Articles Tagged with threat

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A woman who lost hundreds of dollars at a Florida casino is facing felony charges for allegedly calling the establishment and telling them she left an explosive device on the premises.

On May 11, 54-year-old Adele Belizaire was staying at the Seaside Inn and Suites.

During the evening, Belizaire was reportedly a patron at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Tampa.

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A man who was convicted for at least two prior DUI’s was arrested a third time for allegedly driving under the influence after he forced the authorities to chase him.

On the evening of July 11, a man was driving a jeep down a road in Sarasota Springs when he allegedly began erratically maneuvering the vehicle.

The driver reportedly zigzagged back and forth between the lanes, in addition to allegedly striking the center divider with his Jeep.

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A Florida man is facing many charges due to his reportedly criminal behavior toward the police after they responded to a situation where he allegedly threatened to kill his mother using a butter knife.

46-year-old Brent Smith and his mother reside together in DeLand, Florida.

Last Saturday evening, Smith allegedly returned home while intoxicated and became confrontational with his mom. During the dispute he allegedly pushed her around and threatened her life, stating that a butter knife was his weapon of choice as he reportedly held it in his hand.

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A Florida man who shares the name of the iconic Samuel L. Jackson allegedly threatened to shoot an officer involved in his arrest after he was in a car wreck, presumably caused by his driving under the influence.

In the evening on October 11, the Palm Bay police were alerted about an accident involving more than one vehicle and resulting in injuries.

When they dispatched to the scene one of the drivers, identified as 43-year-old Samuel L. Jackson, allegedly appeared as if he had been drinking when the police spoke with him. They reported that the man, who is not related to the actor, had an alcohol odor emanating off of his person, and his eyes were rather reddened.

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The mother of a 1-year-old is facing a slew of charges after the authorities allegedly discovered her baby alone in a running vehicle while the woman reportedly took shots of liquor in a nightclub.

On Sunday, just before 2:00 am, 26-year-old Samantha Grace Vaughan reportedly placed her daughter in an infant car seat and drove to a nightclub where her husband was waiting for a ride.

When Vaughan arrived at her destination, the TrackSide Night Club in Copper Cove, she reportedly left her sleeping daughter in the vehicle with the keys in the ignition and the engine running while she went inside the establishment.

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Video footage from outside a North Carolina mall depicting a group-altercation involving a 51-year-old man and several preteen girls has resulted in the man facing charges for assault of more than one of the young girls.

David Steven Bell and his family were at the Asheville Mall together when the man reportedly noticed a woman who appeared to be having trouble with a group of youths. Bell notified the employees of the store he was in to alert them of the situation, and they called security to the location.

After Bell allegedly helped the woman leave the mall the group of children reportedly formed a circle around him outside the building.

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During a two day period, a man from Michigan was accused of placing a number of phone calls to CNN headquarters and threatening to shoot the employees for reporting what he believes is fake news.

Between January 9 and 10 CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, reportedly received 22 phone calls, four of which containing threats against their station employees. The caller, later identified as 22-year-old Brandon Griesemer from Novi, Michigan, allegedly spoke of bringing firearms to the building and shooting staff members due to his belief that they are a source of fake news distribution. He also made derogatory comments against black and Jewish people.

One of the investigators employed by CNN traced the phone number of the calls and discovered that it belonged to Griesemer’s father. While recording a call that was placed to the number the investigator spoke with a man who said his name was Brandon. When the calls making threats to the station were compared to the recorded call by the investigator it was determined that the voice sounded very similar.

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With frequent school shootings in the news, some parents want to keep their kids safe by ensuring their school’s security is adequate. One father’s attempt at testing the school’s security in Celina, TX got him arrested.

Ron Miller allegedly walked up to a greeter at his child’s school and said, “I am a gunman. My target is inside of the building. I’m going in the building. You stop me.” At that point, he supposedly entered the school building, unchallenged, and began pointing at people. With each person he pointed to, he allegedly said, “You’re dead.” After reportedly pointing at a few people in this manner, he left.

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David Letterman can sleep better tonight. Joe Halderman, the man accused of extorting Letterman for $2 million, has plead guilty. Halderman was accused of extortion after demanding $2 million from the late-night star, lest he divulge his various affairs with co-workers. Halderman’s criminal defense lawyers worked out a deal which requires that he plead guilty to felony second-degree grand larceny, spend 6 months in jail, complete 1000 hours of community service and complete 5 years of probation. Though they minimized the jail time, Halderman’s criminal lawyers could do nothing about the 27-year career at CBS that Halderman flushed down the drain with his threats.

Extortion is a curious animal. Blogs and reader comments expressing sympathy for Letterman and wanting a stiffer penalty for Halderman abound. Does extortion mitigate an extra-marital affair? Would we have felt sorry for Tiger Woods if someone threatened to expose his sordid soirees? And for the philosophically-inclined, here’s a question a friend once asked:

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