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The mother of the teenager who became notorious when he was excused from jail time on DUI charges based on the defense that he suffers from affluenza has been incarcerated on allegations that she violated the conditions of her bond release when she allegedly yielded a positive result on a court-ordered drug test.

Ethan Couch, a teenager who had been drinking and driving in 2013 resulting in four fatalities, was pardoned from serving a 20-year prison sentence and instead sentenced to rehab and 10-years’ probation for the charges, when his attorney explained that Couch did not realize he was acting irresponsibly due to a wealthy upbringing resulting in his psychological disconnection from the norms of the status quo; a condition also known as “affluence.”

In December 2015, after his trial, a man who resembles Ethan Couch was seen in a short video clip posted on social media where he appeared to be consuming alcohol. This was in violation of Couch’s parole order that he not partake in drinking, driving or drug use for 10-years.

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A Wisconsin man has been arrested and federally charged for allegedly inserting metal and paper into sausages on the Johnsonville Sausage processing line.

Kiel, Wisconsin, resident Jonathan Tilman Lane was a contract worker from another company who was placed on a job assignment working as a part of the processing line making sausage at Johnsonville Sausage, LLC.

On March 25, Lane reported to his supervisor about finding a piece of paper inside of one of the sausages on the line. Three days later he approached the supervisor again and said that he had discovered a wire connector in a piece of sausage.

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A man has been suspected of making pornographic videos with a young child when authorities linked him to footage they discovered online, each bearing a copyright and an online screen name.

During an investigation in an attempt to locate people sharing child pornography online Interpol and the Department of Homeland Security’s Boston office and apprehended a suspect. During a search of his home they located a portable storage device and upon searching the contents they found 17 pictures of what appeared to be a man sexually engaged with a 2-year-old boy. Each image was marked with a copyright and an internet username. The images were additionally posted online.

Investigators contacted Cox Communications, an internet service provider, and were able to trace the location of the person listed as the owner of the usernames on the images.

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A mother who hosted a party at her house on Friday for her son’s graduation has been charged after an underage girl reported that she had been the victim of a sexual assault. The woman had additionally allegedly bought liquor for the guests and allowed marijuana use at the celebration.

Dana Fowler, the mother of a son who just graduated high school, threw a party at her house to commemorate the special occasion. Of the people in attendance, several of them were reportedly under the age of 21.

41-year-old Fowler allegedly purchased alcohol for the party, and she was said to allow the attendees to smoke marijuana.

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A passenger on board a Frontier Airlines flight was allegedly highly intoxicated when he began behaving in an obscene manner causing interference of the flight crew members. When the plane landed the suspect was taken into custody and he is now facing federal charges.

On the evening of Thursday, May 17, a Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to South Carolina departed, and while in the air the people in the cabin were allegedly exposed to a man who reportedly began acting in a disorderly manner to the extent that he prevented the flight staff from performing their regular duties.

45-year-old Michael Allen Haag was seated between two women that were also passengers on the flight. Around two hours after departing, Haag, who was consuming double vodka and tonics and acting as if he was very drunk, began talking to one of the women about how he was physically stimulated because he was going to visit a woman he knew. The woman reported that she felt very uncomfortable with the way Haag was behaving, and she felt that he was leering at her because she was wearing shorts and a tank top.

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A man who went to a Waffle House Restaurant in North Carolina is facing charges of resisting arrest after his arguing with the staff of the establishment resulted in a call to the police. A responding officer allegedly ended up choking and roughly handling the suspect which was caught on video and has opened an investigation into the event.

22-year-old Anthony Wall and his 16-year-old sister attended her high school prom together on Saturday. After the dance, they went to Waffle House Restaurant for something to eat.

Wall allegedly became upset for a reason that has not been disclosed and he began to argue with the staff members. The verbal fight escalated to the point that the authorities were notified and the incident was reported.

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A 46-year-old man was arrested for allegedly dropping his pants in a supermarket parking lot while he proceeded to kick trashcans and punch cars.

When Indian River County Sheriff’s Department deputies entered the parking lot of a Publix supermarket in a Vero Beach, Florida, on the evening of Thursday, April 19 they discovered a man, later identified as Wisconsin native Jonathan Boettcher, sweating heavily and acting erratically. Boettcher was allegedly screaming while his pants and underpants were pulled down, and he was reportedly waving his arms wildly.

Boettcher was approached and questioned by a deputy regarding the behavior he was allegedly displaying. He disclosed that he had only consumed one beer and smoked a portion of a marijuana cigarette in a homeless camp located in the back of the market. He further stated that he removed his pants because one of his friends had driven by and mooned him causing him to drop his drawers and respond in kind, and his perspiration was caused by the hot weather that he was unaccustomed to.

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A substitute teacher who was working in a high school classroom in Connecticut is facing charges for allegations that he encouraged students in the school to participate in “fight club” type activities.

Ryan Avery Fish, a 23-year-old substitute teacher, was working an assignment in a high school math class at Montville High School from August until October of 2017. During his time as their teacher Fish has been accused of allowing the teenagers at the school to form a fight club inside of his classroom. In a statement to the authorities, he said that he permitted the activity in order to “let them be teenagers and let them get their energy out.”

On December 14 one of the 15-year-old students in Fish’s class reported that he was experiencing emotional distress after unwillingly taking part in a fight where he was beaten up and had his belongings stolen by his fellow schoolmates. The DCF Juvenile Court Liaison in Waterford was notified and reported that the alleged victim would be receiving a mental health evaluation from a local hospital in order to assess his condition.

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A Williamson County deputy has been fired from his position and charged after accusations that he punched a 12-year-old girl in the face outside of a restaurant while he was intoxicated.

Near dinnertime at the Oakwood BBQ restaurant in Austin, Texas, deputy Jack Danford Jr., reportedly a regular patron at the establishment, showed up at the restaurant to meet with his daughter and her boyfriend who had not arrived yet. When walking through the door staff members informed him that they were closed and he would have to leave, but he was said to have refused their request.

42-year-old Danford made his way to one of the tables outside in the back of the restaurant and allegedly consumed a couple of beers while waiting for the pair to arrive. When they made it to the destination Danford reportedly told his daughter that he had spent the day drinking.

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An Arkansas man may be charged with possession of an unregistered select agent after federal authorities discovered two glass jars of liquid ricin in his home after he accidentally came in contact with the substance and called 911 for medical assistance.

Saline County resident Alexander Jordan is a 21-year-old man who lives in a home with his mother and stepfather.  Jordan was employed by the Jefferson Regional Medical Center and serves in the United States Army National Guard.

Jordan, though unhappy about the decision, had recently concluded with his superiors that it would be best if he was released from his position at the medical center. It was also disclosed that he is currently suffering from depression, and this diagnosis has led to his impending dismissal from the Guard.

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