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An Ashland woman was taken into custody after she was caught by the authorities while allegedly in the midst of relieving her bowels in front of an outdoor goods store, which she has been accused of doing on several occasions.

On October 30, the owner of Natick Outdoor Store said he spotted a pile of feces in his parking lot and dismissed it as a pre-Halloween gag.

Over time, the man reported that he continued to find heaps of human dung on his business property a minimum of nine times. His surveillance camera was said to have recorded footage of someone pulling into the lot and squatting before pulling away without cleaning up their mess.

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A Tampa woman with a young child in tow was accused of collecting items in Walmart in a purported effort to cause an explosion in the store.

On the evening of January 11, Emily Stallard and a child whose relation to her has not been made public visited Walmart in Tampa and reportedly spent over 60-minutes walking through the aisles of the store collecting items.

Stallard and the child caught the eye of a security guard working in the store, and he allegedly watched as they both grabbed and opened many items including packages of nails, ethanol, and matches.

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A man who was supposed to be wearing an ankle monitor, in addition to pants, was arrested when he allegedly took off the device and tried to get into the home of a couple by using their doggy door.

An 83-year-old man and his wife have shared their Fairfield, California home for over two decades.

On January 8, the homeowner went into his garage while his wife was inside the house. While looking out the window the woman reportedly saw a man in the yard, and he allegedly pulled down his pants and showed her his behind.

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A man facing felony extortion and other theft charges for an alleged incident involving a car dealership has been accused of trying to imitate a prosecuting attorney in an attempt to have his own case dismissed.

47-year-old Christian Eugene Mosco, listed in records as currently homeless, stays in the Daytona, Florida area.

In May 2019, Mosco allegedly tried to scam the owner of Jon Hall Chevrolet out of $50,000 and a new car under the guise that he had obtained customer records and personal information.

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Employees at McDonald’s alleged that a customer became so enraged when she was told the dipping sauces cost extra that she made threats and reportedly caused the workers to become fearful for their safety.

After 3:00 am on New Year’s Day, a Florida McDonald’s reportedly had a customer place an order for quite a bit of food at their drive-thru.

When the woman paid for the order she reportedly requested that the employee include one of each type of the dipping sauces they have in the bag with her items. The employee told her that each container could be purchased for 25 cents extra, and the woman allegedly became very displeased with the idea of forking out extra cash for the cups of condiments.

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A Florida man has been accused of trying to abduct a child from a mall arcade, in addition to reportedly attempting to enlist teenagers to sell marijuana for him.

A 10-year-old boy was hanging out at the arcade with nearly a dozen of his friends and an 18-year-old in the Viaport Mall. At one point during the excursion, the child reportedly walked toward the entryway to try to find his sister.

While the boy was searching for his sibling, a man, later identified as 27-year-old Tyler Houston Rathel, allegedly walked up to the child and made small talk asking if he would like to accompany him to the store.

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After his neighbors hailed the authorities purporting that he was using methamphetamine, a Florida man allegedly assaulted the responding deputies and bit a K9 officer on the ear.

Last weekend in High Springs, the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office began to receive reports from neighbors of a man who claimed that he was acting as if he had taken methamphetamine.

When deputies arrived at the man’s residence they reportedly discovered him holding a flashlight in his backyard making sounds that were assumed to be bird noises. He was allegedly completely nude other than a layer of mud covering his body, which was purported to have come from the creek where he was standing.

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A vehicle parked outside of an adult shop was reportedly stolen by a suspect who allegedly held the passenger who had his goat along for the trip at gunpoint as he drove through three states.

Early in the morning on New Year’s Day, a man, his passenger, and the passenger’s goat headed out to a local adult shop in Carthage, Missouri, in the driver’s truck.

The driver parked and entered the establishment while the passenger, who decided to take a snooze while waiting, and his goat remained in the vehicle.

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The grandmother of a man with a warrant was reportedly tazed three times with a stun gun when she tried to prevent law enforcement from entering her residence.

On the morning of December 24, deputies from the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office arrived at a home listed as the current address of a man who was reportedly in violation of the terms of his probation.

When they knocked on the door, the woman who answered was identified as the suspect’s grandmother, Barbara Pinkney, who was celebrating her 70th birthday.

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A few days before Christmas, a man in a small Connecticut town allegedly lit off fireworks and was charged for DUI when he reportedly tried to flee the scene.

On December 23, the East Lyme Police Department was notified of a possible situation involving fireworks coming from the back of the East Lyme High School.

Police dispatched to the location and reported that there were several cars in the vicinity when they arrived, but the vehicles quickly began to disperse. The officers pull over the departing drivers and questioned them about the reported explosions.

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