Articles Posted in Dui

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A 24-year old woman, Vrenda Moreno, was allegedly driving north on South Central Avenue in Los Angeles early Thursday morning when she claims another car cut her off. She crashed into the side of an apartment where a 5-year old boy was sleeping with two other children and his parents. The woman’s car is said to have went through the apartment wall, pinning the father and the boy underneath the wreckage and injuring two other people in the home.

Los Angeles firefighters worked diligently to free the boy and his father from under the car and mounds of debris, according to Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Brian Humphrey. The boy and his father were freed from the debris and taken to a Southern California hospital where the boy later died.

Investigators claim that the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol or driving while intoxicated. She was taken into custody and faces an arraignment this week.

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Моst реорlе hоре never to be charged with a criminal offense in their lifetime, but thousands of Orange County residents are so charged every year. Fоrtunаtеlу, оur јudісіаl brаnсh hаs а рrеsumрtіоn оf іnnосеnсе untіl рrоvеn guіltу, аnd thіs mеаns thаt аnуоnе сhаrgеd wіth а сrіmе, whеthеr іt bе DUІ оr mаnslаughtеr, hаs thе rіght tо а strоng dеfеnsе. Fоr thе bеst dеfеnsе, thоugh, іt’s nесеssаrу tо fіnd а gооd experienced criminal defense аttоrnеу. When choosing a criminal defense lawyer, be sure to look for the following:

  1. Еduсаtіоn: Тhеrе аrе оvеr 200 lаw sсhооls іn Аmеrіса аррrоvеd bу thе Аmеrісаn Ваr Аssосіаtіоn, but thеу’rе dеfіnіtеlу nоt аll еquаl. In California and Orange County even, there are countless unaccredited law schools. Іnquіrіng аbоut аn аttоrnеу’s еduсаtіоn іsn’t аn аffrоnt tо а lаwуеr. Staycie R. Sena went to Stanford Law School, which is uniformly considered the best law school in California and often ties in ranking for the best law school in the world.

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The Orange County Sheriff’s Department is warning residents of Orange County to plan ahead for Labor Day festivities that involve alcohol. The agency will be deploying multiple DUI checkpoints throughout the area with the intention of arresting anybody who is driving a vehicle who is under the influence of alcohol.

Officials recommend planning ahead to get a safe ride home at the end of the night. Such plans can include designating a sober driver, using Uber or a taxi service, or calling a sober friend or family member to give you a ride home. They also recommend taking car keys away from any individual who appears to be intoxicated so they are unable to drive.

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After being pulled over for expired tags, a 33 year old Florida woman was accused of drunk driving when police smelled whiskey on her breath.

When police pulled the woman over for having expired tags, they weren’t expecting what they found. There were 3 young children in the backseat, improperly restrained, and the driver was breast feeding a two month old baby. In addition, there was a full can of gasoline on the front passenger seat.

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Domestic violence calls to police often result in arrests, but when the suspect is a 500 pound man, the challenge is put upon police to even move, let alone make an arrest. That’s what happened when the man’s girlfriend called police and allegedly told the police that her boyfriend had slapped and spit on her.

Police arrived to find the man freshly showered, speaking with slurred speech, and naked. When informed he was under arrest, he allegedly sat down on the floor and told officers to try to move him. He also reportedly kicked an officer, according to police documents.

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blurryThe Orange County Sheriff’s Department has issued a bulletin that their task force will be in full effect on July 4 to combat the increased number of individuals potentially driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). The task force will be deploying deputies and officers to numerous checkpoints throughout Orange County in anticipation of people getting behind the wheel after having too many drinks. The CHP also plans on having additional officers in the field.

Planning ahead is always the best idea. If you are planning on drinking, always designate a sober driver. If you have been drinking and think you may be under the influence, always arrange for an alternate method of getting home. Likewise, if you see someone who is drunk and is attempting to get into their car, take away their keys and help them make other arrangements to getting where they are going safely. Calling a friend, family member, or a taxi is always a better choice than getting behind the wheel.

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camera rollUnder California Vehicle Code §12500, driving without a valid license can result in a citation. Lacking evidence of liability insurance is a violation of Vehicle Code §16028 and a first-time offense can result in a fine of between $100 and $200, plus penalty assessments.

With all of the cards we’re required to keep track of, sometimes we misplace our driver’s license. If your glove compartment is anything like mine, finding a credit card-sized evidence of liability insurance amid a disorganized mess of papers, manuals, sunglasses and loose change is going to be difficult. Add an impatient police officer standing next to your car, and you’re going to get nervous. This nervousness can be misconstrued by the police officer as you being under the influence of a drug and may result in a breath and/or blood test. Even if you are not under the influence, an arrest can often jeopardize your employment and any professional licenses you may hold.

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When a judge orders you not to drive, it’s a good idea to not immediately get behind the wheel as you’re leaving court.

At Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach, individuals charged with driving-related crimes such as DUI were brought before a judge who notified them that their licenses had been suspended. As such, they were no longer permitted to drive. As they were leaving, deputies followed them out of the courtroom to find out how they were getting home.

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The Orange County Sheriff’s Department is warning residents of Orange County to plan ahead for festivities tonight that involve alcohol. The agency will be deploying multiple DUI checkpoints throughout the area with the intention of arresting anybody who is driving a vehicle who is under the influence of alcohol.

Sheriff Sandra Hutchens recommends planning ahead to get a safe ride home at the end of the night. Such plans can include designating a sober driver, using a taxi service, or calling a sober friend or family member to give you a ride home. They also recommend taking car keys away from any individual who appears to be intoxicated so they are unable to drive.

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Kerry Kennedy, daughter of late senator Robert F. Kennedy, was acquitted of charges of driving while intoxicated (similar to California’s DUI charges) earlier this morning in a New York courtroom. Jurors spent just over an hour deliberating the facts before delivering their verdict.

Kennedy was found collapsed over the steering wheel of her vehicle after swerving and sideswiping a tractor-trailer on a New York interstate highway back in July, 2012.

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