Articles Posted in Driving Offenses

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When the authorities found a vehicle stalled in traffic with the driver asleep behind the wheel, they allegedly discovered over $1,000 and a vial filled with what was purported to be cocaine.

Just after 2:00 am on July 27, the Lincoln Police Department was notified about a BMW that had reportedly come to a complete stop in the middle of the road that was blocking the other travelers from continuing down the street.

When the police arrived at the reported location they noted that a man was in the driver’s seat of the vehicle, and he appeared as if he was not in a state of consciousness.

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A man has been charged with multiple felonies after he was accused of driving his SUV into a large group of people while they were holding a rally in support of Blue Lives Matter.

On the afternoon of July 25 in Eaton, Ohio, many people came together on the grass in a local park to advocate for Blue Lives Matter.

As the protestors held their signs and showed their support, a maroon SUV allegedly left the street and drove through the park, reportedly heading directly at the pedestrians in a purported attempt to run them over.

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A 12-year-old from Delaware allegedly swiped a truck parked in front of a store and caused two collisions before forcing the authorities to run after him when they tried to intervene.

On July 18, a 41-year-old man parked his Ford Ranger in New Castle Wawa market’s lot without locking the doors or turning off the ignition while he ran inside for a moment.

When the man came out of the establishment he said he saw a juvenile in the driver’s seat of his vehicle, and the youngster took off in the truck before he could stop him.

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A man who was convicted for at least two prior DUI’s was arrested a third time for allegedly driving under the influence after he forced the authorities to chase him.

On the evening of July 11, a man was driving a jeep down a road in Sarasota Springs when he allegedly began erratically maneuvering the vehicle.

The driver reportedly zigzagged back and forth between the lanes, in addition to allegedly striking the center divider with his Jeep.

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The police arrested two suspects after an alleged car thief forced them to chase him until he smashed into a vehicle which was also reportedly found to be stolen.

On the morning of July 5, the Newberg-Dundee Police Department received notification from the owner of a Toyota Land Cruiser who stated that their vehicle was missing.

When they began to look for the vehicle reported as stolen, the authorities saw someone driving a Land Cruiser fitting the given description and attempted a traffic stop.

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A man in Stockton was allegedly driving under the influence when he reportedly sparked many fires and two accidents, before leading the police on a high-speed chase for more than 5-miles.

On the afternoon of July 5, a pickup truck was seen traveling down the highway in Stockton, California. The vehicle was reportedly lacking the front passenger side wheel, but that did not hinder the driver from driving the truck on the road.

When an officer saw the truck he reportedly tried to pull over the driver, but the man behind the wheel allegedly ignored it and continued down a different road.

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A man accused of discharging a firearm into the air, stealing a vehicle, and forcing the police on a high-speed chase, reportedly careened the car from a cliff edge into the ocean before being arrested.

Last Tuesday afternoon, the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Office received word that a man allegedly discharged a firearm into the sky before he stole a car and left its owner as he left the scene.

When deputies located the vehicle and tried to perform a traffic stop, the driver reportedly did not comply and began to increase his driving speed.

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A Utah man accused of driving under the influence allegedly attempted to bribe the arresting officer with $50,000 to escape legal penalties.

28-year-old Jacquez Garfield Wright reportedly interacted with the Cedar City police while they were checking into claims of a possible accident in the location that he was driving.

While talking with Wright, an officer reported that the man was unsteady on his feet, smelled like liquor, and spoke in a manner that gave him the impression he had been consuming enough alcohol to inhibit him.

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While a semi-truck carrying wine was moving down the highway, a man in his underpants allegedly jumped on board and shimmied underneath where he reportedly opened a valve and began drinking the vino as it spilled out.

On May 5, a Cherokee Freight Lines trucker carrying a sizeable tank of red wine was making his way down Highway 99 near Modesto, California when a vehicle pulled in front of him with its emergency flashers turned on, and the driver flagged him down to get him to stop.

The driver thought there might be something wrong with his truck, so he came to a halt on the shoulder of the road in an attempt to find out what was going on.

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A Florida woman was taken into custody after she was accused of putting plastic Easter eggs filled with pornography and random items inside mailboxes at residences all over the county.

On April 5, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office reported that they started receiving complaints from many people who said they had found a plastic Easter egg filled with lewd images in their mailboxes.

Three nights later, the authorities said that calls resumed from disturbed residents in a different area with the same claims of finding toy plastic eggs filled with sexually explicit content in their mailboxes. Some of the callers additionally reported that they identified the person driving around distributing the allegedly offensive items as female.

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