Articles Posted in Domestic Violence

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A father and his girlfriend have been accused of child abuse and kidnapping after it was discovered that the couple had allegedly been forcing the man’s son into a locked space underneath the staircase for hours at a time over a suspected period of two to three months.

30-year-old Alex Craig Shadlow, and his 39-year-old girlfriend, Traci Lynn Tyler, share a home in Ackley, Iowa, along with Shadlow’s 8-year-old son.

During the summer in 2017, Shadlow and Tyler were reported to the police when their neighbors saw that they had placed the child inside of a tent to sleep for the night in the backyard during a lightning storm with heavy rain. The officer who investigated the claim made by the neighbor reported the incident to the Iowa Department of Human Services.

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After a Wisconsin woman notified the police and told them that her husband had been holding her hostage and subjecting her to different forms of physical violence, the authorities arrested the suspect in a cornfield the following evening.

Bartholomew Baumann, a 29-year-old married man from Beloit, Wisconsin, reportedly held his wife captive on Tuesday night and has been accused of hitting her repeatedly in the face, choking her, and dragging her around by her hair before eventually leaving the home.

Baumann’s wife reported the alleged incident to the police the following day and it was determined that Baumann would be taken into custody for the accusations.

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The mother of a 2-year-old little girl in Wisconsin is being investigated on suspicion that she allowed her boyfriend and another man to sexually abuse the child while she was present.

25-year-old Azzie C. Watson was taken into custody on June 29 when she failed to appear in court as ordered regarding drug charges, and her kids were placed in a foster home when she was jailed.

While changing the 2-year-old girl’s diaper the foster parent became concerned by her emotional behavior and she, along with her 1-year-old brother, was taken to the Children’s Mercy Hospital for assessment.

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A 7-year-old boy was found by himself at Union Station on the 4th of July after his mother allegedly abandoned him for nearly 24 hours. The child was not verbally responsive when the authorities tried to talk with him which led them to believe he might be deaf or have a developmental disability.

Employees at Union Station reported that they saw a woman and the child sitting together while having a meal, and the boy came into the kitchen area of the café unattended. When they searched for the woman that was with him, who was later suspected to be his mother, they were not able to locate her so they alerted the authorities.

The boy was believed to have a developmental or medical problem because he was not verbally expressive when the officers tried to ask him questions about why he was alone, and the Los Angeles Police Department Transit Services Division released the youngster into the custody of the LA County Department of Children and Family Services. Members of the child’s family were located the following day and they are now providing care for him in his mother’s absence.

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39-year-old Ali Borji worked as a professor at the University of Central Florida when he dated a student for a short time and allegedly proceeded to stalk her long after their relationship ceased.

Borji, who was an instructor of computer science at UCF, connected with a woman through the use of the dating site eHarmony. After they met in person last June, Borji began to engage in a relationship with the woman, who was pursuing her Ph.D. at the university.

The woman decided to break off the coupling not long after they began dating, but Borji allegedly did not want to end it. She reportedly asked him to leave her alone but he would not comply, and he continued to pursue her and send her several text messages a day. In one 24-hour period, Borji allegedly sent 800 digital messages to the victim. He also expressed his desire to create an artificial intelligence replica of her.

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The authorities have reported that a Montana woman has been accused of breaking into her ex-boyfriend’s place of residence with a machete. The suspect then made the man have sexual intercourse with her while she kept the weapon in her hand.

On June 22, around 11:00 pm, a man who had been away from his home arrived at the residence to find that his ex-girlfriend had allegedly broken in.

The reported victim stated that he entered his bedroom and the woman, identified as 19-year-old Samantha Mears, was hidden behind the door with a machete in her hand.

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The mother and father of an 18-year-old girl are facing charges after allegations that they locked their daughter inside of a cage in an unsanitary environment.

Richmond residents Tito and Shannon Felix are the parents of an 18-year-old daughter who suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which is a life-long condition with a variety of symptoms linked to babies being exposed to alcohol in the womb. There is no way to reverse it due to damage to the brain and nervous system.

One of the symptoms that Tito and Shannon’s daughter displays is that she tends to get up in the night and roam around.

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On Saturday evening, a grandmother of two was arrested and accused of endangering her grandchildren when she took a drive with them placed in dog kennels in the back of her SUV for the trip.

Tennessee resident 62-year-old Leimome Cheeks is the grandmother of two children, ages 7 and 8. According to testimony given by some of her neighbors, she is known for being a good person and has often been seen outside playing with her grandchildren and dogs.

Cheeks reportedly took a road trip on the 95-degree evening going from Whitehaven to Collierville, with the children in tow. Cheeks had recently gotten two puppies and had their kennels in the rear of her vehicle. Her SUV was allegedly too full of items to allow the children to use the standard seats, so Cheeks asked them to ride in the kennels for the 30-minute trip instead.

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On the afternoon of May 29, a boy in foster care was allegedly kidnapped from his elementary school by his biological mother when she left the campus with him against a court order prohibiting her from doing so.

Dylan Kostenko, an 8-year-old student at Towne Elementary School in Carson, lives in foster care since he was removed from his mother’s custody in May 2017.

Dylan’s biological mother, 29-year-old Dariia Kostenko, was granted monitored visits with her son, but she does not have permission to retrieve him from school.

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On Friday afternoon, a woman who had allegedly been physically abused and was being held at gunpoint covertly handed a note to employees at her veterinarian’s office during a visit for her dog and asked them to notify the authorities.

Carolyn Reichle, and her boyfriend, 39-year-old Jeremy Floyd, share a home together in Volusia County. On Wednesday evening the couple was arguing over a fidelity accusation and Floyd reportedly assaulted Reichle throughout the night and used a loaded handgun to stop her from leaving the house. He allegedly held her under threat for two days while she recovered in bed from the beating.

28-year-old Reichle reasoned with Floyd on Friday, telling him that their dog was not well and needed to be taken to the veterinarian’s office for treatment, and he eventually gave in to her requests.

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