
Articles Posted in criminal trespass


Elusive Suspect Caught and Arrested on 15 Charges

Early last week, a Colorado woman who reportedly dodged the police multiple times was arrested for over a dozen charges when they finally caught her. On January 27, Mesa County sheriff’s deputies spotted a vehicle that had escaped from them several times when they tried to pull them over. When…


Man Arrested a Second Time for Sex with Horses

A man with a prior criminal case in April regarding sexual activity with a horse was arrested again when he was allegedly recently found near two horses with his genitals exposed.  On April 28, the man was caught at a home in Melrose Township, where he was caught having sex…


Serial Peeping Tom Arrested in Savannah 

A Georgia man was jailed on many charges after a female neighbor reportedly caught him on video on more than one occasion while he allegedly peeped through a window at her residence.  It was reported that on March 27, a woman who lives just outside of Savannah, Georgia, was looking…


Child Escaped Sexual Assault in Public Bathroom

A 5-year-old child in a Utah recreation center bathroom crawled under the barrier and out of the stall he was in when a man allegedly entered and tried to sexually assault him. On June 1, a 5-year-old boy was spending time at the Lehi Legacy Center. The child needed to…


Neighbor Arrested for Brazen Naked Beer Theft

A woman allegedly illegally entered her neighbor’s residence in the nude and stole beer while exposing her body to teenagers in the home. 38-year-old Jessica Chase resides in Brockport, Pennsylvania. In the morning on April 7, Chase reportedly left her 3-year-old at home and walked to her neighbor’s residence. The…


Sticky-Fingered Home Intruder Took Used Sex Toys

A woman’s acquaintance allegedly broke into her home while she slept and stole money, credit cards, and her sex toys. Michael Holden is a 36-year-old resident of Tyrone, Pennsylvania. Holden has had several interactions with the authorities for multiple purported illegal acts. When speaking with the police, the man has…


Naked Suspect Lived Life in the Fast Lane Until Arrest

A man was taken into custody after allegedly sprinting down the shoulder of an Arizona interstate without clothing. 21-year-old John Kramer was recently released from incarceration. On April 9, Kramer reportedly made his way to Interstate 10 in Phoenix without a vehicle. Kramer was reportedly hanging onto the back of…


Burglar Tried to Bind Teen Victim With Bra

When a duo of alleged burglars entered a home with the belief that the people who lived there were not home, the suspects reportedly ran into them and proceeded to torment the dwellers while stealing their personal belongings. On the afternoon of July 19, a family who lives together in…


Man Pursuing Hell Hound Assaulted Neighbors in Their Home

  A man who allegedly said he had been taking methamphetamine for days reportedly followed what he called a “demon dog” and entered a neighbor’s home before choking the woman and her child. Last Sunday afternoon in Luzerne Township, Pennsylvania a woman and her 14-year-old son and young daughters were…


Suspect Proposed Parking Lot Brawl With Police Officers

When the patron of a restaurant was taken into custody after he allegedly became too intoxicated and started harassing the staff members the man reportedly wanted to fight the cops in the parking lot. On Wednesday night at the Somerset, Pennsylvania Ruby Tuesday restaurant, a man who was visiting the…

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