Articles Tagged with possession

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A South Carolina registered sex offender was arrested after a teenage girl said she spotted him peering under the stall to watch her while she was using the bathroom in a restaurant.

On September 20, a 15-year-old girl went into the ladies’ room at the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Duncan.

While the girl was using the facilities, she said she saw a man looking under the space between the stall she was using and the one next to it.

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Three suspects were apprehended for an alleged home invasion and drug crimes after paraphernalia reportedly dropped out of one of their pockets in front of officers taking a coffee break at a local coffee shop.

At approximately 3:00 am last Monday, officers with the Chico Police Department took a trip to the Donut Nook for coffee.

A vehicle containing a female driver and two passengers entered the parking lot of the establishment while the police were on the premises.

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A Perris resident has been taken into custody for allegations that he was carrying an illegal gun, in addition to a large amount of drugs and paraphernalia.

42-year-old Jamall Walters lives in Perris, California; a city about 70-miles outside Los Angeles.

Just before 9:00 pm on September 12, a man later identified as Walters was reportedly parked in a vehicle behind a row of businesses, and the car caught the eye of a passing police car.

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When a man driving with a juvenile passenger was pulled over in Glendale, the pair was arrested when the officer allegedly found them carrying an illegal weapon and drugs.

22-year-old Angelo Smith and an underage passenger were reportedly traveling in a vehicle through Glendale, California late in the evening on September 5.

An on-duty police sergeant spotted Smith’s car and reportedly noticed that the lighting had a malfunction which rendered it illegal for operating on the road.

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A man accused of trying to sell a 4-year-old boy at a gas station in Corbin was sentenced last week after pleading guilty to accusations.

Last Sunday, 29-year-old Harry Day was at the Speedy Mart gas station in Corbin, and a 4-year-old child was accompanying him.

Two of the patrons at the establishment encountered Day, and they were each offered the child if they agreed to pay the man $2,500.

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When the authorities found a vehicle stalled in traffic with the driver asleep behind the wheel, they allegedly discovered over $1,000 and a vial filled with what was purported to be cocaine.

Just after 2:00 am on July 27, the Lincoln Police Department was notified about a BMW that had reportedly come to a complete stop in the middle of the road that was blocking the other travelers from continuing down the street.

When the police arrived at the reported location they noted that a man was in the driver’s seat of the vehicle, and he appeared as if he was not in a state of consciousness.

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The mother of a teenage boy allegedly kneeled on his throat until he was unable to breathe as she reportedly threatened to end his life in the same manner as George Floyd’s.

37-year-old Keriann C. Smith lives in a Genoa City, Wisconsin apartment with her 14-year-old son, and a daughter whose age has not been disclosed at this time.

On June 20, Smith reportedly attacked her son and allegedly applied a substantial amount of pressure to the boy’s throat using her knee.

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When the authorities performed a traffic stop on a vehicle in Oklahoma City, they arrested the three occupants of the car when one pound of methamphetamine was allegedly discovered hidden inside the dashboard.

Last Wednesday, the Oklahoma City Sheriff’s Office Warrant Team reportedly spotted a vehicle driving in South Oklahoma City with three occupants, and the car allegedly had a problem with a tail light in addition to what appeared to be a falsified tag.

When the authorities pulled over the Ford, Taurus to discuss the situation, they identified the occupants of the vehicle as 44-year-old Juan Valtierra, 34-year-old Patrick Chance, and 27-year-old Brena Saunders.

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A man in Manhattan reportedly walked past a 2-year-old seated in a stroller being pushed by his nanny and allegedly proceeded to slice the child’s face, leaving a wound that required stitches.

On the morning of July 1, a 2-year-old boy was sitting in his stroller while he and his nanny were out for a walk.

As the two were on their excursion, a man reportedly advanced upon them.

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A man accused of discharging a firearm into the air, stealing a vehicle, and forcing the police on a high-speed chase, reportedly careened the car from a cliff edge into the ocean before being arrested.

Last Tuesday afternoon, the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Office received word that a man allegedly discharged a firearm into the sky before he stole a car and left its owner as he left the scene.

When deputies located the vehicle and tried to perform a traffic stop, the driver reportedly did not comply and began to increase his driving speed.

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