Articles Posted in Sexual Offenses

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Massage handThe owner and operator of a massage parlor in San Clemente has been charged with sexual battery in a case that involved at least six alleged victims spanning from June to October, 2014. He was released on $100,000 bail and has a hearing scheduled for January 12 in Harbor Justice Center.

The man, who is a licensed massage therapist, is accused of touching one of his employees and five clients for the purposes of sexual arousal, gratification, and abuse. At his arraignment, he was ordered by the judge to stop working as a massage therapist and not to enter any massage parlor during business hours.

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Kevin Reilly has served his prison sentences, has paid $6,000 to voluntarily be castrated, and spent more than 10 years in treatment at state mental hospitals. He claims he is no longer a threat to society.

Deputy District Attorney Michael Carroll said that Reilly was charged with molesting six girls between the ages of 4 to 8. He served three prison sentences and was incarcerated at a state mental hospital 14 years ago. Carroll added that “despite the castration, he still has sexual thoughts about prepubescent girls.”

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A Florida cop was arrested Monday for the alleged incident, that all started at a gas station. The deputy was speaking with a woman and learned that she reportedly did not have a valid driver’s license, was in possession of marijuana, and had prescription medication that did not belong to her. She was also on probation.

The woman allegedly offered money to the officer in exchange for him not arresting her, but he refused the bribe. Instead, he followed her back to her home, where the woman let him inside the home and offered oral sex. The officer was reported to say that he had never done anything like that before, but let it happen. When he left, he told her not to tell anybody what happened.

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A Massachusetts man was arrested on September 19 for charges of possession of child pornography. After posting $30,000 bond and returning to his home, his upstairs neighbor allegedly entered his condo illegally through an unlocked door, walked into his bedroom where he was sleeping, and punched him in the face.

The attacker called 911 and not only reportedly admitted to the attack, but stated that she wanted to kill the man. She was described as “crying and visibly upset” with blood on her arm and hands. She was arrested and is charged with felony assault and battery, along with breaking and entering.

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A 60 year old Ohio resident has admitted in a deposition to having sex with up to 100 corpses of dead women in the Hamilton County morgue between 1976 and 1992.

The deposition is part of a civil lawsuit between families of three of the victims against Hamilton County, who said that the morgue director failed “recklessly and wantonly” to supervise the employee.

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woman-imageA woman was just sentenced to state prison for admitting to having sex with her adult friend’s 12-year old son. She had pled to two counts of lewd and lascivious battery on a child in a Florida court.

The incident allegedly began when the woman began contacting the boy on Facebook and through text messages. She had him a picture of herself in underwear and had arranged to meet the boy at a mall, where they instead had sex in the back seat of her car. They had met on at least two more occasions, in a secluded wooded area, also to have sex in her car.

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When visiting the library, it’s important not to disturb others. So when an undercover police officer entered the New Hampshire library to follow up on a tip that prostitution was occurring there, he was soon approached by a woman with pad and paper. The 20-year old woman began scribbling notes and passing them to the officer, one of which allegedly offered a sex act for $60.

The woman was arrested on charges of prostitution, and she was also wanted on drug charges. She was reportedly arrested in February for illegal possession of cocaine and heroin.

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browniesA 19-year old teenager from Texas is facing anywhere between 5 years to life in prison for baking and selling pot brownies. Authorities arrested the teen on April 15 after a search of his apartment revealed six bags of cookies, nine bags of brownies, a pound of marijuana and $1675 in cash.

Although his criminal defense attorney claims the offense should be classified as a misdemeanor, Texas laws are harsher in its punishment of crimes involving THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. The reason for the tough penalty is due to the boy using hash oil in making the brownies. Hash oil is classified differently from marijuana as a “Penalty 2” controlled substance. This allows authorities to use the weight of the entire batch of brownies (including sugar, flour, etc.) as the weight of the drug sold.

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In 2011, Laguna Hills became the 7th city in the county to pass a law banning sex offenders from city parks and private parks run by homeowners associations. This went a step further than the existing Orange County ban on sex offenders from parks, beaches, and harbors. The DA was optimistic that such a move would increase public safety, especially for children. They were also confident that the ban was constitutional.

The citywide ban instituted by Laguna Hills contained additional provisions, requiring the posting of signs at parks referencing the new law and establishing criteria for waivers. These provisions were meant to help defend the new ordinances in court. The ban of sex offenders from private, homeowners association-owned parks required the associations to specifically request that the law be enforced in their own parks. No associations had made such a request since the ban was instituted.

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A 23-year old Anaheim man allegedly logged onto Facebook using a profile of a male high school-age student. He would then use the account to persuade underage girls to send him sexually-explicit photos and videos, which he would then use as blackmail, threatening to forward those photos on to other high school students if the girl did not agree to send more. He is alleged to have contacted at least six girls in this manner.

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