Articles Tagged with daughter

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The mother of a 3-year-old girl was incarcerated and charged after it was asserted that she withheld food, neglected at home and medically, and abused the child to the point that the youngster almost died.

24-year-old Celia M. Lara-Licon lives in Joplin, Missouri, and she is the mother of three children with different fathers.

According to news sources, Lara-Licon, who received physical custody of her 3-year-old a year and a half ago, is in the midst of working with the Missouri Department of Social Services regarding each of her children and their respective dads.

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A Washington state woman allegedly used the guise of being a baby photographer in a purported attempt to kidnap a child, flee, and raise it as her own.

A woman who had recently given birth to a baby girl reported that she saw an advertisement in a Facebook group offering free baby photos free of charge in exchange for the shoot helping a new photographer establish her portfolio.

The woman said that the photographer came to her house a total of three times, and took selfies with her baby while she was there.

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Dustin Adkins, 34, is a father who was convicted for an incident involving a gun he was showing someone that went off by accident. The bullet penetrated a wall, striking and killing a 13-year-old girl.

As a part of Adkins’ probation, the man has been prohibited from gun ownership.

On December 7, Adkins and 4 children, including his daughter, went into the forest with two rifles and two handguns and headed to a place people regularly use to shoot at targets.

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The mother of a girl in San Antonio suffered from skull fracturing when her daughter allegedly beat her in the head with a crucifix on Sunday.

On October 27, 25-year-old Christian Lydia Martinez had reportedly left home early in the day. During the time that she was out, Martinez allegedly imbibed some alcoholic beverages before going back to the residence later in the afternoon.

Martinez’s mother was home when her daughter came in, and the two allegedly started to argue with each other.

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When the authorities asserted that the pair worked together to steal almost $200,000 from county-based support programs, a Westminster woman and her daughter were accused of what was reported as the biggest case of housing fraud ever committed in Orange County.

The Orange County Housing Authority and the Orange County In Home Supportive Services program provide benefits for disabled members of the community who meet the criteria for their aid. A person who requires 285 or more hours of assistance in a 30-day period is considered a severe case, and they would be eligible for the maximum amount of benefits issued from In Home Support Services.

56-year-old Errica Madkins Mickens was reportedly awarded full assistance from the county programs when she allegedly presented herself as someone incapable of speaking or walking.

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While a father was issuing a firearm safety lesson to his 6-year-old daughter the girl was accidentally shot, which resulted in severe injuries and felony charges.

26-year-old Eldon Mcinville and his family reside in Glendale, Arizona, just outside of Phoenix.

Last Thursday, Mcinville was working on cleaning his new shotgun when he reportedly decided to use it as an opportunity to give his daughter a few tips about how to interact safely with firearms.

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An Oregon man whose van got stuck in the snow is facing felony charges after he called for assistance and was allegedly caught with a teenage girl who had gone missing from home.

37-year-old Christopher Thomas Knox reportedly recently rented a van and allegedly took a trip to an area near the capital city of Washington, where he picked up the 13-year-old daughter of a mother with whom he was acquainted.

The pair allegedly went on the road together in the rental vehicle and were driving near the coastal town of Knappa, Oregon, just under 200 miles from the girl’s residence. While navigating through a mountainous area, the van became stuck as a result of the heavy snow that accompanied the recent storm system moving through the region.

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A Kentucky mom is facing charges after allegations that she forced her teenage daughter to consume copious amounts of liquor as a way to teach her a lesson.

34-year-old Miranda Gayle Polston arrived home on March 10 and discovered that her 14-year-old daughter had been helping herself to alcoholic beverages inside of her Somerset residence.

In an attempt to instill the dangers of drinking liquor Polston was said to have demanded that the young girl would take place in consuming an allegedly large amount of spirits against her will.

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A housekeeper in Tennessee has been charged with theft for accusations that she has stolen items from two of the homes that she was hired to clean.

36-year-old Cynthia Ward is the proprietor of the Chapmansboro based cleaning service Cynthia’s Housekeeping.

In December 2017 Ward cleaned the condominium of a client who returned home to find an Ipad, some gift cards, cash, a designer label planner, and a camera missing from their residence. The owner notified the authorities and reported the $4,400 worth of absent possessions, many of which were baby shower gifts she had received.

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A Panama City, Florida, dad and his teenage daughter are facing incest charges after they were spotted engaging in sexual intercourse.

39-year-old Justin Robert Bunn and his 19-year-old daughter Taylor Marie Bunn share a dwelling in Panama City.

On February 18 Bunn and his daughter were seen by a neighbor while they were purportedly in their backyard “having sexual intercourse in a missionary position,” as recorded in the official affidavit. The neighbor then reported what they had allegedly witnessed to the police.

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