Articles Tagged with text

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A man from Southeastern Florida was arrested after being accused of sending text messages containing nude photos and video of his ex-girlfriend to her three minor children.

According to reports, a woman from Coral Springs who is the mother of three children had been dating a 38-year-old man for approximately three and a half years before they broke things off a few days before Christmas. During their time together, the woman sent multiple nude images to her boyfriend, and he reportedly kept the content after they broke up. Three days after the relationship ended, the man allegedly illegally used the material.

On December 23, the woman was at home with her children, and her son told her he received text messages containing nude pictures. One of her daughters overheard the exchange, and she let her mom know that she was also sent the images. Moments later, the woman heard multiple text notifications on her 6-year-old daughter’s phone. The child’s brother and sister got the device from the youngster before she could open the messages.

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A coach at a Central Florida high school was arrested on multiple charges after allegedly having sexual encounters with a 16-year-old student.

According to reports, last January, a 43-year-old man who worked as a supplemental coach at West Port High School in the Marion County Public Schools district reportedly started talking to a 16-year-old student. They allegedly spoke to each other on the phone and communicated through text messages. Their connection reportedly intensified, and the coach allegedly asked the young woman to be his Valentine. The pair allegedly continued to talk, and by the end of the summer, they reportedly made plans to hang out together.

Someone became suspicious of the situation and on January 17, they reported their concerns to a school resource officer. The authorities were notified, and the Ocala Police Department talked to the 16-year-old about what happened. She reportedly told them she and the coach kissed, in addition to having sexual relations in his car.

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The long-distance boyfriend of a woman in Texas reportedly stabbed her with a pair of scissors and forced her to write a suicide note before allegedly attempting to take her to Mexico against her will.

On March 29, a 21-year-old man who had been engaging in a long-distance relationship with a woman from College Station for over a year allegedly went to her residence without an invitation. The woman allowed him to come inside, and while he was there, he allegedly stabbed a pair of scissors into her neck. What was assumed to be a suicide note was reportedly left in her apartment, and the man allegedly made her leave with him in his vehicle. He reportedly planned to take her to Mexico.

According to reports, the alleged victim sent text messages to her father and told him she needed him to call the police. The authorities were notified, and the College Station Police Department began to investigate the situation. They used the woman’s cell phone signal to get a location, and officers found the pair at a local CVS store.

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A Northern California man who intended to text someone about his alleged intention to take part in criminal activity was arrested after he reportedly accidentally sent the message to the police and was found with drugs and guns.

On occasion, most of us have sent a text message to the wrong recipient, but for a Monterey man, the alleged faux pas led to his incarceration.

On August 17, the man reportedly tried to send a text message to one of his contacts. The alleged text reportedly said that the man was looking for the recipient’s help to square up to a group of men, but the reason for the alleged intended encounter was not included in the message. The texter also reportedly said that he had a firearm in his possession.

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“Teen Mom” TV star Ryan Edwards was arrested in Tennessee last week after allegedly violating the terms of a restraining order by contacting his soon-to-be ex-wife. 

35-year-old Ryan Edwards and his wife Mackenzie have been married since 2017, and they have two children together. They have regularly been in the public eye on the TV series “Teen Mom.” 

According to reports, the couple has had a tumultuous relationship with several instances of domestic violence of which Ryan was allegedly the aggressor. Ryan is also reported to have problems with substance abuse. 

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A couple who reportedly met a woman while they were visiting bars in Key West was accused of sexually taking advantage of their new friend when she was too drunk to take care of herself.

On January 24, 23-year-old Eleanora Kurban and her boyfriend 28-year-old Bryce Summerlin were reportedly on a vacation away from their Maryland residence and spending some time in Key West, Florida.

The pair reportedly decided to pay a visit to the Viva Saloon, where they were holding karaoke for the patrons for the evening’s entertainment.

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In September 2013, elementary school teacher Ethel Anderson was convicted of 9 sex crimes against a student. She is currently awaiting an upcoming hearing to appeal to the courts to have her sentence reduced.

Anderson, who was 31 at the time of the sentencing, was accused of carrying out a sexual relationship with a teenage boy who was 13-years-old at the time that the assaults were believed to have taken place.

It was reported that she was tutoring the teen outside of the classroom when the events took place and that they had exchanged hundreds of text messages, some of which were viewed as sexual in nature.

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39-year-old Ali Borji worked as a professor at the University of Central Florida when he dated a student for a short time and allegedly proceeded to stalk her long after their relationship ceased.

Borji, who was an instructor of computer science at UCF, connected with a woman through the use of the dating site eHarmony. After they met in person last June, Borji began to engage in a relationship with the woman, who was pursuing her Ph.D. at the university.

The woman decided to break off the coupling not long after they began dating, but Borji allegedly did not want to end it. She reportedly asked him to leave her alone but he would not comply, and he continued to pursue her and send her several text messages a day. In one 24-hour period, Borji allegedly sent 800 digital messages to the victim. He also expressed his desire to create an artificial intelligence replica of her.

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When a Garden Grove woman was pulled over for reckless driving on Saturday morning, police discovered she was carrying a rather large quantity of prescription narcotics in the vehicle.

Shauna Kester had been driving near the Festival of the Arts grounds in Laguna Beach when she was reportedly seen by an on-duty officer while operating the vehicle erratically. With the assistance of another patrolman in the vicinity Kester was pulled over.

The officers requested that Kester step out of the vehicle, and they began to question her. She disclosed that she had been smoking marijuana earlier in the evening. The officers then searched her car and located a cosmetic storage case containing hundreds of prescription pills comprised of over fifteen different kinds of medication.

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A mother with a 2-year-old child enrolled at a daycare operating out of a woman’s home in Charlotte, North Carolina, reported the caregiver to the authorities for alleged child abuse after finding a significant amount of bruising on her daughter.

Stella Mack provides childcare out of her home-based business called “Mom’s Timeout.” The mother who filed the complaint, who requested to remain anonymous, stated that she thought Mack was a reputable person that she could trust. She discovered bruises on her daughter which worsened the next day, and that is when she notified law enforcement.

The mother claimed, “This couldn’t have been something just like a small spanking because she was bruised for four days.” Mack allegedly sent text message communication to the mom stating that she had caused the bruising, and that she did not realize she had beaten the child that badly.

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