Articles Tagged with shoot

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A Tennessee man with a purported case of road rage allegedly pretended he was a police officer and pointed a pistol at another driver.

On the evening of June 27, Clifford Polly Jr., 24, was reportedly driving a black Dodge Charger in the Nashville area. The man, who says he is employed in a security position with a local company, was dressed in a security guard uniform.

While traveling in the vehicle, Polly reportedly had a problem with the driver of another automobile on the road. The man allegedly developed road rage and reportedly decided to interact with the driver of the other car.

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A reportedly intoxicated woman allegedly soliciting lap dances to passersby was accused of offering police a public “grind,” and becoming violent with the paramedics.

28-year-old Olivia Taylor-Washek lives in St. Petersburg. She is currently reportedly entered into a competition to appear as the cover girl on Maxim magazine.

The Florida woman reportedly went out on the evening of April 24, and she headed to a local drinking establishment.

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The mother of a boy who was reportedly relentlessly bullied at school allegedly made a video issuing threats to warn the children involved in tormenting her child that she would harm them if they did not stop.

Gainesville resident Cirea Oliver is a 29-year-old mother with an 11-year-old son.

Recently, Oliver reported that her son has been the target of bullies at Gainesville Middle School where he attends. The concerned mother reportedly approached the school about the situation, but they did not appear to take care of the matter in a way that relieved Oliver’s son of the alleged harassment.

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A Florida man who shares the name of the iconic Samuel L. Jackson allegedly threatened to shoot an officer involved in his arrest after he was in a car wreck, presumably caused by his driving under the influence.

In the evening on October 11, the Palm Bay police were alerted about an accident involving more than one vehicle and resulting in injuries.

When they dispatched to the scene one of the drivers, identified as 43-year-old Samuel L. Jackson, allegedly appeared as if he had been drinking when the police spoke with him. They reported that the man, who is not related to the actor, had an alcohol odor emanating off of his person, and his eyes were rather reddened.

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During a two day period, a man from Michigan was accused of placing a number of phone calls to CNN headquarters and threatening to shoot the employees for reporting what he believes is fake news.

Between January 9 and 10 CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, reportedly received 22 phone calls, four of which containing threats against their station employees. The caller, later identified as 22-year-old Brandon Griesemer from Novi, Michigan, allegedly spoke of bringing firearms to the building and shooting staff members due to his belief that they are a source of fake news distribution. He also made derogatory comments against black and Jewish people.

One of the investigators employed by CNN traced the phone number of the calls and discovered that it belonged to Griesemer’s father. While recording a call that was placed to the number the investigator spoke with a man who said his name was Brandon. When the calls making threats to the station were compared to the recorded call by the investigator it was determined that the voice sounded very similar.

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In a recent story from the Orange County Register, the wife of Oceanside police chief Frank McCoy suffered a fit of depression in 2010 that stemmed from a domestic argument between her and her 17-year old son. Outraged that Mr. McCoy took the side of the son during the dispute, wife Brinda McCoy, 49, took the law into her own hands. She grabbed a gun and initiated a fierce standoff with police officers outside their Cypress home in Orange County, at one point firing several shots in the direction of officers before coming out her front door saying, “f——– shoot me,” disobeying officer’s orders for her to show her hands. She was quickly subdued by the SWAT team and arrested.

During the criminal trial, prosecutors contend that McCoy ignored the law by waving and pointing her husband’s service semiautomatic handgun at them and firing twice. McCoy denied seeing officers, or shooting at them. On June 18, 2012, Brinda McCoy was convicted of five counts of assault on police officers. Although she walked out of the courthouse on bail and in tears, she is lucky to be alive. Pointing or firing a handgun at police officers will result in police firing back with intent to kill. Similarly, disobeying police orders to show her hands increases tension in officers already on edge, knowing she was in possession of a weapon that she had already fired twice.

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