Articles Tagged with kicked

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When a woman at a school board meeting regarding school children wearing face coverings reportedly would not wear a face mask after being told that she must, she allegedly caused a ruckus leading to her arrest.

On November 10, the Pinellas County School Board held a meeting in Largo to discuss the wearing of face masks in all school buildings to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Many parents on both sides of the issue were in attendance waiting to express their concerns.

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An unmasked Florida man is facing charges for allegedly assaulting an elderly man shopping at a gas station convenience store due to a disagreement over social distancing protocol.

On the evening of September 8, a 24-year-old man and a 70-year-old man were both frequenting the Citgo gas station convenience store.

The elderly man noticed that the younger shopper was not wearing a face covering, and he assessed the distance between the two was much closer than the 6-foot protocol meant to protect against the possible spread of COVID-19.

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A man who was pulled over by the police allegedly used his baby as a human shield in a purported attempt to hold off the officers.

Last Monday, the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office reported that officers were pursuing a suspect on Interstate 10 that they believed was involved in a situation relating to “a child custody/Baker Act issue.”

When law enforcement officers succeeded in getting the driver of the vehicle, identified as 31-year-old Zachary Taylor McKinney from Defuniak Springs, to obey their command to stop and interact with them they spotted an infant in the car with the man.

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A city councilwoman of a small town in Kansas is facing charges after an incident following her arrest where she has been accused of biting a police officer on his thumb so hard that it broke the bone.

Late in the morning on June 29, officers arrived at the home of Carol Fowler, a 48-year-old woman from Huron, Kansas, who works on the city council for the location that serves as home to 73 residents. She was being apprehended due to an outstanding warrant issued for failing to appear at a scheduled court date for charges she incurred in December.

Fowler allegedly was not compliant with the officers when they tried to arrest her, and she was reported as having kicked and scratched at them until a stun gun was eventually deployed in an attempt to subdue her. Neither of the deputies reported any significant injuries to them during the encounter, and she was taken to the Atchison county jail.

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After a string of burglaries beginning in March took place while the alleged victims were at funerals the authorities believe they have located and arrested the man responsible for the break-ins.

On March 7 a West Los Angeles resident was attending a funeral during the time that their home was being burglarized. Though the man who allegedly committed the offense was seen while in the act of stealing from the home they were unable to positively identify him.

A second burglary took place in Los Angeles on March 11 just after 2:00 p.m. while the occupants were also at a funeral. A man approached the home and rang the doorbell which activated a home security camera located inside of it. The suspect was caught on video while at the door and when no one answered he reportedly went to the back door of the home and tried to enter, but he was unable to get inside. He allegedly returned to the front of the house and kicked open the garage door which had an entrance to the residence, but the alarm system in place deterred him from pursuing the event further. The man, whose Mercedes was seen parked in the driveway of the home, pulled away but not before a detailed description of his automobile was uncovered.

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A Williamson County deputy has been fired from his position and charged after accusations that he punched a 12-year-old girl in the face outside of a restaurant while he was intoxicated.

Near dinnertime at the Oakwood BBQ restaurant in Austin, Texas, deputy Jack Danford Jr., reportedly a regular patron at the establishment, showed up at the restaurant to meet with his daughter and her boyfriend who had not arrived yet. When walking through the door staff members informed him that they were closed and he would have to leave, but he was said to have refused their request.

42-year-old Danford made his way to one of the tables outside in the back of the restaurant and allegedly consumed a couple of beers while waiting for the pair to arrive. When they made it to the destination Danford reportedly told his daughter that he had spent the day drinking.

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A patron of a Myrtle Beach gentleman’s club who authorities suspect was intoxicated was taken into custody on Monday for allegedly destroying a toilet in the establishment’s restroom, which caused structural and water damage.

On February 5, 20-year-old Pedro Alberto Bernar-Santiago was reportedly a customer at the Treasure Club, a strip club in South Carolina. At some point during his visit to the business, the man entered the restroom and kicked off the top of the toilet tank, breaking the structure that holds the plumbing and causing it to flood, according to a witness report.

The water overflowed out of the bathroom and gushed into the lobby of the speakeasy damaging the carpeting. Management estimated that the repairs to fix everything from the damages would cost a total of $4000.

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A man working as a caregiver for a young boy with special needs has been accused of child abuse after his mother viewed disturbing footage on her nanny cam.

The 6-year-old boy reportedly suffers from a genetic disorder called CHARGE syndrome, and while it has a recognizable pattern of symptoms they present differently in each child. Oftentimes babies are born with this affliction which causes problems such as eye and heart defects, ear and hearing obstacles, and emotional as well as developmental setbacks.

Due to his illness the boy’s hearing is highly diminished which causes him the inability to properly speak, and he requires a medical feeding tube in order to eat because he has trouble with breathing and swallowing.

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