Articles Tagged with concussion

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A factory worker in Kentucky was hospitalized after her coworker allegedly locked her in a room with scalding steam and harsh chemicals.

On March 5, a woman who works at the Land-O-Frost factory in Madisonville was with a male employee inside the room where the racks are machine washed and sanitized. When her 23-year-old coworker walked out, the woman found the door, which only opens from the outside, was locked. There was a second door, but pallets were in front of it blocking its access. She could not get out before the rack washing machine was turned on, and 200-degree steam, and chemicals, filled the space and scalded her. She soon passed out, but she hit the emergency shut-off switch before she fell on the ground. The woman, who had injuries on her face, in addition to her head, was taken to a local hospital. It was reported that she was still being treated for a concussion the day after the incident occurred.

The authorities were notified, and officers from the Madisonville Police Department met with the alleged victim to talk to her about the event. According to reports, she told them while she and the man were together in the rack washing room, he said they could trap each other inside. She told the police she heard him lock her in when he left, and she believed he purposely turned on the machine.

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A Missouri man could be facing up to 30 years in prison after allegedly severely injuring his wife’s preteen daughter by striking her in the head multiple times.

According to reports, early in the evening on November 22, the man was angry with the 12-year-old when he told her to clean her room, and she refused. Her mother tried to get her to straighten the mess, but she still would not budge. When the woman went downstairs and entered the kitchen, her husband told her if she couldn’t deal with the situation he would.

Her husband went back to her daughter’s room, and the woman went up shortly after. She allegedly saw the man hit her daughter in the side of the head three times, and the girl appeared to be seriously injured. The woman ordered her husband to keep his hands to himself, and he left the home. The girl reportedly began screaming, and her breath was labored. Her mother called 911, and a deputy from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office was sent to investigate the situation.

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A deputy chief of police in Arapahoe County was arrested, charged, and dismissed from his duties after allegedly striking his wife during an argument.

On September 3, the Empire Police Department’s now-former deputy chief of police and his wife went to a gathering. When they returned home, the man allegedly expressed anger about her interacting with one of the other partygoers, and they began to argue.

The situation escalated, and the man allegedly punched his wife in the head hard enough to render her unconscious for a few moments. He also allegedly constricted her breathing by placing his arm across her throat.

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A white couple from Brooklyn has been accused of a violent and racist attack of a black woman who works at a Connecticut hotel.

59-year-old Crystal Boyd (a.k.a. Crystal Caldwell) works at the front desk at the Quality Inn in Mystic.

On the morning of June 26, a couple that was staying in the hotel reportedly placed a call to the front desk about a problem regarding the water temperature.

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While a 12-year-old boy was dancing on a street corner, a passenger in a car driving by reportedly hopped out of the vehicle and struck the child.

Last Friday night, Fingerprint Urban Dance Studio instructor Micheal “Crank” Curry was recording and Facebook Live streaming a video of his students as he watched them take turns performing on a street corner in Cape Girardeau.

The video, which was viewed by many Facebook users, reportedly depicts one of the dancers while he was attacked by a stranger.

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A Canton, Michigan, 10-year-old boy has been accused of aggravated assault after another child was injured on the playground while they were playing ball together.

At the end of April, two boys were playing ball on the school campus at Ruth Eriksson Elementary School. The game they were taking part in was reportedly similar to dodgeball, but the ball is thrown into the air instead of aiming for the opponents.

While the boys tossed the ball, it accidentally hit one of them in the face causing him to sustain a black eye and bruising from the impact.

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A South Carolina man reportedly attacked officers during a drug arrest causing one of them serious injury and harming another. He is facing several charges for the assault.

Demetrius Lamont Jamison, a 26-year-old man who resides in Orangeburg, was walking home on Thursday around 4:30 p.m. He decided to walk through a wooded area near the Craven Lane Trailer Park to get to his destination.

At the time that Jamison was walking officers from the Orangeburg Department of Public Safety were in the process of investigating a report that there had been gunshots fired at the trailer park.

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