Articles Tagged with controlled substance

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Two people accused of child endangerment were indicted on enhanced charges handed down by a Kentucky grand jury after further consideration of the initial allegations.

On the evening of August 26, 31-year-old Stephanie Michelle Lynch reportedly left her children, ages 5 and 6, in her Pikeville residence under the care of 21-year-old Harley D. Tubbs.

The mother of the children reportedly stepped out for about 60-minutes while her youngsters remained with Tubbs.

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When a man driving with a juvenile passenger was pulled over in Glendale, the pair was arrested when the officer allegedly found them carrying an illegal weapon and drugs.

22-year-old Angelo Smith and an underage passenger were reportedly traveling in a vehicle through Glendale, California late in the evening on September 5.

An on-duty police sergeant spotted Smith’s car and reportedly noticed that the lighting had a malfunction which rendered it illegal for operating on the road.

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When the authorities found a vehicle stalled in traffic with the driver asleep behind the wheel, they allegedly discovered over $1,000 and a vial filled with what was purported to be cocaine.

Just after 2:00 am on July 27, the Lincoln Police Department was notified about a BMW that had reportedly come to a complete stop in the middle of the road that was blocking the other travelers from continuing down the street.

When the police arrived at the reported location they noted that a man was in the driver’s seat of the vehicle, and he appeared as if he was not in a state of consciousness.

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When a duo of alleged burglars entered a home with the belief that the people who lived there were not home, the suspects reportedly ran into them and proceeded to torment the dwellers while stealing their personal belongings.

On the afternoon of July 19, a family who lives together in a Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania home was allegedly intruded upon by a man and woman who came into their residence uninvited.

The alleged home invaders reportedly believed the residents would be at the DuBois Regional Airport when they allegedly infiltrated the premises but ended up face-to-face with the inhabitants.

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A convicted sex offender with more than 100 prior arrests was accused of assaulting a 92-year-old woman as she walked down the street in Manhattan.

On June 12, a woman identified as “Geraldine” was walking in Gramercy Park while pushing a cart when she reportedly encountered a stranger who shoved her.

The woman was reportedly knocked down, and when she hit the ground her head slammed into a fire hydrant.

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An Iowa woman walked into a police station and allegedly requested they check a substance identified as methamphetamine for her so she could see if it had been contaminated with the novel coronavirus.

Around 1:00 pm on April 5, officers at the Sioux City Police Department reported that a woman covered in sweat with the appearance and demeanor of someone under the influence of an illicit substance entered the building and walked up to them.

When they began to interact with the woman, identified as 53-year-old Sioux City resident Shawn Salmen, she allegedly asked the police if they would consider testing her drugs to be sure they were not tainted with COVID-19.

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When the authorities located a mother and her two missing children after they believed the family was being held captive by her father-in-law, the woman was charged for drug possession and for putting her children in harm’s way.

On November 11, the Pennsylvania Police Department received word that a woman and her one-and-two-year-old children may be in serious danger when they learned that the mother had tried to call 911 for help before her phone went dead.

The mother, identified as 31-year-old Alicia Brumbaugh, reportedly caused her family an extreme amount of worry for the safety of their loved ones when they found out about the situation.

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A pair from Clearwater, Florida, were arrested after they were pulled over for a traffic violation and allegedly found in possession of a kilo of meth inside a box of laundry detergent.

Around 2:30 pm on October 24, a Florida man and his female passenger were in a vehicle traveling down Interstate 10 when they were pulled over by Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office deputies for a possible violation of traffic laws.

When they approached the vehicle and made contact with the people inside, the deputies identified the driver as 35-year-old Ryan Davis from Clearwater.

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A woman riding as the passenger in a car that had been pulled over reportedly gave quite a bit of assistance to the authorities by offering them the information that she had drugs in her handbag.

Around 2:00 am on September 19, 59-year-old Jacqueline Hubbard from Pete Beach, Florida, was the passenger of a traveling car, allegedly riding without her seatbelt affixed when the driver of the vehicle was pulled over by a Largo Police Department officer.

When the officer approached the car and spoke with Hubbard, who had a purse hanging from her neck, she was allegedly asked if she was carrying any drugs. The woman was reported as immediately copping to having crack cocaine stored in what she referred to as her “felony purse,” according to the affidavit.

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While a woman was in the back of a police car en route to jail and in handcuffs, she allegedly removed a bag of white powder from her vagina and snorted some of the contents off the seat next to her.

On Friday night, 28-year-old Kathryn Ahlers, her 17-month-old son, and her boyfriend were reportedly taking an approximately 80-mile trip.

The Winchester Police Department received a call from someone that said they saw a motorist they believed was about to operate a vehicle, but they thought the driver might be intoxicated.

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