spotted the boy and informed his mom that children were not allowed in the bar. After purportedly leaving the youngster with his father, the woman returned for food and drinks. The bartender reported that they went outside and looked around the parking lot and saw four kids alone in a vehicle. The employee notified the authorities.

Deputies from the Polk County Sheriff’s Department went to the location to investigate, and they reported that the children, who were ages 10 months, 3, 5, and 8 years old, were still in the car. When their mother came outside, the deputies believed she showed several signs of being intoxicated. They interacted with the woman, and she allegedly became violent and kicked one of them.

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An elementary school teacher and his aide are both facing charges after a 9-year-old told the authorities that the instructor taped his head to a desk and left him there for approximately one hour.

According to reports, in October, a 9-year-old student at Lenox Elementary School in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, was in class when the teacher allegedly forced him to keep his head on his desk by putting masking tape around his head and shoulders. The 67-year-old woman who works in the classroom as a teacher’s aide was present, but she reportedly did not get involved and left the youngster stuck to the desk.

The juvenile talked to the Pompton Lakes Police Department about the incident, and the information was shared with Special Victims Unit detectives. After investigating the situation, the authorities determined that the teacher should be arrested and charged. They also believed the class aide broke the law because she should have helped the boy.

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A Florida woman whose beliefs are represented by the Quaran is facing charges when she allegedly attacked one of her family members after she became insulted that they said a Christian prayer praising Jesus.

Late in the morning of December 11, a woman’s brother and his wife were visiting her home. The man wanted to spend time with his mother, who is staying with his sister while on hospice care. The man and his spouse decided to pray together, and his sister heard them mention Jesus. She reportedly became upset, especially after noticing the pair was holding a cross while praying. It was reported that the woman’s religious beliefs center around the Quaran, a religious text of Islam that does not involve believing in Jesus.

Things began with a verbal disagreement, but they intensified. After she asked them to leave, the man’s sister allegedly threw his and his wife’s belongings outside and smashed his cell phone on the ground. A physical altercation reportedly took place, and the authorities were notified. A deputy from the Indian River Sheriff’s Office went to the residence to assist a corporal who was already there.

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